# ## Howto run macros in macro/mcbm # # by David Emschermann # 05.08.2019 - updated # 04.04.2017 - initial version # 05.08.2019 # mcbm_mc.C was split into two separate macros: root -l mcbm_transport.C root -l mcbm_digi.C #============================================= # to initially convert MUCH into miniMUCH run the following script once mcbm_with_much.sh # it modifies the much geometry class in your cbmroot installation # then either run root -l mcbm_mc.C root -l mcbm_reco.C # Details by Volker Friese: The "correct" sequence is mcbm_mc.C (transport) and mcbm_reco.C (digitisation + reconstruction). mcbm_sim.C uses the legacy setup scheme, but it is working also; I have tried to update it accordingly. To the naming: In macro/run, run_sim.C combines transport and digitisation. This is currently not needed, since it is more convenient to do the digitisation in the reco macro, before the actual reconstruction. However, in the time-based mode, digitisation and reconstruction will have to be separated. But for the moment, in the event-by-event mode, you can just use these two macros (mc and reco). # mcbm_sim.C was therefore moved to the legacy folder # ## STS v18f - acceptance # # Station 1 (2x2) outer dimensions x: -6.059 .. 6.059 = 12.118 cm y: -6.065 .. 6.065 cm - shifted upwards y: -6.200 .. 5.930 = 12.130 cm - delta 0.270 cm (halfladder) atan(6./28) / acos(-1) * 180 12.0948 atan(12.13/2/28) / acos(-1) * 180 12.2219 # -0.1 for guard ring atan(5.9/28) / acos(-1) * 180 # Station 2 (3x3) outer dimensions x: -9.015 .. 9.015 = 18.030 cm y: -9.030 .. 9.030 cm - shifted upwards y: -9.165 .. 8.895 = 18.060 cm - delta 0.270 cm atan(9./42) / acos(-1) * 180 12.0948 atan(18.06/2/42) / acos(-1) * 180 12.1339 # -0.1 for guard ring atan(8.9/42) / acos(-1) * 180 # ## STS v18g - acceptance # # guard and bias ring width # sizes provided from DXF file by Johann ring_xWidth = 0.125; // width of surrounding ring in cm = 1.25 mm ring_yWidth = 0.132; // width of surrounding ring in cm = 1.32 mm # Station 1 (2x2) outer dimensions x: -5.934 .. 5.934 = 11.868 cm y: -5.933 .. 5.933 = 11.866 cm atan(11.87/2/28) / acos(-1) * 180 11.9675 # Station 2 (3x3) active area only x: -8.889 .. 8.889 = 17.778 cm y: -8.898 .. 8.898 = 17.796 cm atan(17.78/2/42) / acos(-1) * 180 11.9512 # MUCH - layer 2 atan(16.65/79) / acos(-1) * 180 11.9015 # MUCH - layer 3 atan(16.65/89) / acos(-1) * 180 10.5963 # TRD - layer 4 atan(46./190) / acos(-1) * 180 # TOF - x atan(58.5/236) / acos(-1) * 180 13.9219 atan(-93.5/236) / acos(-1) * 180 -21.6128 # TOF - y atan(63.5/231) / acos(-1) * 180 15.3705 # ## UrQMD input files for mCBM energies # # more urqmd input files are available here: /hera/cbm/prod/gen/urqmd/agag/1.65gev/centr/urqmd.agag.1.65gev.centr.00001.root /hera/cbm/prod/gen/urqmd/agag/1.65gev/mbias/urqmd.agag.1.65gev.mbias.00001.root /hera/cbm/prod/gen/urqmd/nini/1.93gev/centr/urqmd.nini.1.93gev.centr.00001.root /hera/cbm/prod/gen/urqmd/nini/1.93gev/mbias/urqmd.nini.1.93gev.mbias.00001.root /hera/cbm/prod/gen/urqmd/pau/4.5gev/mbias/urqmd.pau.4.5gev.mbias.00001.root