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Commit 6516ec1e authored by Alberica Toia's avatar Alberica Toia
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build_event_win_kronos.C does ONLY event builder, mcbm_build_and_reco_kronos.C...

build_event_win_kronos.C does ONLY event builder, mcbm_build_and_reco_kronos.C does event builder + reco
parent 13ca9fd4
1 merge request!153adding sts reco with abs and rel path
......@@ -106,62 +106,6 @@ void build_event_win_kronos(UInt_t uRunIdx = 0,
// ----- Parameter database --------------------------------------------
TString parFile =
FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb();
FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo();
parIo1->open(parFile.Data(), "UPDATE");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TString geoFileSts =
"test.geo.root"; // to be created by a simulation run
// ----- Local reconstruction in STS ----------------------------------
CbmRecoSts* recoSts = new CbmRecoSts();
//recoSts->SetTimeCutDigisAbs( 20 );// cluster finder: time cut in ns
//recoSts->SetTimeCutClustersAbs(20.); // hit finder: time cut in ns
// ASIC params: #ADC channels, dyn. range, threshold, time resol., dead time,
// noise RMS, zero-threshold crossing rate
auto parAsic =
new CbmStsParAsic(32, 75000., 3000., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
// Module params: number of channels, number of channels per ASIC
auto parMod = new CbmStsParModule(2048, 128);
// Sensor params
auto sensorPar = new CbmStsParSensor(CbmStsSensorClass::kDssdStereo);
sensorPar->SetPar(0, 6.2092); // Extension in x
sensorPar->SetPar(1, 6.2); // Extension in y
sensorPar->SetPar(2, 0.03); // Extension in z
sensorPar->SetPar(3, 5.9692); // Active size in y
sensorPar->SetPar(4, 1024.); // Number of strips front side
sensorPar->SetPar(5, 1024.); // Number of strips back side
sensorPar->SetPar(6, 0.0058); // Strip pitch front side
sensorPar->SetPar(7, 0.0058); // Strip pitch back side
sensorPar->SetPar(8, 7.5); // Stereo angle front side
sensorPar->SetPar(9, 0.0); // Stereo angle back side
// Sensor conditions: full depletion voltage, bias voltage, temperature,
// coupling capacitance, inter-strip capacitance
auto sensorCond = new CbmStsParSensorCond(70., 140., 268., 17.5, 1.);
std::cout << "-I- : Added task " << recoSts->GetName() << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Intialise and run --------------------------------------------
void mcbm_build_and_reco_kronos(UInt_t uRunIdx = 0,
Int_t nEvents = 0,
TString outDir = "data/") {
UInt_t uRunId = 0;
TString fileName = "data/unp_mcbm_0.root";
if (99999 != uRunIdx) {
std::vector<UInt_t> vuListRunId = {
692, 698, 702, 704, 705, 706, 707, // 7 => 0 - 6
744, 750, 759, 760, 761, 762, 799, // 7 => 7 - 13
811, 812, 816, 817, 819, // 5 => 14 - 18
820, 821, 822, 824, 826, 827, 828, 829, // 8 => 19 - 26
830, 831, 836, // 3 => 27 - 29
841, 846, 849, // 3 => 30 - 32
850, 851, 852, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, // 9 => 33 - 41
860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866 // 7 => 42 - 48
/// With runs < 1 min due to missmatch!
