LMVM: Add histograms and restructure comb. BG procedure
add new PLUTO path (Tetyanas folder) add purity histograms add histograms to investigate diff. between PLUTO/UrQMD and electron/positron add CB histograms in LmvmDraw.cxx add histogram to investigate BG and its sources add histosgrams for acc and rec. pions and electrons for var. detector combinations some more small changes
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Cornelius Feier-Riesen
The build failes due to some macosx stuck or timeout failures. I tried several times to run these again, also in the evenign when I expected the server would not be too busy but they failed every time.
@f.uhlig: Do you have an idea what is going wrong here?
why did you change the much unpacker and L1 code?
ok. You should only code format files which you have changed. There is a script in our scripts directory which takes care that only those files are changed. Please check the documentation at
and remove files from you commit which you have not changed.
Dear @i.selyuzhenkov, @se.gorbunov, @v.akishina, @v.singhal, @s.lebedev, @andrey.lebedev,
you have been identified as code owner of at least one file which was changed with this merge request.
Please check the changes and approve them or request changes.
added CodeOwners label