- Nov 17, 2023
Updates T0 digi classes with Bmon exquivalents. Standardises the use of Bmon across code base and, in-use and legacy macros.
- Oct 29, 2021
- Jun 17, 2021
- In CbmMqHistoServer, add a new method processing a multi-part message to combine Histo config, Canvas config and histo data - Attach this new method to the histo data input channel - Convert the T0 MQ monitor to this single channel usage - Convert the Tof MQ monitor to this single channel usage
- In both, add InitHistograms method - Call InitContainers and InitHistograms in Run and only on first message
- Jun 08, 2021
Eoin Clerkin authored
Decision to not use doxygen for licence headers. Removes doxygen formatting and file tag.
- Jun 05, 2021
Eoin Clerkin authored
Pulls some author and date information from previous headers, adds this to information from the svn and git repositories. Inlude the standard copyright header to approximately 2000 files with institute of original committer as copyright holder. Contributing authors from previous declaration and repository records.
- May 27, 2021
Administrator authored
The latest version of our formating rules is applied to all header and source files as well as to the macros using clang-format 11.0.
- Mar 26, 2021
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Add threshold for non pulser digis in both algo, Task and device - Make interval for spill threshold checks configurable in both algo, Task and device - Spill detection only when both threshold passed - Add Monitor macro for mCBM 2021 using this functionality
- Mar 08, 2021
Fixes in mCBM 2020 Algos and MQ examples: - Remove JSROOT commands fore reset/save histos in MQ histos server and devices, as not working (need cling context!). - Add/extend support for T0 channels remapping + related plots. - Fix TOF pulser algo (logic was broken before and chain resetting the output plots). Add macro folder + MQ monitor scripts for TOF and T0.
- Jul 10, 2020
Administrator authored
Apply code formatting to all source/header files and root macros.
- Jun 03, 2020
Administrator authored
This version is an exact copy of the last revision of the trunk branch of the old SVN repository of CbmRoor at https://subversion.gsi.de/cbmsoft/cbmroot/trunk The old SVN repository will still be available for read access.