- Nov 24, 2022
See redmine #2662. (cherry picked from commit a3cd359b)
Excludes deletes in radlen. Makes regex more explicit. Obtains commits from upstream master rather than relative to HEAD commit.
- Nov 23, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
magnet_v22b has top volume redefined as an assembly. Magnet materials are defined with explicit tag. Materials are defined in gdml script to make correct radlen and intlen declaration in case future material budget maps need to be generated.
Stop geometry with radlen issues being included in the repository.
- Nov 22, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Geometry has internal radlen problem. See redmine issue 2658
- Nov 08, 2022
Mehulkumar Shiroya authored
In this geometry version, we have introduced the gap of 2 cm between the STS3 and STS5 block. The first three stations are located at the same position as they are in the STS v21e. The Stations 4-8 are moved by 2cm to downstream side due to gap increased between STS3 and STS5 block. The box size in the Z direction remained the same. However, there is a only change in the box size in XY direction. There is box included around the STS3 block.
- Oct 03, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Includes redesigned magnets v22a and v22b. Updates the fieldmaps for these magnets with v22a and v22b to be used with these magnets. fieldmap_v22c and field_v22d to be used with the rich detector with and without shielding box.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Magnets have a wider apperature by 300mm, and a higher opening by 30mm to allow for a redesigned STS detector.
- Sep 20, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
Trial default setup files for the next software release in OCT22. A hadron, electron setup based upon previous defaults with updated detector subsystems and geometries. Muon setups updated with STS with backwall flange and downstream pipe section.
- Sep 13, 2022
David Emschermann authored
- Sep 12, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
For a 10 AGeV beam energy, generated from the create_bpipe_geometry_v21i.C in the macro/pipe/fair directory. Beam pipe to be placed adjacent to the STS backwall flange to a beam spot in beam dump at (0.389,0,20)
- Aug 28, 2022
Petr Chudoba authored
Translates the beampipe v21 2.5mm towards the target to mitigate a gape between STS and conical section of the beampipe
- Jul 13, 2022
- Add setup 2022_08, refs #2516 - Use mTOF v21h in setup 2022_08, refs #2516 - Introduce preliminary Nickel setup for May 2022 - Rename Nickel setup file and use mTOF 21h in it, refs #2520 - Update subsystems in Nickel setup, refs #2520 - Add dedicated setup for Au run of June
- Add TOF v21g, refs #2516 - Use Norberts TOF v21g for Uranium, refs #2483 - Add TOF v21h derived from Norberts TOF v21g, refs #2516 - Move mTOF in x by -0.5 cm in 21h, refs #2520
- Add mTRD 22h - Correct TRD-2D position in Nickel setup (mTRD 22h), refs #2520
- Jul 07, 2022
Just output the density to the screen for human inspecition. A misspelling corrected.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Polylatic acid used for STS near beampipe cut section for mCBM 2022.
- Jul 05, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
- Jun 24, 2022
- Jun 14, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
New sts geometry by FU based upon the 5 station v21e_sis18.
- Jun 10, 2022
New media.geo used in the generation of beampipes v21e and v21f v21f has no deflection i.e. no magnetic field v21e has maximum deflection i.e. Gold 2AGeV Fixes the weight atomic number discrepancy New definition of the carbon fiber Inserts materials int the root binary Includes proper material definitions in both binaries Corrects the names of the top volumes in both binaries newly generated binaries to resolve radiation lenght discrepancy Resolves the naming convention discrepancy New binaries for downstream beampipe 21e (max deflection), 21f (no deflection), 21g (3.3AGeV), 21h (12AGeV) without internal overlaps Adds new versions of 21e and 21f files (forgoten in previous commit) Macros for beampipe geometry creation with VolumeAssembly used to avoid keep volumes Part of the which is supposed to be inside STS back wall is missing due to an unexplanable overlaps. The origin is not affected. create_bpipe_geometry_v21e.C - maximum deflection 2.5 deg create_bpipe_geometry_v21f.C - no magnetic field create_bpipe_geometry_v21g.C - Au+Au 3.3 AGeV/c, 50% MF create_bpipe_geometry_v21h.C - Au+Au 12 AGeV/c, 100% MF Removal of the binaries pipe_v21e.geo.root, pipe_v21f.geo.root,pipe_v21g.geo.root, and pipe_v21h.geo.root picked up on unknown place, possibly some old commit
- Jun 09, 2022
Eoin Clerkin authored
contains an sts geometry with effectively 5 stations. Other stations are pushed well from the beam and target. Updates setup file and includes old design beampipe shifted.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Changed to the last two stations removed instead of the first two at Sergey's request. MVD layers Reworking of the mvd such that all volumes are presevered, with unneeded layers shifted layers well outside experiment, in effect, mvd_v20f_tr has 1 sensor layer mvd_v20g_tr has 2 sensor layers mvd_v20i_tr has 3 sensor layers
Eoin Clerkin authored
The sts which is split down the middle into a left and right side. This geometry is placed in the same volume ordering to pervent need for code changes.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Based upon mvd_v20c_tr mvd_v20f has first station removed, mvd_v20g has first two stations removed, The top and bottom plate are also removed. Added a missing HexPly material in media.geo. updated sis18_electron to use mvd_v20g_tr, added back magnet geometry
Eoin Clerkin authored
An interest in running simulations of the CBM experiment with beam from sis18. Adds much setup based on full electron setup. Magnet, TRD, and psd geometries removed from setups. Magnetic field same as before but rescaled to 30%. GDML script for beam window, effectively a smaller STS beampipe is included. GDML script for elarged target (aka MVD) box design. pipe_v22c which is root geometry binary with combines these two geometries.
Eoin Clerkin authored
Several temporary test geometries were created for sts which have shown to be faulty in several system configurations are here removed.
- May 05, 2022
Alexandru Bercuci authored
- Apr 29, 2022
- add TOF tof_v21a_1h_sis18, refs #2482 - fix radlength bug in TOF@SIS18 21a geometry - add initial version of STS in a CBM@SIS18 setup, refs #2482 - Add initial versions of platform and tof in a CBM@SIS18 setup, refs #2482 - add STS v21f_sis18 for SIS19 setup, refs #2842
- prepare setup files for mCBM 2022_03_22_iron and 2022_03_28_uranium, refs #2470 and refs #2471 - add mCBM Carbon run setup produced by mcbm_transport.C, refs #2456 - use new STS and MUCH geometries in the 2022_03_20 iron setup, refs #2470 - Use mTOF 21f in 03_20 and 03_22 mCBM setups, refs #2470 - use mMUCH 22h in mCBM setup 03_22, add mCBM 03_27 setup, refs #2479 - provide recent setup files and update TOF v21f in setup ...20..., refs #2470 - update mCBM setup 03_20 to 03_27 binary files to fix radlength bug in TOF geoms - use TRD v22g in the Uranium setup, refs #2483
- Add mTOF 21e 21f + change how TOF is positioned: shift in y first then rotate around target, refs #2470 - add TOF v21f binaries, refs #2470 - fix radlength bug in mTOF 21f geometry
- create medialist upon runnning the geometry macro, refs #2432 and refs #2472 - MUCH v22g: GEMs and RPCs shifted out of acceptance, refs #2470 - add mMUCH 22h-22i, fix 22f-22g, RPC and GEMs modules in various positions, refs #2479 - resolve overlap with MUCH v22g, refs #2479
- Apr 06, 2022
Administrator authored
geometry/macro/SUBSYSTEM/fair, refs #2474