- Aug 31, 2023
Administrator authored
The target is not available in newer FairMQ versions.
- Nov 18, 2022
Administrator authored
Use the same target names as provided by FairRoot with version v18.8. Add the new target FairRoot::Online which is a new library conatining the online related code which was previously part of the Base library. In case of older FairRoot versions the target is only an alias for the target FairRoot::Base such that the same dependencies already work with FairRoot v18.6 which is our current default version. Add the new target FairRoot::Online in all CMakeLists.txt where it is needed. The FindFairRoot macro is also used when compiling NicaFemto. Since there is a problem with the target definitions in NicaFemto the targets are not defined when compiling NicaFemto.
- Oct 26, 2022
Omveer Singh authored
CMakeList.txt files are modified according to modern CMake. generate_cbm_executable() macro is used to make executable. Imported targets of each package are used as dependencies.
- Sep 28, 2022
Administrator authored
Linking the MQ TSA binaries on Debian11 need an additional boost library as well as a reordering of the link libraries.
- Jul 27, 2022
Felix Weiglhofer authored
- Jun 10, 2022
Administrator authored
- fles_ipc -> external::fles_ipc - fles_logging -> external::fles_logging - IPC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY -> FLES_IPC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY
- May 04, 2022
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Mar 03, 2022
Administrator authored
Create MQ startup scripts to be installed already at the configuration stage and store the in the build tree. The difference between the scripts used in the build tree and the scripts finally installed are the hardcoded directory information inside. In the scripts to be used inside the build directory this links to the source and the build directories whereas it links to the installation directory in case of the scripts which are installed. Copy the scripts during installation to the correct directory. Install the MQ executables in the same directory structure as in the build directory.
- Jun 17, 2021
It was advised by the FariMQ expert to switch from a push-pull approach to a Rep-Req one. This should improve the balance of TS delivery when they have non uniform size/processing time and reduce the buffering in the Sample - Add new sampler class CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq using the reply model - Add example of a consummer device using the request model - Add new monitor classes for T0 and TOF using the request model
- Apr 01, 2021
Administrator authored
The class FairLogger is meanwhile only a wrapper around the Logger class, so use the Logger directly. This also helps to reduce many warnings when using the Eclipse IDE.
- Mar 26, 2021
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Dec 10, 2020
Administrator authored
Add support for C++17 Check for c++ version c++11 or above (11, 14 or 17). With this change it becomes possible to compile CbmRoot with C++17. Add missing library. The FairMQ state machine is now in an extra library which has to be added for linking when using FairSoft nov20. Test if the library exist and create the list of dependencies accordingly. Add missing include directory. VMC is not any longer included in ROOT but a standealone package, so the include directory has to be added such that the header files are found. Add gtest as an optional external package. With the latest version of FairSoft googletest was removed due to a recommendation of the gtest developers. Since gtest is no longer part of FairSoft we have to provide an own version which is compiled as external project. Add proper dependency to external gtest project This dependency is needed to compile the test only if the gtest library is already available. Fix compilation error with FairRoot v18.4.2 on macosx In FairRoot v18.4.2 some linker settings were removed from the CMake setup. This breaks the compilation of CbmRoot. Put back the needed seetings for the linker on macosx in our build system. Fix NicaFemto installation
- Jul 02, 2020
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
MQ: in TsaMultiSampler source class, add optional support for emission of a missed TS indices list and EOF command + prepare histos support
- Jun 19, 2020
Administrator authored
Remove the ecal directory and the directory with the ecal data classes. Adapt the build system accordingly. Closes #1756 @0.5h
- Jun 03, 2020
Administrator authored
This version is an exact copy of the last revision of the trunk branch of the old SVN repository of CbmRoor at https://subversion.gsi.de/cbmsoft/cbmroot/trunk The old SVN repository will still be available for read access.