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......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// Binned tracker for track reconstruction
// V. Friese 11.06.2018
// S. Roy 11.01.2022 - added the Real event building and modified STS parAsic parameter
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void mcbm_reco_event_tb_nh(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString RunId = "test", TString InDir = "./data/",
......@@ -72,6 +72,20 @@ void mcbm_reco_event_tb_nh(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString RunId = "test", TString I
// setup->RemoveModule(ECbmModuleId::kSts);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TString sEvBuildRaw = "Real";
// ----- Some global switches -----------------------------------------
// Bool_t eventBased = !sEvBuildRaw.IsNull();
Bool_t useMvd = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kMvd);
Bool_t useSts = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kSts);
Bool_t useRich = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kRich);
Bool_t useMuch = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kMuch);
Bool_t useTrd = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTrd);
Bool_t useTof = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kTof);
Bool_t usePsd = setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kPsd);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Parameter files as input to the runtime database -------------
std::cout << std::endl;
......@@ -136,7 +150,7 @@ void mcbm_reco_event_tb_nh(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString RunId = "test", TString I
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CbmMcbm2018EventBuilder* eventBuilder = new CbmMcbm2018EventBuilder();
// eventBuilder->SetEventBuilderAlgo(EventBuilderAlgo::MaximumTimeGap);
// eventBuilder->SetMaximumTimeGap(100.);
......@@ -147,8 +161,60 @@ void mcbm_reco_event_tb_nh(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString RunId = "test", TString I
if (timebased) run->AddTask(eventBuilder);
// ----- Raw event building from digis (the "Real" event builder) --------------------------------
if (sEvBuildRaw.EqualTo("Real", TString::ECaseCompare::kIgnoreCase)) {
CbmTaskBuildRawEvents* evBuildRaw = new CbmTaskBuildRawEvents();
//Choose between NoOverlap, MergeOverlap, AllowOverlap
// Remove detectors where digis not found
if (!useMvd) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetMvd);
if (!useRich) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetRich);
if (!useMuch) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetMuch);
if (!useTrd) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetTrd);
if (!usePsd) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetPsd);
if (!useTof) evBuildRaw->RemoveDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetTof);
if (!useSts) {
std::cerr << "-E- " << myName << ": Sts must be present for raw event "
<< "building using ``Real2019'' option. Terminating macro." << std::endl;
} // Set STS or Tof as reference detector
if (!useTof) evBuildRaw->SetReferenceDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetSts);
// Use sliding window seed builder with STS
// evBuildRaw->SetReferenceDetector(kRawEventBuilderDetUndef);
// evBuildRaw->AddSeedTimeFillerToList(kRawEventBuilderDetSts);
// evBuildRaw->SetSlidingWindowSeedFinder(10, 40, 100);
// evBuildRaw->SetSeedFinderQa(true); // optional QA information for seed finder
evBuildRaw->SetTsParameters(0.0, 1.e7, 0.0); // Use CbmMuchDigi instead of CbmMuchBeamtimeDigi
//Set event building parameters
if (!useTof) {
evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, 1);
evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMaxNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, -1);
evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kSts, -10, 40);
else {
evBuildRaw->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kTof, 1);
evBuildRaw->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kTof, -10, 40);
} //evBuildRaw->SetWriteHistosToFairSink(kFALSE);
std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Added task " << evBuildRaw->GetName() << std::endl;
