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Commit d9b51bdd authored by Shreya Roy's avatar Shreya Roy Committed by Volker Friese
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New class for digi event selector and corresponding GTest

parent 99f4a5c7
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1 merge request!959New class for event filter and GTestEventFilter
Pipeline #20786 passed
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ add_subdirectory(test)
......@@ -17,8 +18,10 @@ target_include_directories(Algo
target_link_libraries(Algo PUBLIC OnlineData INTERFACE FairLogger::FairLogger external::fles_ipc)
/* Copyright (C) 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Dominik Smith [committer] */
#include <cstdint>
namespace cbm::algo
/** @class TofConfig
** @author Dominik Smith <>
** @since 2022
** @brief
class TofConfig {
static uint32_t GetTofTrackingStation(const uint32_t smType, const uint32_t sm, const uint32_t rpc)
const uint8_t numSmTypes = 10;
const uint8_t numRpc[numSmTypes] = {5, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2};
const uint8_t numSm[numSmTypes] = {5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1};
const uint8_t trkStation[numSmTypes][25] = {
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 1, 2, 2, 0}};
if (smType < numSmTypes) {
if (sm < numSm[smType] && rpc < numRpc[smType]) return trkStation[smType][sm * numRpc[smType] + rpc];
return 0;
return 0;
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Shreya Roy [committer], Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Norbert Herrmann, Volker Friese, Dominik Smith */
#include "DigiEventSelector.h"
#include "CbmStsDigi.h"
#include <Logger.h>
#include "TofConfig.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace cbm::algo
bool DigiEventSelector::operator()(const CbmDigiEvent& event) const
//TO DO: Investigate possible algorithms that use bitset instead of std::unordered_map.
//This requires consequtive addresses for modules and stations.
if (0 < fParams.fStsMinStations) {
if (!CheckSts(event.fData.fSts.fDigis)) return false;
if (0 < fParams.fTofMinLayers) {
if (!CheckTof(event.fData.fTof.fDigis)) return false;
return true;
bool DigiEventSelector::CheckSts(const std::vector<CbmStsDigi>& digis) const
const uint16_t chanPerSide = 1024;
/// check for requested number of different STS stations
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> setStations;
std::unordered_map<int32_t, bool> mModules;
for (auto& digi : digis) {
const int32_t addr = digi.GetAddress();
auto itModule = mModules.find(addr);
if (itModule == mModules.end()) {
mModules[addr] = digi.GetChannel() / chanPerSide; // = 0,1 for sides
else {
if (digi.GetChannel() / chanPerSide != itModule->second) {
/// Found other side => non-zero cluster chance, insert into stations set
const uint32_t stationAddr = CbmStsAddress::GetElementId(addr, EStsElementLevel::kStsUnit);
auto itStation = setStations.find(stationAddr);
if (itStation == setStations.end()) {
if (setStations.size() == fParams.fStsMinStations) break;
if (setStations.size() < fParams.fStsMinStations) { return false; }
else {
return true;
bool DigiEventSelector::CheckTof(const std::vector<CbmTofDigi>& digis) const
/// check for requested number of different RPCs
std::unordered_set<int32_t> setRpcs;
std::unordered_set<int32_t> setTofStation;
std::unordered_map<int32_t, bool> mStrips;
for (auto& digi : digis) {
const int32_t addr = digi.GetAddress();
const int32_t stripAddr = CbmTofAddress::GetStripFullId(addr);
auto itStrip = mStrips.find(stripAddr);
if (itStrip == mStrips.end()) { mStrips[stripAddr] = digi.GetSide(); }
else {
if (digi.GetSide() != itStrip->second) {
/// Found other end => full strip, insert into counter set
const int32_t rpcAddr = CbmTofAddress::GetRpcFullId(addr);
auto itRpc = setRpcs.find(rpcAddr);
if (itRpc == setRpcs.end()) {
const int32_t smId = CbmTofAddress::GetSmId(addr);
const int32_t smType = CbmTofAddress::GetSmType(addr);
const int32_t rpcId = CbmTofAddress::GetRpcId(addr);
