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Commit f93625ee authored by Eoin Clerkin's avatar Eoin Clerkin Committed by Eoin Clerkin
Browse files

Removes much_v22b_mcbm

Found that internal radlen issue. See redmine #2661
parent 245317ac
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/* Copyright (C) 2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Omveer Singh, Florian Uhlig [committer] */
/*** @author Omveer Singh <>
** @date 17 May 2020
** For more details see info file*/
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TGeoBBox.h"
#include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
#include "TGeoCone.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TGeoMaterial.h"
#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
#include "TGeoMedium.h"
#include "TGeoPgon.h"
#include "TGeoTube.h"
#include "TGeoVolume.h"
#include "TGeoXtru.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
TObjArray* fStations = new TObjArray();
CbmMuchStation* muchSt;
CbmMuchLayer* muchLy;
CbmMuchLayerSide* muchLySd;
// Name of output file with geometry
const TString tagVersion = "_v22b";
// const TString subVersion = "_sis100_1m_lmvm";
const TString geoVersion = "much"; // + tagVersion + subVersion;
const TString FileNameSim = geoVersion + tagVersion + "_mcbm.geo.root";
const TString FileNameGeo = geoVersion + tagVersion + "_mcbm_geo.root";
const TString FileNameInfo = geoVersion + tagVersion + "";
const TString FileNamePar = geoVersion + tagVersion + "_mcbm.par.root";
// Names of the different used materials which are used to build the modules
// The materials are defined in the global media.geo file
const TString KeepingVolumeMedium = "air";
const TString activemedium = "MUCHargon";
const TString spacermedium = "MUCHnoryl";
const TString Al = "aluminium"; // Al for cooling & support purpose
const TString copper = "copper";
const TString g10 = "G10";
// Input parameters for MUCH stations
const Int_t fNst = 1; // Number of stations
Int_t fNlayers = 2; // Number of layers
Double_t fLayersZ0[2] = {65.7, 118.7}; // Layers Positions
// Double_t fLayersZ0[2] = {85.7, 118.7}; // Layers Positions
Int_t fDetType[2] = {3, 3}; // Detector type
Double_t fX[2] = {7.2, 7.2}; // Placement of modules in X [cm]
Double_t fY[2] = {24.53, 24.53}; // Placement of modules in Y [cm]
Double_t fSupportLz[2] = {1., 1.}; // (cooling + support)
Double_t fDriftDz = 0.0035; // 35 micron copper Drift
Double_t fG10Dz = 0.30; // 3 mm G10
Double_t fActiveLzSector[2] = {0.3, 0.3}; // Active volume thickness [cm]
Double_t fFrameLzSector[2] = {.3, .3}; // Frame thickness [cm]
Double_t fSpacerPhi = 2.0; // Spacer width in Phi [cm]
Double_t fOverlapR = 2.0; // Overlap in R direction [cm]
Double_t fSpacerR1 = 2.8; // Spacer width in R at low Z[cm]
Double_t fSpacerR2 = 3.5; // Spacer width in R at high Z[cm]
// Size of Modules
// GEM
Double_t dy = 40.0;
Double_t dx1 = 3.75;
Double_t dx2 = 20;
// some global variables
TGeoManager* gGeoMan = NULL; // Pointer to TGeoManager instance
TGeoVolume* gModules_station[fNst]; // Global storage for module types
// Forward declarations
void create_materials_from_media_file();
TGeoVolume* CreateStations(int ist);
TGeoVolume* CreateLayers(int istn, int ily);
fstream infoFile;
void create_MUCH_geometry_v22b_mcbm()
// ------- Open info file -----------------------------------------------
TString infoFileName = FileNameSim;
infoFileName.ReplaceAll("root", "info");, fstream::out);
infoFile << "MUCH geometry created with create_MUCH_geometry_v22b_mcbm.C" << endl << endl;
infoFile << "Build a mMUCH setup for mCBM with 1 GEM." << endl;
infoFile << "10 mm thick Al plates are used for support and cooling in the "
"GEM modules."
<< endl;
infoFile << "Drift and read-out PCBs (copper coated G10 plates) inserted for "
"realistic material budget for both GEM and RPC modules."