} //? Real raw event building
// if (timebased) run->AddTask(eventBuilder);
// ----- Local reconstruction in MVD ----------------------------------
if (setup->IsActive(ECbmModuleId::kMvd)) {
......@@ -178,7 +244,7 @@ void mcbm_reco_event_tb_nh(Int_t nEvents = 10, TString RunId = "test", TString I
if (kFALSE && timebased) {
// ASIC params: #ADC channels, dyn. range, threshold, time resol., dead time,
// noise RMS, zero-threshold crossing rate
auto parAsic = new CbmStsParAsic(32, 75000., 3000., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
auto parAsic = new CbmStsParAsic(128, 32, 75000., 3000., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
// Module params: number of channels, number of channels per ASIC
auto parMod = new CbmStsParModule(2048, 128);
......@@ -158,9 +158,17 @@ void CbmKFParticleFinder::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
//calculate number of d-He4 candidates
int nCandidatesDHe4 = 0;
if (fPID)
for (int iTr = 0; iTr < nTracksEvent; iTr++)
if (TMath::Abs(fPID->GetPID()[iTr]) == 1000010029) nCandidatesDHe4++;
if (fPID) {
if ((int) fPID->GetPID().size() == nTracksEvent) {
for (int iTr = 0; iTr < nTracksEvent; iTr++) {
if (TMath::Abs(fPID->GetPID()[iTr]) == 1000010029) nCandidatesDHe4++;
else {
Error("CbmKFParticleFinder::Event", "PID task has a wrong number of tracks: %l of %l", fPID->GetPID().size(),
vector<CbmStsTrack> vRTracks(nTracksEvent + nCandidatesDHe4);
vector<int> pdg(nTracksEvent + nCandidatesDHe4, -1);
......@@ -1025,6 +1025,22 @@ void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
static TH2F *PRes2D, *PRes2DPrim, *PRes2DSec;
static TH2F* pion_res_pt_fstt;
static TH2F* kaon_res_pt_fstt;
static TH2F* pton_res_pt_fstt;
static TH2F* pion_res_pt_vtxt;
static TH2F* kaon_res_pt_vtxt;
static TH2F* pton_res_pt_vtxt;
static TH2F* pion_res_p_fstt;
static TH2F* kaon_res_p_fstt;
static TH2F* pton_res_p_fstt;
static TH2F* pion_res_p_vtxt;
static TH2F* kaon_res_p_vtxt;
static TH2F* pton_res_p_vtxt;
static bool first_call = 1;
L1Fit fit;
......@@ -1043,6 +1059,22 @@ void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
PRes2DPrim = new TH2F("PRes2DPrim", "Resolution P vs P", 100, 0., 20., 100, -15., 15.);
PRes2DSec = new TH2F("PRes2DSec", "Resolution P vs P", 100, 0., 20., 100, -15., 15.);
pion_res_pt_fstt = new TH2F("pion_res_pt_fstt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
kaon_res_pt_fstt = new TH2F("kaon_res_pt_fstt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
pton_res_pt_fstt = new TH2F("pton_res_pt_fstt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
pion_res_pt_vtxt = new TH2F("pion_res_pt_vtxt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
kaon_res_pt_vtxt = new TH2F("kaon_res_pt_vtxt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
pton_res_pt_vtxt = new TH2F("pton_res_pt_vtxt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
pion_res_p_fstt = new TH2F("pion_res_p_fstt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
kaon_res_p_fstt = new TH2F("kaon_res_p_fstt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
pton_res_p_fstt = new TH2F("pton_res_p_fstt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -500, 500);
pion_res_p_vtxt = new TH2F("pion_res_p_vtxt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
kaon_res_p_vtxt = new TH2F("kaon_res_p_vtxt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
pton_res_p_vtxt = new TH2F("pton_res_p_vtxt", "", 100, 0, 10, 1000, -5000, 5000);
struct {
const char* name;
const char* title;
......@@ -1151,8 +1183,14 @@ void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
fld.Set(B[0], z[0], B[1], z[1], B[2], z[2]);
L1Extrapolate(trPar, mcP.zIn, trPar.qp, fld);
h_fit[0]->Fill((trPar.x[0] - mcP.xIn) * 1.e4);
h_fit[1]->Fill((trPar.y[0] - mcP.yIn) * 1.e4);
double dx = trPar.x[0] - mcP.xIn;
double dy = trPar.y[0] - mcP.yIn;
double dt = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// make dt distance negative for the half of the tracks to ease the gaussian fit and the rms calculation
if (mc.ID % 2) dt = -dt;
double pt = sqrt(mcP.px * mcP.px + *;
h_fit[0]->Fill(dx * 1.e4);
h_fit[1]->Fill(dy * 1.e4);
h_fit[2]->Fill((trPar.tx[0] - mcP.pxIn / mcP.pzIn) * 1.e3);
