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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 23, 2021
    • Eoin Clerkin's avatar
      adds missing much geometry · 57478a75
      Eoin Clerkin authored
      v21c which are v21a shifted to new coordinate system
      Bug fixes in setup files.
      PSD to psd_v20c in hadron
      shifted field to origin for lmvm and jpsi
      default pipe changed to v16e_1e
      adds info files for subsystems
    • Eoin Clerkin's avatar
      Add sts_v20a · f29546b4
      Eoin Clerkin authored
      Bug: sts_v20a was missing from repo. sts_v20a is the same as sts_v19a
      only that it is shifted by 40~cm downstream consistent with a change
      of the global coordinate system from old target position to the center
      of the magnet. Translation is not done via a seperate matrix included
      with the TFile, instead internal via a transaltion between the top
      and sts_v20a volumes.
  2. Dec 22, 2021
    • Eoin Clerkin's avatar
      New Setup Files · 0c2fcd8b
      Eoin Clerkin authored
      Electron, Hadron, JPSI and LMVM setups use new coordinate system, each dectector is written
      with reference to the centre of the magnet, instead of the old target position.
      Old setup_sis100_[electron,hadron,jpsi,hadron.C renamed to
      setup_sis100_[electron,hadron,jpsi,hadron]_APR21.C with the intenstion that they
      will be deleted in the near future.
      Candidate default geometries for the DEC21 SW release are available at setup_sis100_electron_DEC21.C
      and similarily for other setups.
      long_sts setup is removed from setup directory.
  3. Dec 19, 2021
    • Mehulkumar Shiroya's avatar
      STS beampipe binaries · 9a14b90c
      Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
      There are four sts beampipe can be used with different sts_version as described below
      v21a: Old beampipe, can only be used with sts geometry version: sts_v21[a].
      v21b: New beampipe. It has 40mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter (including cylindrical part) downstream side.
      This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry version: sts_v21[b, d, f, h].
      v21c: New beampipe. It has 55mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter(including cylindrical part) downstream side.
      This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry version: sts_v21[c].
      v21d: New beampipe. It has 40mm diameter upstream side and 104 diameter(including cylindrical part) downstream side.
      This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry having a target position at -44 cm. which means it can only be used with the
      sts geometry vesrion: sts_v21[e, g, i].
  4. Dec 17, 2021
    • Eoin Clerkin's avatar
      Shifted binaries as no macros available · 33a6000d
      Eoin Clerkin authored
      magnet_v21a is the shifted verison of v20a
      magnet_v21b is the shifted verison of v20b
      rich_v21a is the shifted verison of v17a_1e
      Shifted by 40cm consistent with the change of coordinates from
      old target position to centre of the magnet.
      Having seperate translation for pipe_v16c causes problems for inclusion
      of MVD. Translation via node shift instead.
    • Eoin Clerkin's avatar
      Adds shifted default geometry · 96b24ccd
      Eoin Clerkin authored
      As created by their respecitive macros.
  5. Nov 24, 2021
    • Mehulkumar Shiroya's avatar
      STS Geometry version v21[h-i] · d72ed827
      Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
      STS v21h: The geometry has the target positioned at -4 cm. It can be used with the beampipe 40mm diameter upstream side
                and 104mm diameter downstream side. It has a beampipe flange on the back-side of the STS wall.
                In addition, the geometry has a sensor thickness 320 um which is similar thickness of the real silicon sensors purchased from the Hamamatsu Photonics
                for the use in the real experiment.
                Furthermore,the mico-cable is defined as a single volume attached to the silicon sensors. Micro-cable thickness (320 um) is choosen and
                the material Manganese is taken based on the calculation done based on the current microcable design, thickness and its material.
                The material is defined as STS_Manganese in the media.geo file.
      STS v21i: The geometry has the target positioned at -44 cm from the center of the magnet. It can be used with the beampipe 40mm diameter upstream side
                and 104mm diameter downstream side. It doesn't have a beam-pipe flange on the back-side of the wall.
                In addition, the geometry has a sensor thickness 320 um which is similar thickness of the real silicon sensors purchased from the Hamamatsu >
                for the use in the real experiment.
                Furthermore,the mico-cable is defined as a single volume attached to the silicon sensors. Micro-cable thickness (320 um) is choosen and
                the material Manganese is taken based on the calculation done based on the current microcable design, thickness and its material.
                The material is defined as STS_Manganese in the media.geo file.
      updated binaries files and media.geo file with a material name STS_Cable_21
  6. Nov 19, 2021
    • Mehulkumar Shiroya's avatar
      Corrects STS v21e position error · 82d5b294
      Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
      Transformation between local sts origin (last station) and global origin (center of magnet) is now 59.5. Front face of sts to intended position of target (-44cm) is now 1.6 cm.
    • Mehulkumar Shiroya's avatar
      STS v21[f,g] geometries · 6d8968cc
      Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
      v21f: STS geometry is similar to the version v21b. The target position considered from -4 cm.
      The geometry can be used with the beampipe with diameter 40 mm upstream side and 104 mm downstream side.
      The geometry has beampipe flange on the back-side of the wall.
      v21g: STS geometry is similar to the version v21e. The target position is at -44 cm considering global origin
      from the center of magnet. The STS local coordinate is from the last station.
      In both geometry, the STS box and the beam pipe flange is made of Carbon fiber: The material has 70% carbon fiber with
      density 1.75 g/cm3 and epoxy resin (30%) with density 1.2 g/cm3. The material is defined in media.geo file as
  7. Nov 18, 2021
  8. Nov 17, 2021
  9. Nov 16, 2021
  10. Nov 15, 2021
  11. Nov 12, 2021
  12. Nov 11, 2021
  13. Nov 10, 2021
  14. Nov 05, 2021
  15. Oct 28, 2021
  16. Oct 27, 2021
  17. Oct 19, 2021
  18. Oct 18, 2021
  19. Oct 03, 2021
  20. Aug 18, 2021
  21. Aug 17, 2021
  22. Aug 11, 2021
    • Eoin Clerkin's avatar
      Static test for media.geo · 0cb3deda
      Eoin Clerkin authored
      Semi-automated static check for media.geo file.
      Compares atomic number against the atomic mass.
      Compares relative amounts for composite materials.
      Output human readable names to help spotting of name and component mismatches.
      Includes bash script which just runs awk with correct media.geo file and an ASCII table of elements.
      Test is added to the pipeline
  23. Jun 15, 2021
  24. May 27, 2021
  25. Apr 20, 2021
  26. Apr 16, 2021
    • Omveer_Singh's avatar
      Add new much geometries · 53574909
      Omveer_Singh authored and Florian Uhlig's avatar Florian Uhlig committed
      Implementation of realistic geometry, gas mixture and material budget for GEM chambers in jpsi setup.
      Add new media definitions.
  27. Mar 18, 2021
  28. Feb 11, 2021