Fully functional beampipe generator. There are three modes of the beampipe:
-straight -helium bag -conical It is possible to switch between them using switch in macro argument bpipe_type. This argument can be straight/bag/conical. Macro is defined with 4 arguments. All of them have some default value: create_bpipe_geometry_gen(char geoTag = "v24f", double beam_deflection_angle=0, enum bpipe_type = straight, double vacuum_presure = 1e-16) beam_deflection angle is in DEG vacuum presure is in Pa The way of generating the geometry is following: 1) load the macro using .L create_bpipe_geometry_gen.C 2) call macro e.g. create_bpipe_geometry_gen(v24f, 0, straight, 1e-16)
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