h_fit[3]->Fill((trPar.ty[0] - mcP.pyIn / mcP.pzIn) * 1.e3);
h_fit[4]->Fill(fabs(1. / trPar.qp[0]) / mcP.p - 1);
......@@ -1160,9 +1198,26 @@ void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
PRes2D->Fill(mcP.p, (1. / fabs(trPar.qp[0]) - mcP.p) / mcP.p * 100.);
CbmL1MCTrack mcTrack = *(it->GetMCTracks()[0]);
if (mcTrack.IsPrimary()) PRes2DPrim->Fill(mcP.p, (1. / fabs(trPar.qp[0]) - mcP.p) / mcP.p * 100.);
if (mcTrack.IsPrimary()) {
PRes2DPrim->Fill(mcP.p, (1. / fabs(trPar.qp[0]) - mcP.p) / mcP.p * 100.);
if (abs(mcTrack.pdg == 211)) {
pion_res_p_fstt->Fill(mcP.p, dt * 1.e4);
pion_res_pt_fstt->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
if (abs(mcTrack.pdg == 321)) {
kaon_res_p_fstt->Fill(mcP.p, dt * 1.e4);
kaon_res_pt_fstt->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
if (abs(mcTrack.pdg == 2212)) {
pton_res_p_fstt->Fill(mcP.p, dt * 1.e4);
pton_res_pt_fstt->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
else {
PRes2DSec->Fill(mcP.p, (1. / fabs(trPar.qp[0]) - mcP.p) / mcP.p * 100.);
if (finite(trPar.C00[0]) && trPar.C00[0] > 0) h_fit[5]->Fill((trPar.x[0] - mcP.xIn) / sqrt(trPar.C00[0]));
if (finite(trPar.C11[0]) && trPar.C11[0] > 0) h_fit[6]->Fill((trPar.y[0] - mcP.yIn) / sqrt(trPar.C11[0]));
......@@ -1286,7 +1341,8 @@ void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
CbmL1MCTrack mc = *(it->GetMCTracks()[0]);
L1TrackPar trPar(it->T, it->C);
if (mc.mother_ID != -1) { // secondary
// if (mc.mother_ID != -1) { // secondary
if (!mc.IsPrimary()) { // secondary
{ // extrapolate to vertex
L1FieldRegion fld _fvecalignment;
......@@ -1402,6 +1458,26 @@ void CbmL1::TrackFitPerformance()
if (mc.z != trPar.z[0]) continue;
double dx = trPar.x[0] - mc.x;
double dy = trPar.y[0] - mc.y;
double dt = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// make dt distance negative for the half of the tracks to ease the gaussian fit and the rms calculation
if (mc.ID % 2) dt = -dt;
double pt = sqrt(mc.px * mc.px + *;
if (abs(mc.pdg == 211)) {
pion_res_p_vtxt->Fill(mc.p, dt * 1.e4);
pion_res_pt_vtxt->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
if (abs(mc.pdg == 321)) {
kaon_res_p_vtxt->Fill(mc.p, dt * 1.e4);
kaon_res_pt_vtxt->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
if (abs(mc.pdg == 2212)) {
pton_res_p_vtxt->Fill(mc.p, dt * 1.e4);
pton_res_pt_vtxt->Fill(pt, dt * 1.e4);
// calculate pulls
h_fitPV[0]->Fill((mc.x - trPar.x[0]));
......@@ -1668,7 +1744,6 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
static TH1F *pullXmuch, *pullYmuch, *pullTmuch, *resXmuch, *resYmuch, *resTmuch /*, *pullZ*/;
static TH1F *pullXtrd, *pullYtrd, *pullTtrd, *resXtrd, *resYtrd, *resTtrd /*, *pullZ*/;
static TH1F *pullXtof, *pullYtof, *pullTtof, *resXtof, *resYtof, *resTtof /*, *pullZ*/;
static TH1F* trdMCPointsZ = nullptr;
static bool first_call = 1;
......@@ -1823,7 +1898,6 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
if (h.Det != 1) continue; // mvd hit
const CbmStsHit* sh = L1_DYNAMIC_CAST<CbmStsHit*>(listStsHits->At(h.extIndex));
// int iMCPoint = -1;
CbmLink link;
CbmStsPoint* pt = 0;
......@@ -1847,19 +1921,15 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
if (stsHitMatch.GetNofLinks() > 0) {
Float_t bestWeight = 0.f;
for (Int_t iLink = 0; iLink < stsHitMatch.GetNofLinks(); iLink++) {
if (stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink).GetWeight() > bestWeight) {
bestWeight = stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink).GetWeight();
Int_t iFile = stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink).GetFile();
Int_t iEvent = stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink).GetEntry();
link = stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink);
pt = (CbmStsPoint*) fStsPoints->Get(iFile, iEvent, stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink).GetIndex());
link = stsHitMatch.GetLink(iLink);
bestWeight = link.GetWeight();
Int_t iFile = link.GetFile();
Int_t iEvent = link.GetEntry();
pt = (CbmStsPoint*) fStsPoints->Get(iFile, iEvent, link.GetIndex());
......@@ -1876,25 +1946,24 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
// pt->Position(mcPos); // this is wrong!