<< endl
<< endl;
infoFile << "No of Modules: " << fNlayers << " ( GEM )" << endl;
infoFile << "Position of Modules Z [cm]: ";
for (int i = 0; i < fNlayers; i++)
infoFile << fLayersZ0[i] << " ";
infoFile << endl << endl << "Placement of Modules:" << endl;
infoFile << "Module"
<< "\t"
<< "X [cm]"
<< "\t"
<< "Y [cm]"
<< "\t" << endl;
infoFile << "----------------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < fNlayers; i++)
infoFile << " " << i + 1 << "\t" << fX[i] << "\t" << fY[i] << endl;
infoFile << "----------------------" << endl;
infoFile << endl << "Al Cooling Plate Thickness [cm]: ";
for (int i = 0; i < fNlayers; i++)
infoFile << fSupportLz[i] << " ";
infoFile << endl << "Active Volume Thickness [cm]: ";
for (int i = 0; i < fNlayers; i++)
infoFile << fActiveLzSector[i] << " ";
infoFile << endl << endl << endl << " GEM Module:" << endl;
infoFile << " " << 2 * dx1 << " cm" << endl;
infoFile << " ......... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ........... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ............. |" << endl;
infoFile << " ............... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ................. |" << endl;
infoFile << " ................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ..................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ....................... " << 2 * dy << " cm" << endl;
infoFile << " ......................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ........................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ............................. |" << endl;
infoFile << " ............................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ................................. |" << endl;
infoFile << " ................................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " ..................................... |" << endl;
infoFile << "....................................... |" << endl;
infoFile << " " << 2 * dx2 << " cm" << endl;
infoFile << endl;
// Load needed material definition from media.geo file
// Get the GeoManager for later usage
gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*) gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
// Create the top volume
TGeoBBox* topbox = new TGeoBBox("", 1000., 1000., 2000.);
TGeoVolume* top = new TGeoVolume("top", topbox, gGeoMan->GetMedium("air"));
TString topName = geoVersion + tagVersion + "_mcbm";
TGeoVolume* much = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(topName);
top->AddNode(much, 1);
TGeoVolume* sttn = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("station");
much->AddNode(sttn, 1);
for (Int_t istn = 0; istn < 1; istn++) {
Double_t stGlobalZ0 = (fLayersZ0[0] + fLayersZ0[1]) / 2.;
muchSt = new CbmMuchStation(istn, stGlobalZ0);
gModules_station[istn] = CreateStations(istn);
sttn->AddNode(gModules_station[istn], istn);
gGeoMan->CheckOverlaps(0.0001, "s");
much->Export(FileNameSim); // an alternative way of writing the much
TFile* outfile = new TFile(FileNameSim, "UPDATE");
TGeoTranslation* much_placement = new TGeoTranslation("much_trans", -6., 0., 0.);
outfile = new TFile(FileNameGeo, "RECREATE");
gGeoMan->Write(); // use this if you want GeoManager format in the output
// create medialist for this geometry
TString createmedialist = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
createmedialist += "/macro/geometry/create_medialist.C";
std::cout << "Loading macro " << createmedialist << std::endl;
gROOT->ProcessLine("create_medialist(\"\", false)");
TFile* parfile = new TFile(FileNamePar, "RECREATE");
fStations->Write("stations", 1); // for geometry parameters
void create_materials_from_media_file()
// Use the FairRoot geometry interface to load the media which are already
// defined
FairGeoLoader* geoLoad = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
TString geoPath = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
TString geoFile = geoPath + "/geometry/media.geo";
// Read the required media and create them in the GeoManager
FairGeoMedia* geoMedia = geoFace->getMedia();
FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
FairGeoMedium* air = geoMedia->getMedium(KeepingVolumeMedium);
FairGeoMedium* MUCHargon = geoMedia->getMedium(activemedium);
FairGeoMedium* MUCHnoryl = geoMedia->getMedium(spacermedium);
FairGeoMedium* MUCHsupport = geoMedia->getMedium(Al);
FairGeoMedium* copperplate = geoMedia->getMedium(copper);
FairGeoMedium* g10plate = geoMedia->getMedium(g10);
