Convert 2 file to ascii
Fixes two outstanding non-ascii character file left over from !2055 (merged)
Merge request reports
This may be just the same as was done in !2055 (diffs), perhaps I was working from a not up-to-date hash. Closing, will open again if wrong.
@p.-a.loizeau There is a pipeline bug whereby the pipeline didn't start when there was a "null" change to file. We removed the non-standard file ending and the pipeline froze.
Work around was to add a comment to end of file.
assigned to @p.-a.loizeau
requested review from @f.uhlig
mentioned in merge request !2056 (merged)
Should I merge first this fix and then !2056 (merged) or the reverse? (second way may be a good test of the test)
added BugFix Code Styling labels
Dear @a.andronic, @k.piasecki, @f.uhlig, @p.-a.loizeau,
you have been identified as code owner of at least one file which was changed with this merge request.
Please check the changes and approve them or request changes.
added CodeOwners label
enabled an automatic merge when all merge checks for 3d6d43ba pass