- Apr 24, 2024
- Feb 05, 2024
Converges to CAD and its material budget. Updates to beampipe tunnel, entrance and exit windows, mirror supports and its structs and connectors, and rich container frame.
- Nov 06, 2023
Incremental improved geometry. Readout shape corrected for stations 1 and 2 now with steel supports. FR4 material for edge frame, readout and drift. Al support with hole for PCBs.
- Oct 05, 2023
Three FSD geometries which are consistent with current beampipes design following same energies.
- May 03, 2023
Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
This is Block STS variant v22d. Aditionally it has Cooling pipes, LV cables(Sumida cables), HV cables(Habia cables), Optical fibre cable box, Power cable box(LV and HV cables), cooling tubes(Perforated tubes) along to the central ladders.
- Nov 23, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
magnet_v22b has top volume redefined as an assembly. Magnet materials are defined with explicit tag. Materials are defined in gdml script to make correct radlen and intlen declaration in case future material budget maps need to be generated.
- Jul 07, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Polylatic acid used for STS near beampipe cut section for mCBM 2022.
- Jun 10, 2022
New media.geo used in the generation of beampipes v21e and v21f v21f has no deflection i.e. no magnetic field v21e has maximum deflection i.e. Gold 2AGeV Fixes the weight atomic number discrepancy New definition of the carbon fiber Inserts materials int the root binary Includes proper material definitions in both binaries Corrects the names of the top volumes in both binaries newly generated binaries to resolve radiation lenght discrepancy Resolves the naming convention discrepancy New binaries for downstream beampipe 21e (max deflection), 21f (no deflection), 21g (3.3AGeV), 21h (12AGeV) without internal overlaps Adds new versions of 21e and 21f files (forgoten in previous commit) Macros for beampipe geometry creation with VolumeAssembly used to avoid keep volumes Part of the which is supposed to be inside STS back wall is missing due to an unexplanable overlaps. The origin is not affected. create_bpipe_geometry_v21e.C - maximum deflection 2.5 deg create_bpipe_geometry_v21f.C - no magnetic field create_bpipe_geometry_v21g.C - Au+Au 3.3 AGeV/c, 50% MF create_bpipe_geometry_v21h.C - Au+Au 12 AGeV/c, 100% MF Removal of the binaries pipe_v21e.geo.root, pipe_v21f.geo.root,pipe_v21g.geo.root, and pipe_v21h.geo.root picked up on unknown place, possibly some old commit
- Jun 09, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Based upon mvd_v20c_tr mvd_v20f has first station removed, mvd_v20g has first two stations removed, The top and bottom plate are also removed. Added a missing HexPly material in media.geo. updated sis18_electron to use mvd_v20g_tr, added back magnet geometry
- Jan 24, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Includes media.geo with BP material definiations. Corrects radiaiton length miscalculation in MR CbmSoft/cbmroot_geometry!119
- Nov 24, 2021
Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
STS v21h: The geometry has the target positioned at -4 cm. It can be used with the beampipe 40mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter downstream side. It has a beampipe flange on the back-side of the STS wall. In addition, the geometry has a sensor thickness 320 um which is similar thickness of the real silicon sensors purchased from the Hamamatsu Photonics for the use in the real experiment. Furthermore,the mico-cable is defined as a single volume attached to the silicon sensors. Micro-cable thickness (320 um) is choosen and the material Manganese is taken based on the calculation done based on the current microcable design, thickness and its material. The material is defined as STS_Manganese in the media.geo file. STS v21i: The geometry has the target positioned at -44 cm from the center of the magnet. It can be used with the beampipe 40mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter downstream side. It doesn't have a beam-pipe flange on the back-side of the wall. In addition, the geometry has a sensor thickness 320 um which is similar thickness of the real silicon sensors purchased from the Hamamatsu > for the use in the real experiment. Furthermore,the mico-cable is defined as a single volume attached to the silicon sensors. Micro-cable thickness (320 um) is choosen and the material Manganese is taken based on the calculation done based on the current microcable design, thickness and its material. The material is defined as STS_Manganese in the media.geo file. updated binaries files and media.geo file with a material name STS_Cable_21
- Nov 19, 2021
Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
v21f: STS geometry is similar to the version v21b. The target position considered from -4 cm. The geometry can be used with the beampipe with diameter 40 mm upstream side and 104 mm downstream side. The geometry has beampipe flange on the back-side of the wall. v21g: STS geometry is similar to the version v21e. The target position is at -44 cm considering global origin from the center of magnet. The STS local coordinate is from the last station. In both geometry, the STS box and the beam pipe flange is made of Carbon fiber: The material has 70% carbon fiber with density 1.75 g/cm3 and epoxy resin (30%) with density 1.2 g/cm3. The material is defined in media.geo file as STS_CarbonFiber_21.
- Nov 11, 2021
New STS geo binaries without flange and with old micro-cable material(Silicon) and thickness.
- Nov 10, 2021
- Apr 16, 2021
Implementation of realistic geometry, gas mixture and material budget for GEM chambers in jpsi setup. Add new media definitions.
- Oct 16, 2020
Eoin Clerkin authored
Add correct composition for steel used in beampipe for mCBM. Source: Acidur 4301 Werkstoffdatenblatt X5CrNi18-10 1.4301
- Jul 22, 2020
David Emschermann authored
- Jul 01, 2020
Adrian Meyer-Ahrens authored
- May 30, 2020
Administrator authored
Refs #1735 @15m
- May 08, 2020
David Emschermann authored
- Apr 23, 2020
Variants: * v20a: stations at old location but all changes reported below in * v20b: as v20a, but TPG carrier thickness increased to 500 µm, all stations moved upstream by 4cm. * v20c: as v20a but moved upstream by 4cm. Detailed changes in those new geometries are: * Position of the MVD moved 4cm upstream (v20b & v20c), * TPG carriers' thickness updated (from 300 µm in v17 to 380 µm [500 µm]), * MVD specifc custom materials defined in media.geo (TPG, diamond, glue, fpc), * CVD diamond only used for first station on VX version, * transformation matrix added to the ROOT output file placing the detector in the CBM coordinate system, * addition of a top and bottom mounting plate of 10mm aluminium, * vertical aluminium heatsinks' thickness increased by 3mm to mock the expected material from FEBs that will be mounted on top of them.
- Apr 17, 2020
Administrator authored
- Jan 24, 2020
Administrator authored