- Mar 14, 2025
The most non ASCII characters were used in comments but some were also used for screen output. The most common non ASCII character was µ which was exchanged by mu or micro.
- Jul 06, 2023
Jan de Cuveland authored
Jan de Cuveland authored
- Jul 18, 2022
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Add BMon Unpack/Monitor device - Add possibility to request from the source the start time of the first TS
- May 06, 2022
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Add proper Bmon support to unpack + build digi events chain - Add proper Much support to unpack + build digi events chain - Add user parameter + flags to CbmDeviceUnpack to enable/disable the unpacking of each detector - Add proper handling of disabled detectors in MQ transfer ib both CbmDeviceUnpack and CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents - Add parameter to set "MaxNb" type selection in CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents - Synchronize unpackers configuration in CbmDeviceUnpack with the one in the current `macro/run/run_unpack_tsa.C` - Use fles::SubsystemIdentifier instead of hard coded values in CbmDeviceUnpack
- Mar 08, 2022
Alexandru Bercuci authored
Config class to align to the naming convention of Cbm and also decouple FEE from read-out design
- Dec 17, 2021
- In sim/steer, add CbmSetupStorable class in CbmSetup to convert back and forth from memory Instance to streamable object - Add support for CbmSetup in MQ parameter server device, with CbmSetupStorable output upon request - Change CbmSetup usage in MQ Unpack device from Disk access to parameter server request - Add printout of the received tag in MQ unpack for each detector system
- Switch Sampler-Unpackers connection from Push-Pull to Rep-Req! lower sample memory usage and better load-balancing performances (first ready first served)! - Use single channel for all histograms exchanges (objects but also configs)... to be cross-checked as some warnings - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, fix logic for emission of missing TS list when first missing is index 1 - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, add case of missing TS 0 to same logic (starting processing after beginning of a run) - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, fix the stop execution when reaching max TS nb condition
- Split the InitUnpacker method of the UnpackConfig template into - InitOutput - RegisterOutput (Framework bound, to be replaced by method in Task class CbmRecoUnpack) - SetAlgo - initParContainer, moved to the Task Class CbmRecoUnpack - InitAlgo - Move to the template version of these methods all blocks common to all derived config classes - Whenever necessary, overload these methods in the derived config classes (including the common parts, no base method call) - Bump Config classes version number - Adapt the Sts Unpack algo classes to initialize the monitor classes - Adapt the CbmRecoUnpack - Adapt the CbmUnpackDevice to use the standard Unpack Config classes (compiles with full functionality but untested)
- Sep 16, 2021
- Add Binning FW support to the Print method of the StsXyterMessage, enabled by default - Fix the duplicate digis filtering in the STS unpacker and make it flag controllable - Add an optional full time sorting to the Unpackers steering class - Related mCBM macros changes
- Jul 27, 2021
This commit adds the measurement of the cpu and wall time to the unpacking algo template/CbmRecoUnpack::unpack function. The values are printed add the end of the run and stored additionally in an output histogram.
- Jul 23, 2021
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Jul 22, 2021
Pascal Raisig authored
It was not checked if a Trd1D config exists before trying to get its main branch name. This caused a seg violation in case no Trd1D config was added. Now the safeties are adjusted to check for it. Includes a minor update of the naming scheme
Remove by hand added CbmTsEventHeader from CbmRecoUnpack. Instead, use the getter from the FairRun::Instance() to access the event header. Remark a fatal will be created if the wrong event header is set in the steering macro
Changed severity for large amount of LOG statements Changed default from info to debug for a larger amount of tof log messages. Otherwise, it makes info reading with all subsystems almost impossible.
For the current situation with the TRD1D and TRD2D configs trying to create and access in principle the same "TrdDigi" branch a small workaround in the CbmRecoUnpack was required. Such that the first Config does not loose the correct pointer when the seconds overwrites the branch in the FairRootManager.
Except for Psd the classes are empty dummies.
- Jul 13, 2021
Integration of TRD unpacking, with empty implementations for unpacker, monitor container and parameter container.