const int32_t TofStationId = TofConfig::GetTofTrackingStation(smType, smId, rpcId);
if (setTofStation.size() == fParams.fTofMinLayers) break;
if (setTofStation.size() < fParams.fTofMinLayers) { return false; }
else {
return true;
} // namespace cbm::algo
/* Copyright (C) 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Shreya Roy [committer], Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Norbert Herrmann, Volker Friese, Dominik Smith */
#include "CbmDigiEvent.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace cbm::algo
struct DigiEventSelectorParams {
uint8_t fStsMinStations = 0;
uint8_t fTofMinLayers = 0;
/** @class DigiEventSelector
** @author Dominik Smith <>
** @author Shreya Roy <>
** @author Volker Friese <>
** @since 2022
** @brief
class DigiEventSelector {
DigiEventSelector(DigiEventSelectorParams params) { fParams = params; }
bool operator()(const CbmDigiEvent& event) const;
void SetParams(DigiEventSelectorParams params) { fParams = params; }
DigiEventSelectorParams fParams;
bool CheckSts(const std::vector<CbmStsDigi>& digis) const;
bool CheckTof(const std::vector<CbmTofDigi>& digis) const;
} // namespace cbm::algo
......@@ -22,21 +22,26 @@ set(PVT_DEPS
CreateGTestExeAndAddTest(_GTestTimeClusterTrigger "${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}" "${LINK_DIRECTORIES}"
"${TimeClusterTriggerSources}" "${PUB_DEPS}" "${PVT_DEPS}" "${INT_DEPS}" "")
CreateGTestExeAndAddTest(_GTestEventBuilder "${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}" "${LINK_DIRECTORIES}"
"${EventBuilderSources}" "${PUB_DEPS}" "${PVT_DEPS}" "${INT_DEPS}" "")
CreateGTestExeAndAddTest(_GTestDigiEventSelector "${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}" "${LINK_DIRECTORIES}"
"${DigiEventSelectorSources}" "${PUB_DEPS}" "${PVT_DEPS}" "${INT_DEPS}" "")
/* Copyright (C) 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Dominik Smith [committer] */
#include "TofConfig.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#include "DigiEventSelector.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
TEST(_GTestDigiEventSelector, CheckDigiEventSelectorAlgorithmSimple)
//Test STS
const uint maxStsStations = 8;
const uint maxStsModules = 12;
const uint maxStsLadders = 4;
for (uint numStations = 1; numStations < maxStsStations; numStations++) {
//Prepare input
CbmDigiEvent eventIn;
//Produce digi pairs with valid addresses
for (uint station = 0; station < numStations; station++) {
for (uint module = 0; module < maxStsModules; module++) {
for (uint ladder = 0; ladder < maxStsLadders; ladder++) {
for (uint halfladder = 0; halfladder <= 1; halfladder++) {
//add digis pairs
int32_t address = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(station, ladder, halfladder, module);
eventIn.fData.fSts.fDigis.push_back(CbmStsDigi(address, 0, 0.0, 0.0));
eventIn.fData.fSts.fDigis.push_back(CbmStsDigi(address, 1024, 0.0, 0.0)); //other side channel
//add digis from next station without partner for intentionally failed test
int32_t nextAddress = CbmStsAddress::GetAddress(numStations, ladder, 0, module);
eventIn.fData.fSts.fDigis.push_back(CbmStsDigi(nextAddress, 1024, 0.0, 0.0));
//Prepare event filter
cbm::algo::DigiEventSelectorParams filterParams;
filterParams.fStsMinStations = numStations;
cbm::algo::DigiEventSelector evfilter(filterParams);
EXPECT_EQ(evfilter(eventIn), true);
//Test if digi without partner is properly disregarded
filterParams.fStsMinStations = numStations + 1;
EXPECT_EQ(evfilter(eventIn), false);
//Test TOF
//Prepare input
CbmDigiEvent eventIn;
const uint8_t numSmTypes = 10;
const uint8_t numRpc[numSmTypes] = {5, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2};
const uint8_t numSm[numSmTypes] = {5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1};
std::unordered_set<int32_t> setTofStation;
for (uint smType = 0; smType < numSmTypes; smType++) {
for (uint sm = 0; sm < numSm[smType]; sm++) {
for (uint rpc = 0; rpc < numRpc[smType]; rpc++) {
uint32_t addrFront = CbmTofAddress::GetUniqueAddress(sm, rpc, 0, 0, smType, 0);
