1) in-geometry: if the detector subsystem exists in geometry 2) is-active: if the detector subsystem provides hits and was not disabled manually (case of MVD in tb)
1) in-geometry: if the detector subsystem exists in geometry 2) is-active: if the detector subsystem provides hits and was not disabled manually (case of MVD in tb)
CaInitManager.h 16.57 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
/// \file CaInitManager.h
/// \brief Input data management class for the CA tracking algorithm (header)
/// \since 24.12.2021
/// \author Sergei Zharko <s.zharko@gsi.de>
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
#include "CaDefs.h"
#include "CaIteration.h"
#include "CaObjectInitController.h"
#include "CaParameters.h"
#include "CaSimd.h"
#include "CaStationInitializer.h"
#include "KfFieldRegion.h"
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <memory> //unique_ptr
#include <numeric>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \enum cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID
/// \brief Forward declaration of the tracking detectors scoped enumeration
/// Concrete realization of this enumeration must be determined in the concrete setup class (i.e. CbmL1)
enum class EDetectorID;
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \brief Hash function definition for EDetectorID
struct std::hash<cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID> {
int operator()(cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID t) const { return static_cast<int>(t); }
namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// \brief Underlying integer type for the DetectorID
using DetectorID_t = std::underlying_type_t<EDetectorID>;
/// \class cbm::algo::ca::InitManager
/// \brief A CA Parameters object initialization class
/// This class provides an interface to form a solid Parameters object, which is used by the CA algorithm and
/// the related routines. The initialization can be performed either from the detector-specific interfaces or by
/// reading the already prepared binary wile with extention ca.par TODO:.... continue
class InitManager {
/// \brief Init-controller key set
enum class EInitKey
// NOTE: Please, keep the numbers of the enumeration items in the existing order: it helps to debug the
// initialization with this->GetObjectInitController().ToString() method call (S.Zharko)
kFieldFunction, ///< 0) If magnetic field getter function is set
kTargetPos, ///< 1) If target position was defined
kPrimaryVertexField, ///< 2) If magnetic field value and region defined at primary vertex
kStationsInfo, ///< 3) If all the planned stations were added to the manager
kCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck, ///< 4) If the number of CA track finder is initialized
kCAIterations, ///< 5) If the CA track finder iterations were initialized
kSearchWindows, ///< 6) If the hit search windows were initialized
kGhostSuppression, ///< 7)
kRandomSeed, ///< 8) If the random seed is provided
kStationLayoutInitialized, ///< 9) If stations layout is initialized
kSetupInitialized, ///< 10) If KF-setup initialized
kEnd ///< 11) [technical] number of entries in the enumeration
using DetectorIDIntMap_t = std::unordered_map<EDetectorID, int>;
using DetectorIDSet_t = std::set<EDetectorID>;
using FieldFunction_t = std::function<void(const double (&xyz)[3], double (&B)[3])>;
using InitController_t = ObjectInitController<static_cast<int>(EInitKey::kEnd), EInitKey>;
template<typename T>
using DetectorIDArr_t = std::array<T, constants::size::MaxNdetectors>;
/// \brief Default constructor
InitManager() = default;
/// \brief Destructor
~InitManager() = default;
/// \brief Copy constructor is forbidden
InitManager(const InitManager& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Move constructor is forbidden
InitManager(InitManager&& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Copy assignment operator is forbidden
InitManager& operator=(const InitManager& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Move assignment operator is forbidden
InitManager& operator=(InitManager&& /*other*/) = delete;
/// \brief Adds a tracking station to the geometry
/// \note The added station stays uninitialized until the Parameters object is formed
void AddStation(const StationInitializer& station);
/// \brief Provides final checks of the parameters object
void CheckInit();
/// \brief Clears vector of CA track finder iterations
void ClearCAIterations();
/// \brief Clears vector of base setup
void ClearSetupInfo();
/// \brief Forms parameters container
/// \return Success flag: true - the container is formed, false - error while forming the container occured
bool FormParametersContainer();
/// \brief Gets name of the detector
/// \param detId Index of the detector
/// \return Name of the detector
const std::string& GetDetectorName(EDetectorID detId) const { return fvDetectorNames[static_cast<int>(detId)]; }
/// \brief Gets ghost suppression flag
int GetGhostSuppression() const { return fParameters.fGhostSuppression; }
/// \brief Gets a name of the main input configuration file
const std::string& GetInputConfigMain() const { return fsConfigInputMain; }
/// \brief Gets a name of the user input configuration file
const std::string& GetInputConfigUser() const { return fsConfigInputMain; }
/// \brief Gets a const reference to ca::ObjectInitController
const InitController_t& GetInitController() const { return fInitController; }
/// \brief Gets total number of active stations
int GetNstationsActive() const;
/// \brief Gets number of active stations for given detector ID
int GetNstationsActive(EDetectorID detectorID) const;
/// \brief Gets total number of stations, provided by setup geometry
int GetNstationsGeometry() const;
/// \brief Gets number of stations, provided by setup geometry for given detector ID
int GetNstationsGeometry(EDetectorID detectorID) const;
/// \brief Gets a name of the output configuration file
const std::string& GetOutputConfigName() const { return fConfigOutputName; }
/// \brief Gets a reference to the stations array
std::vector<StationInitializer>& GetStationInfo();
/// \brief Initializes station layout
/// This function is to be called after all the tracking stations (StationInitializer objects) are added to the
/// InitManager instance. After the initialization the vector of the tracking stations is sorted by z-positions
/// and is available for modifications.