double t = (hitPos.Z() - pt->GetZIn()) / (pt->GetZOut() - pt->GetZIn());
mcPos.SetX(pt->GetXIn() + t * (pt->GetXOut() - pt->GetXIn()));
mcPos.SetY(pt->GetYIn() + t * (pt->GetYOut() - pt->GetYIn()));
#if 0 // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXsts->Fill( (hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X() ); // standard errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYsts->Fill( (hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y() );
#elif 1 // qa errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXsts->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx()); // qa errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYsts->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTsts->Fill((sh->GetTime() - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
#else // errors used in TF
if (hitErr.X() != 0)
if (0) { // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() > 1.e-8) pullXsts->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X());
if (hitErr.Y() > 1.e-8) pullYsts->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y());
else if (1) { // qa errors
if (sh->GetDx() > 1.e-8) pullXsts->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx());
if (sh->GetDy() > 1.e-8) pullYsts->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTsts->Fill((sh->GetTime() - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
else { // errors used in TF
pullXsts->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C00[0]));
if (hitErr.Y() != 0)
pullYsts->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C11[0]));
resXsts->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) * 10 * 1000);
resYsts->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) * 10 * 1000);
......@@ -1995,20 +2064,19 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
mcPos.SetY(0.5 * (pt->GetYIn() + pt->GetYOut()));
#if 0 // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXmuch->Fill( (hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X() ); // standard errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYmuch->Fill( (hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y() );
#elif 1 // qa errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXmuch->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx()); // qa errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYmuch->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTmuch->Fill((h.t - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
#else // errors used in TF
if (hitErr.X() != 0)
if (0) { // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() > 1.e-8) pullXmuch->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X());
if (hitErr.Y() > 1.e-8) pullYmuch->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y());
else if (1) { // qa errors
if (sh->GetDx() > 1.e-8) pullXmuch->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx());
if (sh->GetDy() > 1.e-8) pullYmuch->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTmuch->Fill((h.t - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
else { // errors used in TF
pullXmuch->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C00[0]));
if (hitErr.Y() != 0)
pullYmuch->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C11[0]));
resXmuch->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) * 10 * 1000);
resYmuch->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) * 10 * 1000);
......@@ -2027,12 +2095,13 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
if (hm->GetNofLinks() == 0) continue;
if (hm->GetNofLinks() != 1) continue; //SG!!
