- Feb 18, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Target box, torsodial window, reduced CF thickness Uses v21f as basis for downstream section so no deflection at bellows.
Eoin Clerkin authored
No internal overlaps reported. Downstream pipe with no deflections. STS section as per latest design. Torsodial window in a target box.
Administrator authored
Administrator authored
In #2421 a crash was reported when the number of events requested to be transported is larger than the number of events in the input. Add protection against such a crash in the transport class. The number of events to be transported is set to the minimum number of events in any of the connected inputs.
- Feb 17, 2022
Administrator authored
To test if the installation is correct and most importatnt complete some test of the normal CI test suite are also executed after CbmRoot was installed. Adjust this tests to the latest changes in the test suite.
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Feb 16, 2022
Felix Weiglhofer authored
All transport macros now properly depend on run_cleanup. Remove duplicate entries for json config tests. Revert some changes which were introduced with 01e5e5ae but overwritten with 827c8050. Run tests for all defined setups. With commit e6c87d7a (MR !646) many new setups for APR21 and DEC21 were added. Unfortunately the generated file names weren't changed accordingly. This results in a situation that not all defined setups were executed. As example in the case of three setups with the names sis100_electron, sis100_electron_APR21 and sis100_electron_DEC21 only one setup was tested. This was either the first or the last defined setup. Now all defined setups are tested which increases the number of test in the run directory from 63 to 111.
- cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1BaseStationInfo.h: > a prototype of user-friendly interface to L1Station and other geometry inputs to L1Algo (experimental) > added setters and getters for L1Station data fields > added calculation of hidden L1Station properties > added Print() method - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Parameters.h: > add new compile time constants: kMaxNFieldApproxCoefficients, kStationBits, kThreadBits, kTripletBits, kMaxNstations, kMaxNthreads, kMaxNtriplets > add new runtime "constants": fMaxDoubletsPerSinglet, fMaxTripletPerDoublets > add Print() method - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx: > add L1Parameters::Print() call from L1Algo::Init() > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1TrackFitter.cxx: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Field.h: > magic constant '21' changed to L1Parameters::kMaxNFieldApproxCoefficients (compile time) - cmbroot/reco/L1/CbmL1.h: > add a L1Paramters class field (currently ptr to address in the heap) to CbmL1 > add getter for the L1Parameters class field to CbmL1 - cbmroot/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx: > add transfer of the L1Parameters data from CbmL1 to L1Algo > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/macro/run/run_reco.C: > add example of L1Algo runtime constants modification
L1Parameters.h: new file ; L1BaseStationInfo.h: getters and setters added; L1Station.h: minor modifications; L1Field.h: magic constant '21' changed to the constexpr parameter L1Parameters::kN_FS_COEFFS
- cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1BaseStationInfo.h: > a prototype of user-friendly interface to L1Station and other geometry inputs to L1Algo (experimental) > added setters and getters for L1Station data fields > added calculation of hidden L1Station properties > added Print() method - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Parameters.h: > add new compile time constants: kMaxNFieldApproxCoefficients, kStationBits, kThreadBits, kTripletBits, kMaxNstations, kMaxNthreads, kMaxNtriplets > add new runtime "constants": fMaxDoubletsPerSinglet, fMaxTripletPerDoublets > add Print() method - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx: > add L1Parameters::Print() call from L1Algo::Init() > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1TrackFitter.cxx: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Field.h: > magic constant '21' changed to L1Parameters::kMaxNFieldApproxCoefficients (compile time) - cmbroot/reco/L1/CbmL1.h: > add a L1Paramters class field (currently ptr to address in the heap) to CbmL1 > add getter for the L1Parameters class field to CbmL1 - cbmroot/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx: > add transfer of the L1Parameters data from CbmL1 to L1Algo > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/macro/run/run_reco.C: > add example of L1Algo runtime constants modification
L1Parameters.h: new file ; L1BaseStationInfo.h: getters and setters added; L1Station.h: minor modifications; L1Field.h: magic constant '21' changed to the constexpr parameter L1Parameters::kN_FS_COEFFS