Implement codeowners
- Mar 09, 2021
Move information of code owners after build stage. Code owners should be only informed if the rest of the pipeline was successful.
66a4e5e0 -
As a first step of the pipline the code owners are informed. After testing this will be the last step in the pipeline.
1f4b9b52 -
The scripts checks the users responsible for the changed code and creates an comment in the Merge Request informing the code owners to review the code. Create the comment only if it doesn't yet exist. The existence is checked using a label which is created when the comment is created. To test the functionality the scripts does not succeed such that the pipeline is stopped after this first stage.
289cc0e0 -
The file contains the information about users which are responsible for certain directories. The file provides currently only the possibility to define a directory and a list of owners. To be conform with the format of the CODEOWNERS file of GitHub and GitLab a line has to start with the directory followed by a spaces and then the space separated list of code owners. e.g. "/ @f.uhlig @v.friese @p.-a.loizeau"