Commits on Source (39)
Outputs the structure of a root geometry binaries which comparison by standard unix text based diff tools. Creates a GRAPHVIZ graph of the geometry structure. Short README gives some basic command examples. Applied clang format
559efb87 -
TimeClusterTrigger: Fixed treatment of edge case where new digi has exactly the seperation 'deadTime' from last trigger.
57bf6483 -
Sergey Gorbunov authored069cc666
Administrator authored
Add description for macros and scripts which were missing.
d2b051e4 -
Sergey Gorbunov authoredf5b417e9
and also change nofBins of hTofM2 histogram.
785ecb17 -
In CbmMcbm2018RichPar, add explicit assignment OP constructor + replace map with vector when possible - Introduce LoadInternalContainers method for setting all memberss derived from other members - replace fToTshiftMap map with vector as continuous array with always successive keys (faster access) - add the copy and assignment constructors - Add a Print method
131815dc -
- Add copy constructor to CbmEvent - Define DigiData types and add members for the other CBM detectors in CbmDigiData(!MUCH beamtime digi usage!) - Add vector of CbmEvents, all DigiData types, CbmDigiEvent and vector of CbmDigiEvent to LinkDef to get ROOT streamers (needed to write to ROOT file)
52291839 -
Add includes for new members of DigiData in algo and related task cmake files (to be stashed/fixup w/ change to DigiData)
099dba9f -
- Move implementation of CbmMuchAddress::SetElementId to cpp file - Move Logger include from header to cpp - Add missing Logger include to CbmMuchSignal cxx file - Add missing Logger include to CbmAnaDimuonAnalysis cxx file (needed only for FS/FR jun19-v18.2) Induced by inclusion in DigiData of the other detectors on top of STS (needed only for FS/FR higher than FS/FR jun19-v18.2)
881a6b8c -
Add all data classes needed by libAlgo to libOnlineData. Add all other referenced classses to libOnlineData. Remove ROOT dependencies from all these classes. Link libAlgo against libOnlineData.
bf47247c -
Volker Friese authored
Expand CbmTaskMakeRecoEvent to all digi types in order to enable reconstruction and analysis from files taken with mCBM.
19cd9195 -
- Split the InitUnpacker method of the UnpackConfig template into - InitOutput - RegisterOutput (Framework bound, to be replaced by method in Task class CbmRecoUnpack) - SetAlgo - initParContainer, moved to the Task Class CbmRecoUnpack - InitAlgo - Move to the template version of these methods all blocks common to all derived config classes - Whenever necessary, overload these methods in the derived config classes (including the common parts, no base method call) - Bump Config classes version number - Adapt the Sts Unpack algo classes to initialize the monitor classes - Adapt the CbmRecoUnpack - Adapt the CbmUnpackDevice to use the standard Unpack Config classes (compiles with full functionality but untested)
bffd070a -
- Device using the central event builder algo in reco, with compatibility to output of the new unpack device - Macro using these two new devices and setting the parameter files for the mCBM July 2021 data (optimized for run 1588)
838f52db -
- Add CbmDeviceDigiEventSink class and DigiEventSink binary - In TsaMultiSampler, fix logic for emission of missing TS list when first missing is index 1 - Use vector ofCbmEvents instead of TClonesArray at output of BuildDigiEvents - Add missing features file for Unpack-Build-Sink chain - Add optional output of the full digi vectors in Event Sink => Tested with first file of run 1588, missing TS probably need better handling as too many empty fields
bf65d13d -
- Switch Sampler-Unpackers connection from Push-Pull to Rep-Req! lower sample memory usage and better load-balancing performances (first ready first served)! - Use single channel for all histograms exchanges (objects but also configs)... to be cross-checked as some warnings - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, fix logic for emission of missing TS list when first missing is index 1 - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, add case of missing TS 0 to same logic (starting processing after beginning of a run) - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, fix the stop execution when reaching max TS nb condition
baa426cd -
- In sim/steer, add CbmSetupStorable class in CbmSetup to convert back and forth from memory Instance to streamable object - Add support for CbmSetup in MQ parameter server device, with CbmSetupStorable output upon request - Change CbmSetup usage in MQ Unpack device from Disk access to parameter server request - Add printout of the received tag in MQ unpack for each detector system
52378363 -
In TOF unpacker, make the 2021 epoch hack controlable and disable it by default + enable in unpack macro for old runs
4c661db3 -
Correct CbmDaq to provide the proper MC event list. Prevent tree access modes kRepeat and kRandom for the time being.
96f82110 -
There are four sts beampipe macros to include to use them along with the new sts geometries beampipe_v21a: Old beampipe, can only be used with sts geometry version: sts_v21[a]. beampipe_v21b: New beampipe. It has 40mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter (including cylindrical part) downstream side. This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry version: sts_v21[b, d, f, h]. beampipe_v21c: New beampipe. It has 55mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter(including cylindrical part) downstream side. This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry version: sts_v21[c]. beampipe_v21d: New beampipe. It has 40mm diameter upstream side and 104 diameter(including cylindrical part) downstream side. This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry having a target position at -44 cm. which means it can only be used with the sts geometry vesrion: sts_v21[e, g, i].
f336fb14 -
Administrator authored
Use std::string instead of TString to format log output.
45270a5a -
Cornelius Feier-Riesen authored64edf8f5
Pascal Raisig authored
- For PAPa I simply removed myself, such that now for the time being only Adrian is entered. - For the TRD directories I added @a.bercuci hopefully in the near future also a dedicated person from the 1D part can be added again here.
4fe0c0a2 -
- .gitlab-ci.yml 2 additions, 2 deletions.gitlab-ci.yml
- CODEOWNERS 7 additions, 7 deletionsCODEOWNERS
- MQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt 94 additions, 1 deletionMQ/mcbm/CMakeLists.txt
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.cxx 631 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.h 129 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents.h
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx 810 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h 170 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceDigiEventSink.h
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.cxx 6 additions, 6 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceMcbmUnpack.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceUnpack.cxx 1001 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceUnpack.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceUnpack.h 292 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/CbmDeviceUnpack.h
- MQ/mcbm/UnpBuildSink_missing_features.txt 4 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/UnpBuildSink_missing_features.txt
- MQ/mcbm/runBuildDigiEvents.cxx 52 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/runBuildDigiEvents.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/runDigiEventSink.cxx 35 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/runDigiEventSink.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/runUnpack.cxx 40 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/runUnpack.cxx
- MQ/mcbm/ 249 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/
- MQ/mcbm/ 250 additions, 0 deletionsMQ/mcbm/
- MQ/parmq/CMakeLists.txt 9 additions, 2 deletionsMQ/parmq/CMakeLists.txt
- MQ/parmq/ParameterMQServer.cxx 74 additions, 41 deletionsMQ/parmq/ParameterMQServer.cxx
- MQ/parmq/ParameterMQServer.h 14 additions, 10 deletionsMQ/parmq/ParameterMQServer.h
- MQ/parmq/runParameterMQServer.cxx 18 additions, 10 deletionsMQ/parmq/runParameterMQServer.cxx
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