// Int_t eLinkId(98); // default for undefined, since 98 should never be in use
// To write the channelAddresses to the parameter files we first of all need to now the number of columns, rows and channels. The numbering of the channels starts at the bottom left and goes along the short side (column) of the pads row by row, for a not rotated module. The rotation is also taken care about in the following code.
asic=newCbmTrdParSpadic(1000*moduleAddress+iAsic);// nTh-asic + module address define asicAddress counting for asic starts at bottom left and goes left to right row by row
// eLinkId = (iAsic % nAsicsPerCrob) * 2;
// cRobCounter = iAsic / nAsicsPerCrob;
// Figure out the number of asics per column, this is required since one spadic is connected to two rows
if((iAsicChannel%2!=0))channelAddress+=nModuleColumns;// one asic is split over two rows thus, with odd channels in the top row, thus there address is placed in the next column
if((iAsicChannel%2!=0))channelAddress+=nModuleColumns;// one asic is split over two rows with odd channels in the top row, thus there address is placed in the next column
channelAddress+=nThAsicColumn*nAsicChannels/2;// one asic is split over two rows
channelAddress+=nThAsicRow*nModuleColumns*2;// one asic is split over two rows
// if the module is rotated 180 or 270 degrees, the channel number counting has to be rotated as well, since the X-Y placing in CbmTrdParModDigi expect it in this way.
// asic->SetComponentId(moduleAddress * CbmTrdParAsic::kCriIdPosition + cRobId * CbmTrdParAsic::kCrobIdPosition + cRobCounter * CbmTrdParAsic::kCrobNrPosition + eLinkId * CbmTrdParAsic::kElinkIdPosition); // Remark: This is and will not be the correct componentId (CRI/AFCK Id). However, every asic connected to the nTh cRob of a given module will have the same componentId. Thus, this makes it easier to change to the correct Id for all relevant asics.
// Get the according hardware component Id for the real asic placed at the according position in the experiment