if (hm->GetNofLinks() != 1) continue; // only check single-linked hits
Float_t bestWeight = 0.f;
Float_t totalWeight = 0.f;
int iMCPoint = -1;
CbmLink link;
for (int iLink = 0; iLink < hm->GetNofLinks(); iLink++) {
totalWeight += hm->GetLink(iLink).GetWeight();
if (hm->GetLink(iLink).GetWeight() > bestWeight) {
......@@ -2062,18 +2131,19 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
mcPos.SetY((pt->GetYIn() + pt->GetYOut()) / 2.);
#if 0 // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXtrd->Fill( (hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X() ); // standard errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYtrd->Fill( (hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y() );
#elif 1 // qa errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXtrd->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx()); // qa errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYtrd->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTtrd->Fill((h.t - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
#else // errors used in TF
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXtrd->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C00[0]));
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYtrd->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C11[0]));
if (0) { // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() > 1.e-8) pullXtrd->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X());
if (hitErr.Y() > 1.e-8) pullYtrd->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y());
else if (1) { // qa errors
if (sh->GetDx() > 1.e-8) pullXtrd->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx());
if (sh->GetDy() > 1.e-8) pullYtrd->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTtrd->Fill((h.t - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
else { // errors used in TF
pullXtrd->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C00[0]));
pullYtrd->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C11[0]));
resXtrd->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) * 10 * 1000);
resYtrd->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) * 10 * 1000);
......@@ -2129,18 +2199,19 @@ void CbmL1::InputPerformance()
#if 0 // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXmuch->Fill( (hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X() ); // standard errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYmuch->Fill( (hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y() );
#elif 1 // qa errors
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXtof->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx()); // qa errors
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYtof->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTtof->Fill((sh->GetTime() - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
#else // errors used in TF
if (hitErr.X() != 0) pullXtof->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C00[0]));
if (hitErr.Y() != 0) pullYtof->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C11[0]));
if (0) { // standard errors
if (hitErr.X() > 1.e-8) pullXmuch->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / hitErr.X());
if (hitErr.Y() > 1.e-8) pullYmuch->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / hitErr.Y());
else if (1) { // qa errors
if (sh->GetDx() > 1.e-8) pullXtof->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) / sh->GetDx());
if (sh->GetDy() > 1.e-8) pullYtof->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) / sh->GetDy());
pullTtof->Fill((sh->GetTime() - mcTime) / sh->GetTimeError());
else { // errors used in TF
pullXtof->Fill((hitPos.X() - mcPos.X()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C00[0]));
pullYtof->Fill((hitPos.Y() - mcPos.Y()) / sqrt(algo->vStations[NMvdStations].XYInfo.C11[0]));
resXtof->Fill((h.x - mcPos.X()) * 10 * 1000);
resYtof->Fill((h.y - mcPos.Y()) * 10 * 1000);
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ InitStatus CbmRecoStsPixel::Init()
// --- Something for the screen
std::cout << std::endl;
LOG(info) << "==========================================================";
LOG(info) << GetName() << ": Initialising ";
