adding of RICH hit producer and ring finder for mcbm_reco.C
This MR should include the reco steps for the mRICH to the mcbm reco file.
PAL edit: corresponding redmine issue refs #1827
Merge request reports
added 4 commits
6193cc36...f5403201 - 2 commits from branch
- cd1cef07 - adding of RICH hit producer and ring finder
- b4753695 - Merge branch 'master' of
6193cc36...f5403201 - 2 commits from branch, the build stage of the pipeline is currently broken since the server hosting the external NicaFemto package is offline.
the pipline crashes in check of the linear history since you have introduced a loop in the history which you can nicely see at
Probably you have introduced the merge commit when you used the "Rebase" Button on the GitLab page. In your case you have the wrong settings. Instead of the merge method "Fast-forward merge" you have in the settings of your fork "Merge commit" which is wrong. Please fix the settings in the project settings in "Gerneral" -> "Merge requests".
This should solve the issue for the the future. To fix your current branch you have to do the following steps locally. upstream is the name which points to the If you are not sure you can get the name with "git remote -v" which will show all connected repositories.
git fetch upstream git rebase -i upstream/master
The interactive rebase command will open an editor which you simply exit without changes. After then rebase is done the merge commit is gone and you can push the changes to your fork.
after git rebase -i upstream/master I get
The previous cherry-pick is now empty, possibly due to conflict resolution. If you wish to commit it anyway, use:
git commit --allow-empty
Otherwise, please use 'git reset' rebase in progress; onto f5403201 You are currently rebasing branch 'master' on 'f5403201'.
rebase in progress; onto f5403201
Could not apply 6193cc36... adding of RICH hit producer and ring finder
I don't see how to move on. git rebase --continue does not help as I finally end up in the state as before, where my merge was and I can not push
the fist thing you should do now is
git rebase --abort
which should bring you again in a clean state. After that please change to the master branch of the upstream repository to check with
git log
the commit hash and compare it with the actual one f5403201. If you have the same version I don't understand the problems since I have tested the procedure with your branch and for me it worked without problems.
git log tells me f5403201 as the actual commit. As it should be. I don't understand why it fails...
@f.uhlig I removed the merge commit by hand by unprotecting my master, doing a rebase in my local forked repo to the commit from yesterday, pushed this and later reprotect it. Finally my master is back on the state from yesterday evening. seems to work ... But maybe not the best method.
I changed the merge method to "Fast-forward merge" to prevent this issue for the future. Thanks for the help!!
assigned to @p.-a.loizeau