- Sep 20, 2021
Moved CbmStsDigitizeQa, CbmStsDigitizeQaReport and CbmStsFindTracksQa to qa subfolders. Updated CMakeLists.txt accordingly.
- Sep 16, 2021
- Add Binning FW support to the Print method of the StsXyterMessage, enabled by default - Fix the duplicate digis filtering in the STS unpacker and make it flag controllable - Add an optional full time sorting to the Unpackers steering class - Related mCBM macros changes
- Sep 08, 2021
Somehow (at least on some systems) the link order was such that the first directory was $SIMPATH/lib. This was even the case when the order was defined differently in the CMakeLists.txt. The problem isn't yet understood completely. This results in the problem that libVc.a was taken from $SIMPATH/lib were it is installed by ROOT/FairSoft. As long as the version provided with CbmRoot and the version provided by ROOT were the same the problem wasn't seen. When updating our internal Vc version this results in a creash when loading libryries due to a version mismatch between the library version and the header file version.
- Sep 06, 2021
Implemented monitoring for CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy. Minor fix to CbmStsUnpackConfig and some cleanup of CbmStsUnpackAlgo and CbmStsUnpackAlgoBase.
- Sep 01, 2021
remove sorting from Algo and add check if time is greater 0. Mkissing backplanes in data could produce negative values and bee an issue. These digis are not stored
- Aug 30, 2021
drslebedev authored
- Aug 05, 2021
Pascal Raisig authored
This adds a safeties that protect from unwanted behavior, in case of corrupted EOM messages.
- Jul 30, 2021
Administrator authored
These compiler warnings are only seen with clang on macosx. Fix format in printf and Form functions. Comment unused parameters. Use correct C++ version when building the external flesnet project.
- Jul 29, 2021
Dominik Smith authored
Dominik Smith authored
Dominik Smith authored
Set axes of several histograms to adaptive and adjusted ranges to account for new timing convention.
Dominik Smith authored
- Jul 27, 2021
In the data from mcbm2021 the possibility that the bits of the number of samples indicator in EOMs can be corrupted. This commit implements a safety which prevents the unpacker to go into a broken state in case of corrupted bits.
This commit adds the measurement of the cpu and wall time to the unpacking algo template/CbmRecoUnpack::unpack function. The values are printed add the end of the run and stored additionally in an output histogram.
- Jul 22, 2021
add mRICH time offset correction and add masking of DiRICH boards to avoid the error messages. Error messages tells you now, which board has a problem.
Fix some warnings for Psd Rich and Tof algorithms
Switch form info to log for debug log statement
Changed severity for large amount of LOG statements Changed default from info to debug for a larger amount of tof log messages. Otherwise, it makes info reading with all subsystems almost impossible.
The emplace_back call was missing, which lead to the fact that no digis could be found. - Remark time extraction to be checked by experts no correlations visible to the Trd in +- 1000 ns
Had to include some directorie in the L1 CmakeList
Unfortunately this does not yet produce digis, but I am note sure, if it is an parameter based issue or an issue with the implementation. I think it needs some experts from the Sts to have a look. Which is why I am pushing it.
Removed the setDerivedTsParameters empty function implementation. It is handled by the base template To be reimplemented when needed.
For the current situation with the TRD1D and TRD2D configs trying to create and access in principle the same "TrdDigi" branch a small workaround in the CbmRecoUnpack was required. Such that the first Config does not loose the correct pointer when the seconds overwrites the branch in the FairRootManager.
Seems to have similar issues with the includes like PSD.