TGeoVolume* CreateStations(int ist)
TString stationName = Form("muchstation%02i", ist + 1);
TGeoVolumeAssembly* station = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(stationName); //, shStation, air);
TGeoVolume* gLayer[fNlayers + 1];
for (int ii = 0; ii < 1; ii++) { // 1 Layers
Double_t sideDz = fSupportLz[ii] / 2. + fActiveLzSector[ii] / 2.; // distance between side's and layer's centers
muchLy = new CbmMuchLayer(ist, ii, fLayersZ0[ii], 0.);
muchLy->GetSideF()->SetZ(fLayersZ0[ii] - sideDz);
gLayer[ii] = CreateLayers(ist, ii);
station->AddNode(gLayer[ii], ii);
return station;
TGeoVolume* CreateLayers(int istn, int ily)
TString layerName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i", istn + 1, ily + 1);
TGeoVolumeAssembly* volayer = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(layerName);
Double_t SupportDz = fSupportLz[ily] / 2.;
Double_t driftDz = fActiveLzSector[ily] / 2 + fDriftDz / 2.;
Double_t g10Dz = driftDz + fDriftDz / 2. + fG10Dz / 2.;
Double_t moduleZ = fLayersZ0[ily];
Double_t driftZIn = moduleZ - driftDz;
Double_t driftZOut = moduleZ + driftDz;
Double_t g10ZIn = moduleZ - g10Dz;
Double_t g10ZOut = moduleZ + g10Dz;
Double_t cool_z = g10ZIn - fG10Dz / 2. - SupportDz;
Double_t dz = fActiveLzSector[ily] / 2.; // Active Volume Thickness
Int_t Nsector = 16.0;
Double_t phi0 = TMath::Pi() / Nsector; // azimuthal half widh of each module
// define the spacer dimensions
Double_t tg = (dx2 - dx1) / 2 / dy;
Double_t dd1 = fSpacerPhi * tg;
Double_t dd2 = fSpacerPhi * sqrt(1 + tg * tg);
Double_t sdx1 = dx1 + dd2 - dd1;
Double_t sdx2 = dx2 + dd2 + dd1;
Double_t sdy1 = dy + fSpacerR1; // frame width added
Double_t sdy2 = dy + fSpacerR2; // frame width added
Double_t sdz = fFrameLzSector[ily] / 2.;
// define Additional material as realistic GEM module
Double_t dz_sD = fDriftDz / 2.; // 35 micron copper Drift
Double_t dz_sG = fG10Dz / 2.; // 3mm G10
Double_t sdy = sdy2;
Double_t pos[10];
Int_t iMod = 0;
for (Int_t iSide = 0; iSide < 1; iSide++) {
muchLySd = muchLy->GetSide(iSide);
// Now start adding the GEM modules
for (Int_t iModule = 0; iModule < 1; iModule++) {
Double_t phi = 0; // add 0.5 to not overlap with y-axis for left-right
// layer separation
Bool_t isBack = iModule % 2;
Char_t cside = (isBack == 1) ? 'b' : 'f';
// correct the x, y positions
pos[0] = fX[ily];
pos[1] = fY[ily];
// different z positions for odd/even modules
pos[2] = moduleZ;
pos[3] = driftZIn;
pos[4] = driftZOut;
pos[5] = g10ZIn;
pos[6] = g10ZOut;
pos[7] = cool_z;
if (iSide != isBack) continue;
if (iModule != 0) iMod = iModule / 2;
muchLySd = muchLy->GetSide(iSide);
TGeoMedium* argon = gGeoMan->GetMedium(activemedium); // active medium
TGeoMedium* noryl = gGeoMan->GetMedium(spacermedium); // spacer medium
TGeoMedium* copperplate = gGeoMan->GetMedium(copper); // copper Drift medium
TGeoMedium* g10plate = gGeoMan->GetMedium(g10); // G10 medium
TGeoMedium* coolMat = gGeoMan->GetMedium(Al);
// Define and place the shape of the modules
TGeoTrap* shapeGem = new TGeoTrap(dz, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
shapeGem->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iActiveGemNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
//------------------------------------------------------Al Cooling
// Plate--------------------------------------------------------------------
TGeoVolume* voActive;
TGeoTrap* coolGem;
TGeoVolume* voCool;
coolGem = new TGeoTrap(SupportDz, 0, phi, sdy2, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy2, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
coolGem->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03icoolGem", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
TString CoolName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%ccoolGem%03iAluminum", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iModule + 1);
voCool = new TGeoVolume(CoolName, coolGem, coolMat);
// Volume-----------------------------------------------------
// GEM
TGeoTrap* shapeActive = new TGeoTrap(dz, 0, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0, dy, dx1, dx2, 0);
shapeActive->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iActiveNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
TString activeName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cactive%03igasArgon", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iMod + 1);
voActive = new TGeoVolume(activeName, shapeActive, argon);
