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Dominik Smith requested to merge d.smith/cbm-pr-2020-algo:master into master

Introduced new jpg figures for QA section. @se.gorbunov: I ran the QA task and exported the canvas as jpg. Unfortunately the resolution is not so good. I read on the web that 72dpi is the standard setting for Root and it cannot be changed from TBrowser (300dpi would be standard publication quality). The proposed solution is to increase the size of the canvas directly in the source code. I tried this (by editing the .cxx file directly), but now Root always resizes the canvas to something smaller if it doesn't fit in the screen, and also messes up the aspect ratio in the process. This feature is allegedly controlled by an option in Root. I uncheck "auto resize canvas" in the option menu, but the problem still occurs. Maybe you have an idea?

Merge request reports