void InitStationLayout();
/// \brief Calculates kf::FieldValue and L1FieldReference values for a selected step in z-axis from the target position
/// \param zStep step between nodal points
void InitTargetField(double zStep);
/// \brief Checks, if the detector is active
bool IsActive(EDetectorID detectorID) const { return GetNstationsActive(detectorID) != 0; }
/// \brief Checks, if the detector is present in the geometry
bool IsPresent(EDetectorID detectorID) const { return GetNstationsGeometry(detectorID) != 0; }
/// \brief Pushes an CA track finder iteration into a sequence of iteration using reference
void PushBackCAIteration(const Iteration& iteration);
/// \brief Pushes an CA track finder iteration into a sequence of iteration using raw pointer
void PushBackCAIteration(const Iteration* pIteration) { PushBackCAIteration(*pIteration); }
/// \brief Pushes an CA track finder iteration into a sequence of iteration using std::unique_ptr
void PushBackCAIteration(const std::unique_ptr<Iteration>& puIteration) { PushBackCAIteration(*puIteration); }
/// \brief Reads main and user parameters configs
void ReadInputConfigs();
/// \brief Reads geometry setup from file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void ReadGeometrySetup(const std::string& fileName);
/// \brief Reads parameters object from boost-serialized binary file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void ReadParametersObject(const std::string& fileName);
/// \brief Reads search windows from file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void ReadSearchWindows(const std::string& fileName);
/// \brief Sets a number of CA track finder iterations to provide initialization cross-check
// TODO: remove this method
void SetCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck(int nIterations);
/// \brief Sets base configuration file
/// \param mainConfig Path to main configuration file
/// \note The base configuraiton file is mandatory until the tracking configuration is initialized from
/// beforehand created Parameters file.
void SetConfigMain(const std::string& mainConfig) { fsConfigInputMain = mainConfig; }
/// \brief Sets user configuration file
/// \param userConfig Path to user configuration file
/// \note The user configuraiton file is optional
void SetConfigUser(const std::string& userConfig) { fsConfigInputUser = userConfig; }
/// \brief Sets detector names
/// \param container Container of the detector names
template<size_t Size>
void SetDetectorNames(const std::array<const char*, Size>& container)
static_assert(Size <= constants::size::MaxNdetectors,
"Please, be ensured that the constants::size::MaxNdetectors is not lower then the "
"EDetectorID::kEND value, provided by your setup");
std::copy(container.begin(), container.end(), fvDetectorNames.begin());
/// Sets a magnetic field function, which will be applied for all the stations
void SetFieldFunction(const FieldFunction_t& fieldFcn);
/// \brief Sets the flag to enable/disable the ghost suppression routine
void SetGhostSuppression(int ghostSuppression);
/// \brief Sets a name of the output configuration file
/// \param filename Name of the output CA parameters configuration
/// The output file is created from the fields, saved in the resulted Parameters object.
