- Sep 18, 2020
Add sorting of raw message output vector Add correct forwarding of eLink even/odd switch to algo Add SetIgnoreOverlaps setter to be in sync with other unpackers
- Sep 17, 2020
Add even/odd elink setter to unpacker task and algo Adjust mapping scheme for asic channels used to create paramter files
- Jul 10, 2020
Administrator authored
Apply code formatting to all source/header files and root macros.
- Jun 25, 2020
Interface now delievers a more suitable value on GetAddress() The test now performs a more meaningful check of the default and standard constructor Upgrade of the TrdParModDigi interface Digi x-y position is now directly accessible with the pad channel number Trd parameter creation Automatic writing of hardware id information Trd mcbm unpacker mainly histogram updates TrdParSet add GetModuleMap getter
- Jun 03, 2020
Administrator authored
This version is an exact copy of the last revision of the trunk branch of the old SVN repository of CbmRoor at https://subversion.gsi.de/cbmsoft/cbmroot/trunk The old SVN repository will still be available for read access.