/** ROOT macro to define the CBM setup sis_100_electron
** @author Eoin Clerkin <>
* @author Volker Friese <>
** @author David Emschermann <>
** @date 12 September 2022
// 2023-05-01 - EC - Psd with hole for tunnel.
// 2023-04-06 - EC - Adds different rich for Apple
// 2023-04-06 - EC - Adds different rich for Apple
// 2023-03-01 - EC - Default FEB23 geometries
// 2022-09-13 - EC - Replaces rich with v22a
// 2022-09-11 - EC - Adds v21i beampipe for 10AGeV beampipe
// 2022-08-01 - EC - Using previous SIS100 electron setup as default.
// 2021-12-15 - EC - Candidate DEC21 geometries for testing.
// 2020-04-23 - FU - Use exported TOF geometry v16d (same as v16c but
// different file format
// 2017-11-24 - VF - New default v16g for STS (unit-based)
// 2017-11-20 - DE - use TRD v17n as new default
// 2017-05-22 - DE - use TRD v17c as new default
// ----- Geometry Tags --------------------------------------------------
TString pipeGeoTag = "v21d:v21i"; // corresponds to 11 AGeV/c beam momentum (fully-stripped Au ions)
TString trdGeoTag = "v20b_1e";
TString tofGeoTag = "v21a_1e";
TString fsdGeoTag = "v23i";
TString psdGeoTag = "v23a";
TString platGeoTag = "v22b";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pierre-Alain Loizeau
// ----- Magnetic field -------------------------------------------------
TString fieldTag = "v22c";
Double_t fieldZ = 0.; // field centre z position
Double_t fieldScale = 1.; // field scaling factor
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Create setup ---------------------------------------------------
CbmSetup* setup = CbmSetup::Instance();
if ( ! setup->IsEmpty() ) {
std::cout << "-W- setup_sis100_electron: overwriting existing setup"
<< setup->GetTitle() << std::endl;
setup->SetTitle("SIS100 - Electron Setup");
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kMagnet, magnetGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kPipe, pipeGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kMvd, mvdGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kSts, stsGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kRich, richGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, trdGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kTof, tofGeoTag);

Pierre-Alain Loizeau
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kPsd, psdGeoTag);
setup->SetModule(ECbmModuleId::kPlatform, platGeoTag);
setup->SetField(fieldTag, fieldScale, 0., 0., fieldZ);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------