......@@ -259,31 +259,28 @@ void CbmRecoStsPixel::ProcessData(CbmEvent* event)
double dx = pt->GetXOut() - pt->GetXIn();
double dy = pt->GetYOut() - pt->GetYIn();
double dz = pt->GetZOut() - pt->GetZIn();
if (fabs(dz) > 1.e-2) {
hit->SetX(pt->GetXIn() + dx * (staZ - pt->GetZIn()) / dz);
hit->SetY(pt->GetYIn() + dy * (staZ - pt->GetZIn()) / dz);
else {
hit->SetX(0.5 * (pt->GetXIn() + pt->GetXOut()));
hit->SetY(0.5 * (pt->GetYIn() + pt->GetYOut()));
hit->SetZ(0.5 * (pt->GetZIn() + pt->GetZOut()));
Double_t pitchX = station->GetSensorPitch(0);
Double_t pitchY = station->GetSensorPitch(1);
Double_t resX = station->GetSensorPitch(0) / sqrt(12.);
Double_t resY = station->GetSensorPitch(1) / sqrt(12.);
assert(pitchX > 1.e-5);
assert(pitchY > 1.e-5);
assert(resX > 1.e-5);
assert(resY > 1.e-5);
hit->SetX((floor(hit->GetX() / pitchX) + 0.5) * pitchX);
hit->SetY((floor(hit->GetY() / pitchY) + 0.5) * pitchY);
auto gaus = []() {
double x = 5;
while (fabs(x) > 3.5) {
x = gRandom->Gaus(0., 1.);
return x;
hit->SetDx(pitchX / sqrt(12.));
hit->SetDy(pitchY / sqrt(12.));
hit->SetX(hit->GetX() + resX * gaus());
hit->SetY(hit->GetY() + resY * gaus());
......@@ -74,11 +74,17 @@ using namespace CbmSts;
// ----- Standard constructor ------------------------------------------
CbmStsDigitizePixel::CbmStsDigitizePixel(Double_t pitchXcm, Double_t pitchYcm, Double_t resolutionTns)
CbmStsDigitizePixel::CbmStsDigitizePixel() : CbmDigitize<CbmStsDigi>("StsDigitizePixel") {}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Standard constructor ------------------------------------------
CbmStsDigitizePixel::CbmStsDigitizePixel(Double_t resolutionXcm, Double_t resolutionYcm, Double_t resolutionTns,
int nPixelStations)
: CbmDigitize<CbmStsDigi>("StsDigitizePixel")
, fPitchXcm(pitchXcm)
, fPitchYcm(pitchYcm)
, fResolutionTns(resolutionTns)
, fPixelNstations(nPixelStations)
, fPixelResolutionXcm(resolutionXcm)
, fPixelResolutionYcm(resolutionYcm)
, fPixelResolutionTns(resolutionTns)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -175,7 +181,12 @@ void CbmStsDigitizePixel::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
UInt_t address = static_cast<UInt_t>(point->GetDetectorID());
UShort_t channel = 0;
double timef = fCurrentEventTime + point->GetTime();
timef += gRandom->Gaus(0, fResolutionTns);
if (fSetup->GetStationNumber(address) < fPixelNstations) { timef += gRandom->Gaus(0, fPixelResolutionTns); }
else {
timef += gRandom->Gaus(0, fStripResolutionTns);
Long64_t time = Long64_t(round(timef));
if (time < 0) { time = 0; }
UShort_t adc = 30;
......@@ -195,7 +206,7 @@ void CbmStsDigitizePixel::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/)
if (fCreateMatches) { std::cout << "create matches" << std::endl; }
// --- Event log
LOG(info) << left << setw(15) << GetName() << "[" << fixed << setprecision(3) << timer.RealTime() << " s]"
<< " Points processed " << fPoints->GetEntriesFast();
......@@ -231,28 +242,40 @@ void CbmStsDigitizePixel::InitParams()
UInt_t nAsicChannels = 128; // Number of readout channels per ASIC
// --- ASIC parameters
UShort_t nAdc = 32; // Number of ADC channels (5 bit)
Double_t dynRange = 75000.; // Dynamic range [e]
Double_t threshold = 3000.; // Threshold [e]
Double_t timeResol = fResolutionTns; // Time resolution [ns]
Double_t deadTime = 800.; // Channel dead time [ns]
Double_t noiseRms = 1000.; // RMS of noise [e]
Double_t znr = 3.9789e-3; // Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
CbmStsParAsic userParAsic(nAsicChannels, nAdc, dynRange, threshold, timeResol, deadTime, noiseRms, znr);
CbmStsParModule userParModule(nChannels, nAsicChannels);
UShort_t nAdc = 32; // Number of ADC channels (5 bit)
Double_t dynRange = 75000.; // Dynamic range [e]
Double_t threshold = 3000.; // Threshold [e]
Double_t deadTime = 800.; // Channel dead time [ns]
Double_t noiseRms = 1000.; // RMS of noise [e]
Double_t znr = 3.9789e-3; // Zero-crossing noise rate [1/ns]
CbmStsParAsic userParAsicStrip(nAsicChannels, nAdc, dynRange, threshold, fStripResolutionTns, deadTime, noiseRms,
CbmStsParModule userParModuleStrip(nChannels, nAsicChannels);
