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Introduction of

Sergei Zharko requested to merge s.zharko/cbmtools:Updates into master

Script runs official CbmRoot macros to produce simulation chain from UrQMD input to reconstruction.

User can specify input options such as collision system, energy, centrality, setup performance and events-handling type (eb/tb) in a section "User settings". All the data is saved to DATA_DIR directory, which is also should be specified.

Also, one can specify L1Algo condition name, so the QA L1_histo_*.root files for different modes will be saved into the condition-specific directory. Example:

$ ./ -s default

will create a directory ${DATA_DIR}/reco_default/, in which all the L1_histo*.root would be saved.

Processing of transportation and digitization parts by default is carried out only, if the corresponding output data files were not created before and saved to the ${DATA_DIR}. But one still can force digitization applying --rerun-digi option:

$ ./ -s snapshot_one --rerun-digi

Merge request reports
