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unpack_tsa_mcbm_mfles.C 14.3 KiB
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/** @file MCBM DATA unpacking
 ** @author Florian Uhlig <>
 ** @date 20.06.2016
 ** Modified by P.-A. Loizeau
 ** @date 30.01.2019
 ** ROOT macro to read tsa files which have been produced with the new data transport
 ** Convert data into cbmroot format.
 ** Uses CbmMcbm2018Source as source task.
// In order to call later Finish, we make this global
FairRunOnline *run = NULL;

void unpack_tsa_mcbm_mfles( UInt_t uRunId = 0, UInt_t nrEvents=0, TString outDir="data", TString inDir="")
  if( uRunId < 353 )
    return kFALSE;

  TString srcDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");

  // --- Specify number of events to be produced.
  // --- -1 means run until the end of the input file.
  Int_t nEvents=-1;
  // --- Specify output file name (this is just an example)
  TString runId = TString::Format("%03u", uRunId);
  TString outFile = outDir + "/unp_mcbm_" + runId + ".root";
  TString parFile = outDir + "/unp_mcbm_params_" + runId + ".root";

  // --- Set log output levels

  // --- Define parameter files
  TList *parFileList = new TList();
  TString paramDir = srcDir + "/macro/beamtime/mcbm2020/";

  TString paramFileSts = paramDir + "mStsPar.par";
  TObjString* parStsFileName = new TObjString(paramFileSts);

  TString paramFileMuch = paramDir + "mMuchPar.par";
  TObjString* parMuchFileName = new TObjString(paramFileMuch);

  TString paramDirTrd = srcDir + "/parameters/trd/trd_v18q_mcbm";
  parFileList->Add(new TObjString(Form("%s.asic.par", paramDirTrd.Data())));

  TString paramFileTof = paramDir + "mTofPar.par";
  TObjString* parTofFileName = new TObjString(paramFileTof);

  TString paramFileRich = paramDir + "mRichPar.par";
  if (uRunId > 698) paramFileRich = paramDir + "mRichPar_70.par";
  TObjString* parRichFileName = new TObjString(paramFileRich);

  TString paramFilePsd = paramDir + "mPsdPar.par";
  TObjString* parPsdFileName = new TObjString(paramFilePsd);

  // --- Set debug level
  gDebug = 0;

  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> unpack_tsa: output file is " << outFile << std::endl;

  // ========================================================================
  // ========================================================================
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> unpack_tsa: Initialising..." << std::endl;

  CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskSts  * unpacker_sts  = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskSts();
  CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskMuch * unpacker_much = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskMuch();
  CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTrdR * unpacker_trdR = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTrdR();
  CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTof  * unpacker_tof  = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTof();
  CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich * unpacker_rich = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich();
  CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskPsd * unpacker_psd = new CbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskPsd();

  unpacker_sts ->SetMonitorMode();
  unpacker_tof ->SetMonitorMode();

  unpacker_sts ->SetIgnoreOverlapMs();
//  unpacker_trdR ->SetIgnoreOverlapMs(); /// Default is kTRUE
  unpacker_tof ->SetIgnoreOverlapMs();
  unpacker_psd ->SetIgnoreOverlapMs();

  unpacker_tof ->SetSeparateArrayT0();
  switch( uRunId )
     case 368:
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNs(  2519880 ); // Run 368
     case 159:
        /// General System offsets (= offsets between sub-systems)
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNs( -1750 ); // Run 159
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNs( -1750 ); // Run 159
        unpacker_tof ->SetTimeOffsetNs(   -50 ); // Run 159
        unpacker_rich->SetTimeOffsetNs( -1090 ); // Run 159

        /// ASIC specific offsets (= offsets inside sub-system)
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  0,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  1,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  2,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  3,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  4,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  5,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  6,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  7,       0.0  ); // Unused
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  8,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 0
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  9,      18.75 ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 1
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 10,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 2
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 11,      25.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 3
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 12,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 4
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 13,      56.25 ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 5
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 14,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 6
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 15,      37.5  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, N, Asic 7
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 16,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 0
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 17,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 1
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 18,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 2
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 19,      50.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 3
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 20,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 4
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 21,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 5
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 22,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 6
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 23,      25.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 1, P, Asic 7
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 24,      50.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 0
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 25,      25.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 1
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 26,      50.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 2
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 27,      31.25 ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 3
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 28,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 4
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 29,       6.25 ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 5
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 30,      50.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 6
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 31,      31.25 ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, N, Asic 7
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 32,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 0
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 33,      31.25 ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 1
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 34,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 2
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 35,      25.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 3
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 36,      25.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 4
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 37,      25.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 5
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 38,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 6
        unpacker_sts ->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 39,       0.0  ); // Run 160, Ladder 0, Module 0, P, Asic 7