CbmStsParAsic userParAsicPixel(nAsicChannels, nAdc, dynRange, threshold, fPixelResolutionTns, deadTime, noiseRms,
CbmStsParModule userParModulePixel(nChannels, nAsicChannels);
for (Int_t iModule = 0; iModule < fSetup->GetNofModules(); iModule++) {
UInt_t address = fSetup->GetModule(iModule)->GetAddress();
fParSetModule->SetParModule(address, userParModule);
if (fSetup->GetStationNumber(address) < fPixelNstations) {
fParSetModule->SetParModule(address, userParModulePixel);
else {
fParSetModule->SetParModule(address, userParModuleStrip);
fParSetModule->setInputVersion(-2, 1);
LOG(info) << GetName() << "--- Using global ASIC parameters: \n " << userParAsic.ToString();
LOG(info) << GetName() << "--- Using global ASIC parameters for Pixels: \n " << userParAsicPixel.ToString();
LOG(info) << GetName() << "--- Using global ASIC parameters for Strips: \n " << userParAsicPixel.ToString();
LOG(info) << GetName() << "--- Module parameters: " << fParSetModule->ToString();
......@@ -287,10 +310,17 @@ void CbmStsDigitizePixel::InitParams()
// sensor parameters used by the tracker
par.SetPar(6, fPitchXcm); // Strip pitch front side
par.SetPar(7, fPitchYcm); // Strip pitch back side
par.SetPar(8, 0.); // Stereo angle front side [deg]
par.SetPar(9, 90); // Stereo angle back side [deg]
if (fSetup->GetStationNumber(address) < fPixelNstations) {
par.SetPar(6, fPixelResolutionXcm * sqrt(12.)); // Strip pitch front side
par.SetPar(7, fPixelResolutionYcm * sqrt(12.)); // Strip pitch back side
else {
par.SetPar(6, fStripResolutionXcm * sqrt(12.)); // Strip pitch front side
par.SetPar(7, fStripResolutionYcm * sqrt(12.)); // Strip pitch back side
par.SetPar(8, 0.); // Stereo angle front side [deg]
par.SetPar(9, 90); // Stereo angle back side [deg]
fParSetSensor->SetParSensor(address, par);
......@@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ class CbmStsDigitizePixel : public CbmDigitize<CbmStsDigi> {
/** Constructor **/
CbmStsDigitizePixel(Double_t pitchXcm = 0.0010, Double_t pitchYcm = 0.0010, Double_t resolutionTns = 5.);
/** Constructor **/
CbmStsDigitizePixel(Double_t resolutionXcm, Double_t resolutionYcm, Double_t resolutionTns, int nPixelStations);
/** Destructor **/
virtual ~CbmStsDigitizePixel();
......@@ -86,14 +88,28 @@ public:
/** Initialisation **/
virtual InitStatus Init();
/// set pitch X [cm]
void SetPitchX(double pitchXcm) { fPitchXcm = pitchXcm; }
/// set number of pixel stations
void SetPixelNstations(int n) { fPixelNstations = n; }
/// set pixel resolution X [cm]
void SetPixelResolutionX(double resXcm) { fPixelResolutionXcm = resXcm; }
/// set pixel resolution Y [cm]
void SetPixelResolutionY(double resYcm) { fPixelResolutionYcm = resYcm; }
/// set pixel resolution Time [ns]
void SetPixelResolutionTime(double resolutionTns) { fPixelResolutionTns = resolutionTns; }
/// set pitch Y [cm]
void SetPitchY(double pitchYcm) { fPitchYcm = pitchYcm; }
/// set strip resolution X [cm]
void SetStripResolutionX(double resXcm) { fStripResolutionXcm = resXcm; }
/// set strip resolution Y [cm]
void SetStripResolutionY(double resYcm) { fStripResolutionYcm = resYcm; }
/// set strip resolution Time [ns]
void SetStripResolutionTime(double resolutionTns) { fStripResolutionTns = resolutionTns; }
/// set resolution Time [ns]
void SetResolutionTime(double resolutionTns) { fResolutionTns = resolutionTns; }
Bool_t fIsInitialised; ///< kTRUE if Init() was called
......@@ -110,9 +126,17 @@ private:
// data members
Double_t fPitchXcm {0.0058}; // pitch in X [cm]
Double_t fPitchYcm {0.0058}; // pitch in Y [cm]
Double_t fResolutionTns {5.}; // resolution in time [ns]
Int_t fPixelNstations {3}; // number of pixel stations.
// First fPixelNStations stations of STS will be replaced by pixels.
Double_t fPixelResolutionXcm {0.0010 / sqrt(12.)}; // pixel resolution in X [cm]
Double_t fPixelResolutionYcm {0.0010 / sqrt(12.)}; // pixel resolution in Y [cm]
Double_t fPixelResolutionTns {2.6}; // pixel resolution in time [ns]
Double_t fStripResolutionXcm {0.0010}; // strip resolution in X [cm]
Double_t fStripResolutionYcm {0.0100}; // strip resolution in Y [cm]
Double_t fStripResolutionTns {2.6}; // strip resolution in time [ns]
/** @brief Initialise the parameters **/
void InitParams();