uint32_t addrBack = CbmTofAddress::GetUniqueAddress(sm, rpc, 0, 1, smType, 0);
eventIn.fData.fTof.fDigis.push_back(CbmTofDigi(addrFront, 0.0, 0.0));
eventIn.fData.fTof.fDigis.push_back(CbmTofDigi(addrBack, 0.0, 0.0));
const int32_t TofStationId = cbm::algo::TofConfig::GetTofTrackingStation(smType, sm, rpc);
cbm::algo::DigiEventSelectorParams filterParams;
filterParams.fTofMinLayers = setTofStation.size();
cbm::algo::DigiEventSelector evfilter(filterParams);
EXPECT_EQ(evfilter(eventIn), true);
filterParams.fTofMinLayers = setTofStation.size() + 1;
EXPECT_EQ(evfilter(eventIn), false);
......@@ -135,6 +135,16 @@ void CbmTaskBuildEvents::Exec(Option_t*)
fTimeBuildEvt += timerStep.RealTime();
// Apply event selector if desired
if (fSelector) {
auto noTrigger = [&](CbmDigiEvent& ev) { return !(*fSelector)(ev); };
auto removeIt = std::remove_if(fEvents->begin(), fEvents->end(), noTrigger);
fEvents->erase(removeIt, fEvents->end());
fTimeSelectorEvt += timerStep.RealTime();
// --- Timeslice statistics
size_t numTriggers = fTriggers->size();
size_t numEvents = fEvents->size();
......@@ -195,6 +205,8 @@ void CbmTaskBuildEvents::Finish()
<< " ms = " << 100. * fTimeFillTs / fTimeTot << " %";
LOG(info) << "Time build events : " << fixed << setprecision(2) << 1000. * fTimeBuildEvt / double(fNumTs)
<< " ms = " << 100. * fTimeBuildEvt / fTimeTot << " %";
LOG(info) << "Time selector events : " << fixed << setprecision(2) << 1000. * fTimeSelectorEvt / double(fNumTs)
<< " ms = " << 100. * fTimeSelectorEvt / fTimeTot << " %";
LOG(info) << "=====================================";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "DigiEventSelector.h"
#include "EventBuilder.h"
class CbmDigiManager;
......@@ -64,6 +65,23 @@ public:
fEventWindows[system] = std::make_pair(tMin, tMax);
/** @brief Activate event selector which requires a minimum number of fired layers
** @param params Struct with minimum number of layers for different detectors
void SetDigiEventSelector(cbm::algo::DigiEventSelectorParams params)
if (fSelector == nullptr) {
// New selector, straightforward
fSelector = std::make_unique<cbm::algo::DigiEventSelector>(params);
else {
// Re-use existing selector as functor without state
private: // methods
/** @brief Task initialisation **/
virtual InitStatus Init();
......@@ -80,25 +98,27 @@ private: // methods
size_t GetNumDigis(const CbmDigiData& data, ECbmModuleId system);
private: // members
const CbmDigiTimeslice* fTimeslice = nullptr; //! Input data (from unpacking)
CbmDigiManager* fDigiMan = nullptr; //! Input data (from simulation)
const std::vector<double>* fTriggers = nullptr; //! Input data (triggers)
std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>* fEvents = nullptr; //! Output data (events)
std::unique_ptr<cbm::algo::DigiEventSelector> fSelector; //! Event selector
private: // members
const CbmDigiTimeslice* fTimeslice = nullptr; //! Input data (from unpacking)
CbmDigiManager* fDigiMan = nullptr; //! Input data (from simulation)
const std::vector<double>* fTriggers = nullptr; //! Input data (triggers)
std::vector<CbmDigiEvent>* fEvents = nullptr; //! Output data (events)
cbm::algo::EventBuilder fAlgo {}; //! Algorithm
cbm::algo::EventBuilder fAlgo {}; //! Algorithm
std::map<ECbmModuleId, std::pair<double, double>> fEventWindows;
// for diagnostics
std::map<ECbmModuleId, size_t> fNumDigisTs; // Number of digis in timeslices
std::map<ECbmModuleId, size_t> fNumDigisEv; // Number of digis in events
size_t fNumTs = 0; // Number of processed time slices
size_t fNumTriggers = 0; // Number of triggers
size_t fNumEvents = 0; // Number of produced events
double fTimeFillTs = 0.;
double fTimeBuildEvt = 0.;
double fTimeTot = 0.;
size_t fNumTs = 0; // Number of processed time slices
size_t fNumTriggers = 0; // Number of triggers
size_t fNumEvents = 0; // Number of produced events
double fTimeFillTs = 0.;
double fTimeBuildEvt = 0.;
double fTimeSelectorEvt = 0.;
double fTimeTot = 0.;
ClassDef(CbmTaskBuildEvents, 1);
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