- Sep 09, 2021
Flesnet generally uses C++17, but the fles_ipc classes can currently still be compiled as C++14. This is an attempt to keep the cbmroot CI working with GCC 4.9.2.
- Sep 08, 2021
Somehow (at least on some systems) the link order was such that the first directory was $SIMPATH/lib. This was even the case when the order was defined differently in the CMakeLists.txt. The problem isn't yet understood completely. This results in the problem that libVc.a was taken from $SIMPATH/lib were it is installed by ROOT/FairSoft. As long as the version provided with CbmRoot and the version provided by ROOT were the same the problem wasn't seen. When updating our internal Vc version this results in a creash when loading libryries due to a version mismatch between the library version and the header file version.
Administrator authored
Add tof digitization parameters for the mcbm 2021 beamtime. CbmSoft/cbmroot_parameter!45
- Sep 07, 2021
It was found that switching form FairSoft jun19p2 to nov20 or apr21 has a dramatic influence on the performance of the KFParticleFinder. The runtime for on of the tests increased by roughly a factor 16. https://redmine.cbm.gsi.de/issues/2220 After long investigations it turned out that the compilation flags for the package were inherited from the ROOT and the CbmRoot project which switched of the performance flag "-O" when using FairSoft nov20 or apr21. The merge request fixes the issue by defining the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE explicitely to be RelWithDebugInfo. The merge request also updates the VC version from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2. refs #2220
- Sep 01, 2021
Administrator authored
This update adds parameter files corresponding to the trd_v21a geometry for the mCBM beamtine in June 2021.
- Aug 18, 2021
David Emschermann authored
Update TRD v21a by Alexandru and complete mCBM 2021_07 setup, update external/geometry tag, refs #2215
- Aug 03, 2021
Administrator authored
The new version implements a workaround for CbmRoot. With the latest FairSoft versions on macosx it comes otherwise to runtime errors when JIT compiling a macro. The problem is a define statement in termios.h which defines B0 to be 0. This coonflicts with the parameter B0 used in the header file.
- Jul 30, 2021
Administrator authored
These compiler warnings are only seen with clang on macosx. Fix format in printf and Form functions. Comment unused parameters. Use correct C++ version when building the external flesnet project.
- Jul 20, 2021
Administrator authored
This version fixes a long standing problem of AnalysisTree with ROOT versions >= 6.20. The produced files couldn't be read anylonger. The problems is discussed in detail at https://redmine.cbm.gsi.de/issues/2108
- Jul 13, 2021
Administrator authored
Since problems with the JINR GitLab server a copy of the NicaFemto repository was installed on git.cbm.gsi.de. Use the NicaFemto code from there.
- Jun 30, 2021
Pascal Raisig authored
- Jun 23, 2021
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Update mTrd asic parameters for mcbm2021 setup - Add a separate file for the drifttime map of the 1D TRD modules
- Jun 21, 2021
Administrator authored
In the latest flesnet version a fix was added to avoid crashes due to a missing include statement. The error occors only with teh gcc8 compiler on Debian 8 and 10.
- Jun 18, 2021
Administrator authored
An external packages is only updated if there is a change in the commit hash of the external package. Unfortunately there was no change of the hash value in MR 323 but only a patch setp was added. The introduced patch is such not applied since no action is taken at all. This commit fixes the problem by changing the commit hash by one. The new commit only adds code which isn't compiled in our setup such is safe.
- Jun 17, 2021
[FLES IPC] In Multi-part subscriber, move the init out of the constructor to follow FairMQ states design - Temporary patch to fles IPC external files - Corresponding modifications in CbmMQTsaMultiSampler - Corresponding modifications in CbmMcbm2018Source
- May 27, 2021
Eoin Clerkin authored
Changes the default MVD geometry from "v20c_tr" to "v20a_tr" in the hadron and electron setup files to be compatiable with STS "v19a". This is documented in https://redmine.cbm.gsi.de/issues/2119 and discussed in SWM on 2021-05-20 and 2021-05-27.
- May 03, 2021
- Headers without source files in fles/mcbm2018 and core/data/raw - Fles IPC headers - CPP_ZMQ main header
- Apr 27, 2021
- Apr 26, 2021
- Apr 21, 2021
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
Valentina Akishina authored
Administrator authored
The commit add the geometry and parameter files for tof_v20b from the external parameter and geometry repositories. The commit as well changes the tof version in the json config file to tof_v20b. The geometry tof_v20b fixes an issue with tof_v20a and tof_v16e found on 18.04.21. The number of channels per module and some module types were incorrect. For consistency the existing geometry tof_v20a wasn't changed but a new fixed one tof_v20b was created. The macro used for the generation of the tof_v20 geometries was commited with 0a48b9fc. The complete disscusions about the new geometry are at computing/cbmroot!314 CbmSoft/cbmroot_geometry!83
- Apr 16, 2021
Update hashes for the geometry and parameter repositories.
- Apr 01, 2021
The current flesnet version contain all changes/patches which we did so far when compiling CbmRoot. The new flesnet version also needs un updated version of cppzmq. refs. #2068, #2069
- Mar 26, 2021
- Mar 25, 2021
Administrator authored
Remove check for ZeroMQ. ZeroMQ isn't needed any longer. Fix installation of externals when using Spack. Pass extra flags flags to NicaFemto configuration if needed. Patch ipc source code. Add missing include file. Cleanup .gitignore in externals. Fix linking of CbmGlobalTraking library. Add missing link directory. In normal installation Vc probably was found in the ROOT installation. With Spack ROOT is build without builtin Vc. Use correct syntax for function call. With the latest FairMQ version the old backward compatibility layer was removed. Use now the new syntax to change the state.
- Mar 19, 2021
Eoin Clerkin authored
Eoin Clerkin authored
Eoin Clerkin authored
Reverts the geometry repo back to official with updated tag.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Eoin Clerkin authored
Reverts to old MVD geometry.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Eoin Clerkin authored
Temporaily uses eclerkin's geometry and parameter repo for error reproduction.