void SetOutputConfigName(const std::string& filename) { fConfigOutputName = filename; }
/// \brief Sets pseudo-random numbers generator seed
/// \param seed Seed value
/// \note The default seed is 1
void SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed);
/// \brief Sets target position
/// \param x Position X component [cm]
/// \param y Position Y component [cm]
/// \param z Position Z component [cm]
void SetTargetPosition(double x, double y, double z);
/// \brief Sets upper-bound cut on max number of doublets per one singlet
void SetMaxDoubletsPerSinglet(unsigned int value) { fParameters.fMaxDoubletsPerSinglet = value; }
/// \brief Sets upper-bound cut on max number of triplets per one doublet
void SetMaxTripletPerDoublets(unsigned int value) { fParameters.fMaxTripletPerDoublets = value; }
/// \brief Sets setup
/// \tparam Underlying type of the setup
template<typename DataT>
void SetGeometrySetup(const cbm::algo::kf::Setup<DataT>& setup)
if (!fInitController.GetFlag(EInitKey::kStationLayoutInitialized)) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ca::InitManager: setup cannot be set until the station layout is initialized";
throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
fParameters.fGeometrySetup = kf::Setup<fvec>(setup);
fParameters.fActiveSetup = fParameters.fGeometrySetup;
// A sequence of the last inactive materials will be anyway thrown away, so it is more effective to
// loop over stations downstream
for (int iStGeo = setup.GetNofLayers() - 1; iStGeo >= 0; --iStGeo) {
auto [detID, locID] = fParameters.GetStationIndexLocal(iStGeo);
int iStActive = fParameters.GetStationIndexActive(locID, detID);
if (iStActive < 0) {
fParameters.fActiveSetup.DisableLayer(detID, locID);
LOG(info) << "Geometry setup:" << fParameters.fGeometrySetup.ToString(1);
LOG(info) << "Active setup:" << fParameters.fActiveSetup.ToString(1);
fInitController.SetFlag(EInitKey::kSetupInitialized, true);
/// \brief Sets misalignment parameters in X direction
/// \param detectorId Index of the detector system
/// \param x Misalignment tolerance in x [cm]
/// \param y Misalignment tolerance in y [cm]
/// \param t Misalignment tolerance in t [ns]
void SetMisalignmentTolerance(EDetectorID detectorId, double x, double y, double t)
fParameters.fMisalignmentX[static_cast<int>(detectorId)] = x;
fParameters.fMisalignmentY[static_cast<int>(detectorId)] = y;
fParameters.fMisalignmentT[static_cast<int>(detectorId)] = t;
/// \brief Sets default fitter mass
/// \param mass Particle mass [GeV/c2]
void SetDefaultMass(double mass) { fParameters.fDefaultMass = mass; }
/// \brief Takes parameters object from the init-manager instance
/// \return A parameter object
Parameters<fvec>&& TakeParameters();
/// \brief Writes parameters object from boost-serialized binary file
/// \param fileName Name of input file
void WriteParametersObject(const std::string& fileName) const;
// ***************************
// ** Flags for development **
// ***************************
/// \brief Ignore hit search areas
void DevSetIgnoreHitSearchAreas(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsIgnoreHitSearchAreas = value; }
/// \brief Force use of the original field (not approximated)
void DevSetUseOfOriginalField(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsUseOfOriginalField = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match doublets using MC information
void DevSetIsMatchDoubletsViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsMatchDoubletsViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match triplets using Mc information
void DevSetIsMatchTripletsViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsMatchTripletsViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match triplets using Mc information
void DevSetIsExtendTracksViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsExtendTracksViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to match triplets using Mc information
void DevSetIsSuppressOverlapHitsViaMc(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsSuppressOverlapHitsViaMc = value; }
/// \brief Flag to use estimated hit search windows
/// \param true estimated search windows will be used in track finder
/// \param false the Kalman filter is be used in track finder
void DevSetIsParSearchWUsed(bool value = true) { fParameters.fDevIsParSearchWUsed = value; }
/// \brief Prints parameters log to string
/// \param verbose Verbosity level
std::string PrintParameters(int verbose = 1) const { return fParameters.ToString(verbose); }
/// \brief Checker for Iteration container initialization (sets EInitKey::kCAIterations)
/// \return true If all Iteration objects were initialized properly
void CheckCAIterationsInit();
/// \brief Checker for StationInitializer set initialization (sets EInitKey::kStationsInfo)
/// \return true If all StationInitializer objects were initialized properly. Similar effect can be achieved by
void CheckStationsInfoInit();
/// \brief Returns station layout into undefined condition
void ClearStationLayout();
InitController_t fInitController{}; ///< Initialization flags
DetectorIDArr_t<std::string> fvDetectorNames{}; ///< Names of the detectors
double fTargetZ{0.}; ///< Target position z component in double precision
std::vector<StationInitializer> fvStationInfo{}; ///< Vector of StationInitializer objects (active + inactive)
/// A function which returns magnetic field vector B in a radius-vector xyz
FieldFunction_t fFieldFunction{[](const double (&)[3], double (&)[3]) {}};
// NOTE: Stations of the detectors which are not assigned as active, are not included in the tracking!
// TODO: remove
int fCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck{-1}; ///< Number of iterations to be passed (must be used for cross-checks)
Parameters<fvec> fParameters{}; ///< CA parameters object
// TODO: With a separate KF-framework instance we need to figure it out, how to store and read the corresponding
// parameters (essential for the online reconstruction!!!)
std::string fsConfigInputMain = ""; ///< name for the input configuration file
std::string fsConfigInputUser = ""; ///< name for the input configuration file
std::string fConfigOutputName = ""; ///< name for the output configuration file
bool fbConfigIsRead = false; ///< Flag, if configuration file was read
bool fbGeometryConfigLock = false; ///< Lock geometry initialization
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca