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// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----                       CbmStack header file                    -----
// -----           Created 10/08/04  by D. Bertini / V. Friese         -----
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

/** CbmStack.h
 *@author D.Bertini <>
 *@author V.Friese <>
 ** Version 14/06/07 by V. Friese
 ** This class handles the particle stack for the transport simulation.
 ** For the stack FILO functunality, it uses the STL stack. To store
 ** the tracks during transport, a TParticle arry is used. 
 ** At the end of the event, tracks satisfying the filter criteria
 ** are copied to a CbmMCTrack array, which is stored in the output.
 ** The filtering criteria for the output tracks are:
 ** - primary tracks are stored in any case.
 ** - secondary tracks are stored if they have a minimal number of
 **   points (sum of all detectors) and a minimal energy, or are the
 ** The storage of secondaries can be switched off.
 ** The storage of all mothers can be switched off. 
 ** By default, the minimal number of points is 1 and the energy cut is 0.

#ifndef CBMSTACK_H
#define CBMSTACK_H

#include "FairGenericStack.h"
#include <stack>

class TClonesArray;

class CbmStack : public FairGenericStack


  /** Default constructor
   *param size  Estimated track number
  CbmStack(Int_t size = 100);

  /** Destructor  **/
  virtual ~CbmStack();

  virtual void PushTrack(Int_t toBeDone, Int_t parentID, Int_t pdgCode,
			 Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz,
			 Double_t e, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, 
			 Double_t vz, Double_t time, Double_t polx, 
			 Double_t poly, Double_t polz, TMCProcess proc, 
			 Int_t& ntr, Double_t weight, Int_t is);
  /** Add a TParticle to the stack.
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
   *@param toBeDone  Flag for tracking
   *@param parentID  Index of mother particle
   *@param pdgCode   Particle type (PDG encoding)
   *@param px,py,pz  Momentum components at start vertex [GeV]
   *@param e         Total energy at start vertex [GeV]
   *@param vx,vy,vz  Coordinates of start vertex [cm]
   *@param time      Start time of track [s]
   *@param polx,poly,polz Polarisation vector
   *@param proc      Production mechanism (VMC encoding)
   *@param ntr       Track number (filled by the stack)
   *@param weight    Particle weight
   *@param is        Generation status code (whatever that means)
  virtual void PushTrack(Int_t toBeDone, Int_t parentID, Int_t pdgCode,
			 Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz,
			 Double_t e, Double_t vx, Double_t vy, 
			 Double_t vz, Double_t time, Double_t polx, 
			 Double_t poly, Double_t polz, TMCProcess proc, 
			 Int_t& ntr, Double_t weight, Int_t is,Int_t secondparentID);

  /** Get next particle for tracking from the stack.
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
   *@param  iTrack  index of popped track (return)
   *@return Pointer to the TParticle of the track
  virtual TParticle* PopNextTrack(Int_t& iTrack);

  /** Get primary particle by index for tracking from stack
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
   *@param  iPrim   index of primary particle
   *@return Pointer to the TParticle of the track
  virtual TParticle* PopPrimaryForTracking(Int_t iPrim); 

  /** Set the current track number 
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
   *@param iTrack  track number
  virtual void SetCurrentTrack(Int_t iTrack)   { fCurrentTrack     = iTrack; }

  /** Get total number of tracks 
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
  virtual Int_t GetNtrack() const { return fNParticles; }

  /** Get number of primary tracks
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
  virtual Int_t GetNprimary() const { return fNPrimaries; }

  /** Get the current track's particle
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
  virtual TParticle* GetCurrentTrack() const;

  /** Get the number of the current track
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
  virtual Int_t GetCurrentTrackNumber() const { return fCurrentTrack; }

  /** Get the track number of the parent of the current track
   ** Declared in TVirtualMCStack
  virtual Int_t GetCurrentParentTrackNumber() const;

  /** Add a TParticle to the fParticles array **/
  virtual void AddParticle(TParticle* part);

  /** Fill the MCTrack output array, applying filter criteria **/
  virtual void FillTrackArray();

  /** Update the track index in the MCTracks and MCPoints **/
  virtual void UpdateTrackIndex(TRefArray* detArray);

  /** Resets arrays and stack and deletes particles and tracks **/
  virtual void Reset();

  /** Register the MCTrack array to the Root Manager  **/
  virtual void Register();

  /** Output to screen 
   **@param iVerbose: 0=events summary, 1=track info
  virtual void Print(Option_t* = "") const;

  /** Modifiers  **/
  void StoreSecondaries(Bool_t choice = kTRUE) { fStoreSecondaries = choice; }
  void SetMinPoints(Int_t min)                 { fMinPoints        = min;    }
  void SetEnergyCut(Double_t eMin)             { fEnergyCut        = eMin;   }
  void StoreMothers(Bool_t choice = kTRUE)     { fStoreMothers     = choice; }

  /** @brief Set the stack filter class **/
  void SetFilter(std::unique_ptr<CbmStackFilter>& filter) {
    fFilter = std::move(filter);

  /** Increment number of points for the current track in a given detector
   *@param iDet  Detector unique identifier

  /** Increment number of points for an arbitrary track in a given detector
   *@param iDet    Detector unique identifier
   *@param iTrack  Track number
  void AddPoint(ECbmModuleId iDet, Int_t iTrack);

  /** Accessors **/
  TParticle* GetParticle(Int_t trackId) const;
  TClonesArray* GetListOfParticles() { return fParticles; }

  /** Swich on/off the tracking of a particle*/
  void DoTracking(Bool_t doTracking = kTRUE) { fdoTracking = doTracking; }
  /** STL stack (FILO) used to handle the TParticles for tracking **/
  std::stack<TParticle*>  fStack;           //!

  std::unique_ptr<CbmStackFilter> fFilter;  //! Stack filter class

  /** Array of TParticles (contains all TParticles put into or created
   ** by the transport 
  TClonesArray* fParticles;            //!

  /** Array of CbmMCTracks containg the tracks written to the output **/
  TClonesArray* fTracks;

  /** STL map from particle index to track index  **/
  std::map<Int_t, Int_t>            fIndexMap;        //!
  std::map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator  fIndexIter;       //!

  /** STL map from track index and detector ID to number of MCPoints **/
  std::map<std::pair<Int_t, Int_t>, Int_t> fPointsMap;     //!

  /** Some indizes and counters **/
  Int_t fCurrentTrack;  //! Index of current track
  Int_t fNPrimaries;    //! Number of primary particles
  Int_t fNParticles;    //! Number of entries in fParticles
  Int_t fNTracks;       //! Number of entries in fTracks
  Int_t fIndex;         //! Used for merging

  /** Variables defining the criteria for output selection **/
  Bool_t     fStoreSecondaries;
  Int_t      fMinPoints;
  Double32_t fEnergyCut;
  Bool_t     fStoreMothers;

  /** go to tracking  */
  Bool_t fdoTracking; //! global switch for geant propagation

  CbmStack(const CbmStack&);
  CbmStack& operator=(const CbmStack&);