        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  0,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 0 ASIC 0
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  1,     109.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 0 ASIC 1
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  2,     142.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 0 ASIC 2
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  3,      84.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 0 ASIC 3
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  4,     109.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 0 ASIC 4
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  5,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 0 ASIC 5
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  6, 2820915.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 1 ASIC 0
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  7, 2820905.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 1 ASIC 1
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  8, 2820785.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 1 ASIC 2
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(  9, 2820915.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 1 ASIC 3
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 10,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 1 ASIC 4
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 11, 2820805.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 1 ASIC 5
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 12,    8144.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 2 ASIC 0
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 13,    8133.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 2 ASIC 1
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 14,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 2 ASIC 2
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 15,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 2 ASIC 3
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 16,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 2 ASIC 4
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 17,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 2 ASIC 5
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 18,     136.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 3 ASIC 0
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 19,     119.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 3 ASIC 1
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 20,     141.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 3 ASIC 2
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 21,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 3 ASIC 3
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 22,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 3 ASIC 4
        unpacker_much->SetTimeOffsetNsAsic( 23,       0.0 ); // Run 159, DPB 3 ASIC 5

     } // 159
  } // switch( uRunId )

  // --- Source task
  CbmMcbm2018Source* source = new CbmMcbm2018Source();
  TString inFile = Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn02_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn04_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn05_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn06_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn08_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn10_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn11_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn12_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn13_0000.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn15_0000.tsa", uRunId );

  TString inFile = Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn02_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn04_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn05_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn06_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn08_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn10_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn11_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn12_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn13_*.tsa;", uRunId );
  inFile += Form( "/scratch/mcbm_data/mcbm_all/data/%3u_pn15_*.tsa", uRunId );

//  source->SetInputDir(inDir);
  source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_sts,  0x10, ECbmModuleId::kSts  );//STS xyter
  source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_much, 0x50, ECbmModuleId::kMuch );//MUCH xyter
  source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_trdR, 0x40, ECbmModuleId::kTrd);// Trd flibId (0x40) as at desy2019. kTrd defined in CbmDefs.h
  source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_tof,  0x60, ECbmModuleId::kTof  );//gDPB A & B & C
  source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_tof,  0x90, ECbmModuleId::kTof  );//gDPB T0 A & B
  /// Avoid unpacking runs with RICH calibration triggers in first file until unpacker fixed
  if( 358 != uRunId &&
      361 != uRunId &&
      367 != uRunId &&
      369 != uRunId )
    source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_rich, 0x30, ECbmModuleId::kRich );//RICH trb
  source->AddUnpacker(unpacker_psd,  0x80, ECbmModuleId::kPsd  );//PSD

  // --- Event header
  FairEventHeader* event = new CbmTbEvent();

  // --- RootFileSink
  // --- Open next outputfile after 4GB
  FairRootFileSink* sink = new FairRootFileSink(outFile);
//  sink->GetOutTree()->SetMaxTreeSize(4294967295LL);

  // --- Run
  run = new FairRunOnline(source);

  // -----   Runtime database   ---------------------------------------------
  FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = run->GetRuntimeDb();
  Bool_t kParameterMerged = kTRUE;
  FairParRootFileIo* parOut = new FairParRootFileIo(kParameterMerged);
  FairParAsciiFileIo* parIn = new FairParAsciiFileIo();
  parIn->open(parFileList, "in");


  // --- Start run
  TStopwatch timer;
  std::cout << ">>> unpack_tsa_mcbm: Starting run..." << std::endl;
  if ( 0 == nrEvents) {
    run->Run(nEvents, 0); // run until end of input file
  } else {
    run->Run(0, nrEvents); // process  N Events


  std::cout << "Processed " << std::dec << source->GetTsCount() << " timeslices" << std::endl;

  // --- End-of-run info
  Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime();
  Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime();
  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> unpack_tsa_mcbm: Macro finished successfully." << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> unpack_tsa_mcbm: Output file is " << outFile << std::endl;
  std::cout << ">>> unpack_tsa_mcbm: Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time "
	    << ctime << " s" << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  /// --- Screen output for automatic tests
  std::cout << " Test passed" << std::endl;
  std::cout << " All ok " << std::endl;