- Jul 19, 2021
Administrator authored
- Jun 01, 2021
Administrator authored
The clang_format check needs the .git rpository to be present. In the release tar file the directory is missing which results in a crash when running cmake.
- Apr 28, 2021
Administrator authored
The previous fix did not work for macosx 11.3. Somehow on this system the old FindGEANT3.cmake file was used. Probably this is not a problem with the macosx version but with the usage of a case insensitive file system. To avoid the problem remove the old and obsolete file. Also do some fixes to properly initialise some cmake variables.
- Apr 27, 2021
With the previous fix the ROOT_INCLUDE_PATH wasn't correct on all platforms. This is now fixed. refs #2088
The generated config scripts did not contain the proper (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH information when using FairRoot v18.6. refs #2088
- Apr 01, 2021
The current flesnet version contain all changes/patches which we did so far when compiling CbmRoot. The new flesnet version also needs un updated version of cppzmq. refs. #2068, #2069
- Mar 25, 2021
Administrator authored
Remove check for ZeroMQ. ZeroMQ isn't needed any longer. Fix installation of externals when using Spack. Pass extra flags flags to NicaFemto configuration if needed. Patch ipc source code. Add missing include file. Cleanup .gitignore in externals. Fix linking of CbmGlobalTraking library. Add missing link directory. In normal installation Vc probably was found in the ROOT installation. With Spack ROOT is build without builtin Vc. Use correct syntax for function call. With the latest FairMQ version the old backward compatibility layer was removed. Use now the new syntax to change the state.
- Mar 24, 2021
On macosx one needs a openmp installation which does not come with the system, at least the omp.h header file is missing. brew has a package libomp which installs the header and a library. Both are found by the cmake module FindOpenMP and properly used during the compilation and linking. In themoment there is still a runtime error when executing the L1 tracking with OpenMP support on macosx, so switch off OpenMP for the time being. The problem is investigated already. refs #2028. Cleanup OpenMP handling in the build system. Move check for OpenMP to top level. Remove OpenMP usage from all libs were it is not needed.
- Feb 05, 2021
Administrator authored
On CentOS 7 64 bit installations as default libraries will be installed into the directory lib64. With this change the installation will be done to the lib directory as on all other operating systems.
- Jan 29, 2021
Administrator authored
Define CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR explicitly. In newer FairRoot versions the variable is needed to setup the proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the CbmRootConfig macros.
- Dec 11, 2020
Administrator authored
The GNU Sientific Library isn't any longer used in CbmRoot.
- Dec 10, 2020
Administrator authored
Use standard CMake variable to define C++ version. Pass the version to AnalysisTree package such that code is properly compiled.
Administrator authored
Add support for C++17 Check for c++ version c++11 or above (11, 14 or 17). With this change it becomes possible to compile CbmRoot with C++17. Add missing library. The FairMQ state machine is now in an extra library which has to be added for linking when using FairSoft nov20. Test if the library exist and create the list of dependencies accordingly. Add missing include directory. VMC is not any longer included in ROOT but a standealone package, so the include directory has to be added such that the header files are found. Add gtest as an optional external package. With the latest version of FairSoft googletest was removed due to a recommendation of the gtest developers. Since gtest is no longer part of FairSoft we have to provide an own version which is compiled as external project. Add proper dependency to external gtest project This dependency is needed to compile the test only if the gtest library is already available. Fix compilation error with FairRoot v18.4.2 on macosx In FairRoot v18.4.2 some linker settings were removed from the CMake setup. This breaks the compilation of CbmRoot. Put back the needed seetings for the linker on macosx in our build system. Fix NicaFemto installation
- Oct 02, 2020
Administrator authored
All unpackers are independent of the FairRoot framework, so the includes can be removed. Use the generic Logger instead of FairLogger which is meanwhile only a wrapper around the Logger.
- Aug 25, 2020
Administrator authored
Don't download the external packages when running the code format checker. This improves the run time from more than 4 minutes to less than 1 minute. Test each file individually such that the results on CDash are shown for each file separately.
- Jul 09, 2020
Add format check in GitLab CI configuration file. Add CMake target for format checker . Add neede CMake files and shell scripts. Add label in GitLab CI configuration file such that it can be properly sorted on CDash. The checker is disabled till we format the complete code base.
- Jun 23, 2020
Refs #1758 @0.5h
- Jun 03, 2020
Administrator authored
This version is an exact copy of the last revision of the trunk branch of the old SVN repository of CbmRoor at https://subversion.gsi.de/cbmsoft/cbmroot/trunk The old SVN repository will still be available for read access.