//---------------------------------------------------------Drift &
// PCB's---------------------------------------------------------------
TString DriftName[2], G10Name[2], AlName;
TGeoVolume *voDrift[2], *voG10[2];
TGeoTrap *DriftGem[2], *G10Gem[2];
for (int iPos = 0; iPos < 2; iPos++) {
Char_t cpos = (iPos == 0) ? 'i' : 'o';
DriftGem[iPos] = new TGeoTrap(dz_sD, 0, phi, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
G10Gem[iPos] = new TGeoTrap(dz_sG, 0, phi, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
DriftGem[iPos]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03i%cDrift", istn, ily, cside, iModule, cpos));
DriftName[iPos] =
Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cside%03i%ccopperDrift", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iMod + 1, cpos);
G10Gem[iPos]->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03i%cG10", istn, ily, cside, iModule, cpos));
G10Name[iPos] = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%cside%03i%cG10", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iMod + 1, cpos);
voDrift[iPos] = new TGeoVolume(DriftName[iPos], DriftGem[iPos], copperplate);
voG10[iPos] = new TGeoVolume(G10Name[iPos], G10Gem[iPos], g10plate);
// Define the trapezoidal Frame
TGeoTrap* shapeFrame = new TGeoTrap(sdz, 0, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0, sdy, sdx1, sdx2, 0);
shapeFrame->SetName(Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFullFrameGemNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule));
TString expression = Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFullFrameGemNoHole-shStation%"
istn, ily, cside, iModule, istn, ily, cside, iModule);
TGeoCompositeShape* shFrame = new TGeoCompositeShape(
Form("shStation%02iLayer%i%cModule%03iFinalFrameNoHole", istn, ily, cside, iModule), expression);
TString frameName = Form("muchstation%02ilayer%i%csupport%03i", istn + 1, ily + 1, cside, iMod + 1);
TGeoVolume* voFrame = new TGeoVolume(frameName, shFrame, noryl); // Frame for GEM
// Calculate the phi angle of the sector where it has to be placed
Double_t angle = 180.0 - (180. / TMath::Pi() * phi0); // convert angle phi from rad to deg
TGeoRotation* r2 = new TGeoRotation("r2");
// rotate in the vertical plane (per to z axis) with angle
TGeoTranslation* trans[10];
TGeoHMatrix* incline_mod[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
trans[i] = new TGeoTranslation("", pos[0], pos[1], pos[i + 2]);
incline_mod[i] = new TGeoHMatrix("");
(*incline_mod[i]) = (*trans[i]) * (*r2);
volayer->AddNode(voFrame, iMod, incline_mod[0]); // add spacer
volayer->AddNode(voActive, iMod, incline_mod[0]); // add active volume
volayer->AddNode(voDrift[0], iMod, incline_mod[1]); // Drift In
volayer->AddNode(voDrift[1], iMod, incline_mod[2]); // Drift Out
volayer->AddNode(voG10[0], iMod, incline_mod[3]); // G10 In
volayer->AddNode(voG10[1], iMod, incline_mod[4]); // G10 Out
volayer->AddNode(voCool, iMod, incline_mod[5]); // Al Cooling Plate
TVector3 Position;
Position.SetXYZ(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
cout << pos[2] << " " << pos[3] << " " << pos[4] << " " << pos[5] << " " << pos[6] << " " << pos[7]
<< endl;
muchLySd->AddModule(new CbmMuchModuleGemRadial(fDetType[ily], istn, ily, iSide, iModule, Position, 2 * dx1,
2 * dx2, 2 * dy, 2 * dz, muchSt->GetRmin()));
return volayer;
This geometry has been deleted. See
MUCH geometry created with create_MUCH_geometry_v22b_mcbm.C
Build a mMUCH setup for mCBM with 1 GEM.
10 mm thick Al plates are used for support and cooling in the GEM modules.
Drift and read-out PCBs (copper coated G10 plates) inserted for realistic material budget for both GEM and RPC modules.
No of Modules: 2 ( GEM )
Position of Modules Z [cm]: 65.7 118.7
Placement of Modules:
Module X [cm] Y [cm]
1 7.2 24.53
2 7.2 24.53
Al Cooling Plate Thickness [cm]: 1 1
Active Volume Thickness [cm]: 0.3 0.3
GEM Module:
7.5 cm
......... |
........... |
............. |
............... |
................. |
................... |
..................... |
....................... 80 cm
......................... |
........................... |
............................. |
............................... |
................................. |
................................... |
..................................... |
....................................... |
40 cm
This mcbm geometry has been deleted due to internal radlen issue.
File deleted
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