- Jul 10, 2020
Administrator authored
Apply code formatting to all source/header files and root macros.
- Jul 09, 2020
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
* in standard event builder, fill the histo for time difference between digis * in Time Window event builder algo, improves the SetReferenceDetector method (safer and more verbose) * in both event builders, add possibility to set a maximum nb of digi cut per detector + small optimizations in trigger check * in time window event builder, remove the setters for individual min digi nb and keep only the generic one * in standard event builder, add doxygen description to max digi nb members and to Trigger condition setters * in time window event builder, add a new internal method to make trigger check more generic
- Jul 06, 2020
Administrator authored
The commit ports the commits 16307, 16385-16386, 16426-16429, 16452, 16454, 16500, 16548 and 16566 from the mcbm2020 development branch.
- Jul 03, 2020
Administrator authored
- Jul 02, 2020
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Time window event builder: algo class CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo + corresponding task class CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderTask - CbmMcbm2019CheckDtInDet - CbmMcbm2019CheckTimingPairs
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- PSD algo: add PSD waveform fitting - RICH algo: add correction for errors induced by high data rates + additional monitor histos + fix monitor mode - STS algo: invert digi channel numbering between P and N sides to match reco convention, refs #1549 - TRD, STS, PSD and RICH algo: add delete of parameter related pointers in destructors
- Jul 01, 2020
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Jun 30, 2020
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- TOF ==> fixes to unpackers to avoid crash if monitoring mode is not enabled ==> add delete of parameter related pointers in destructors - MUCH ==> Add SetAdcCut method to task and algo ==> MaskNoisyChannel method implemented. Similar as STS. ==> Add compatibility with new bin sorter FW
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- CbmCheckEvents.cxx ==> AddMUCH + digi manager support - CbmCheckTiming.h ==> Add TRD support ==> Change sign of time diff to have T0 as reference time ==> Set binning to clock cycle if compatible - CbmMcbm2018EventBuilder.h ==> Add TRD support ==> Add support for CbmMuchDigi (Simu) + CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi (real data) ==> Better monitor histos handling - CbmMcbm2019CheckPulser.h ==> Add support for TRD + selection by address for some of the detectors
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Jun 25, 2020
Pascal Raisig authored
Interface now delievers a more suitable value on GetAddress() The test now performs a more meaningful check of the default and standard constructor Upgrade of the TrdParModDigi interface Digi x-y position is now directly accessible with the pad channel number Trd parameter creation Automatic writing of hardware id information Trd mcbm unpacker mainly histogram updates TrdParSet add GetModuleMap getter
- Jun 23, 2020
Refs #1758 @0.5h
- Jun 03, 2020
Administrator authored
This version is an exact copy of the last revision of the trunk branch of the old SVN repository of CbmRoor at https://subversion.gsi.de/cbmsoft/cbmroot/trunk The old SVN repository will still be available for read access.