811, 812, 816, 817, 818, 819, // 6 => 14 - 19
820, 821, 822, 824, 826, 827, 828, 829, // 8 => 20 - 27
830, 831, 836, 839, // 4 => 28 - 31
840, 841, 842, 844, 845, 846, 848, 849, // 8 => 32 - 39
850, 851, 852, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, // 9 => 40 - 48
860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866 // 7 => 49 - 55
if (vuListRunId.size() <= uRunIdx) return kFALSE;
uRunId = vuListRunId[uRunIdx];
//fileName = Form("data/unp_mcbm_%03u.root", uRunId);
fileName = Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/"
} // if( 99999 != uRunIdx )
if (uRunId < 692 && 0 != uRunId) return kFALSE;
// ========================================================================
// Adjust this part according to your requirements
// Verbosity level (0=quiet, 1=event level, 2=track level, 3=debug)
// Int_t iVerbose = 1;
// --- Set log output levels
// gLogger->SetLogScreenLevel("DEBUG");
// MC file
TString srcDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
// ----- Timer --------------------------------------------------------
TStopwatch timer;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Analysis run --------------------------------------------------
// FairRunOnline *fRun= new FairRunOnline();
FairRunAna* fRun = new FairRunAna();
FairFileSource* inputSource = new FairFileSource(fileName);
TString runId = TString::Format("%03u", uRunId);
TString outFile = outDir + "/events_win_" + runId + ".root";
FairRootFileSink* outputSink = new FairRootFileSink(outFile);
// Define output file for FairMonitor histograms
// TString monitorFile{outFile};
// monitorFile.ReplaceAll("qa","qa.monitor");
// FairMonitor::GetMonitor()->EnableMonitor(kFALSE);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilder* eventBuilder = new CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilder();
CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderTask* eventBuilder =
new CbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderTask();
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kSts, -50, 100);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, -150, 50);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, -250, 100);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kTof, -150, 10);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kRich, -50, 50);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kPsd, -50, 50);
// eventBuilder->SetT0PulserTotLimits( 185, 191 );
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kT0, 1);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kSts, 0);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kMuch, 0);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kTrd, 0);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kTof, 10);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kRich, 0);
eventBuilder->SetTriggerMinNumber(ECbmModuleId::kPsd, 0);
if (0 < uRunId)
Form("%sHistosEvtWin_%03u.root", outDir.Data(), uRunId));
// To get T0 Digis (seed + close digis) in the event
eventBuilder->SetTriggerWindow(ECbmModuleId::kT0, -1, 10);
// ----- Parameter database --------------------------------------------
TString parFile =
FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb();
FairParRootFileIo* parIo1 = new FairParRootFileIo();
parIo1->open(parFile.Data(), "UPDATE");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TString geoFileSts =
"test.geo.root"; // to be created by a simulation run
// ----- Local reconstruction in STS ----------------------------------
CbmRecoSts* recoSts = new CbmRecoSts();
//recoSts->SetTimeCutDigisAbs( 20 );// cluster finder: time cut in ns
//recoSts->SetTimeCutClustersAbs(20.); // hit finder: time cut in ns
// ASIC params: #ADC channels, dyn. range, threshold, time resol., dead time,
// noise RMS, zero-threshold crossing rate
auto parAsic =
new CbmStsParAsic(32, 75000., 3000., 5., 800., 1000., 3.9789e-3);
// Module params: number of channels, number of channels per ASIC
auto parMod = new CbmStsParModule(2048, 128);
// Sensor params
auto sensorPar = new CbmStsParSensor(CbmStsSensorClass::kDssdStereo);
sensorPar->SetPar(0, 6.2092); // Extension in x
sensorPar->SetPar(1, 6.2); // Extension in y
sensorPar->SetPar(2, 0.03); // Extension in z
sensorPar->SetPar(3, 5.9692); // Active size in y
sensorPar->SetPar(4, 1024.); // Number of strips front side
sensorPar->SetPar(5, 1024.); // Number of strips back side
sensorPar->SetPar(6, 0.0058); // Strip pitch front side
sensorPar->SetPar(7, 0.0058); // Strip pitch back side
sensorPar->SetPar(8, 7.5); // Stereo angle front side
sensorPar->SetPar(9, 0.0); // Stereo angle back side
// Sensor conditions: full depletion voltage, bias voltage, temperature,
// coupling capacitance, inter-strip capacitance
auto sensorCond = new CbmStsParSensorCond(70., 140., 268., 17.5, 1.);
std::cout << "-I- : Added task " << recoSts->GetName() << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Intialise and run --------------------------------------------
// rtdb->setOutput(parIo1);
// rtdb->saveOutput();
// rtdb->print();
cout << "Starting run" << endl;
if (0 == nEvents) {
fRun->Run(0, 0); // run until end of input file
} else {
fRun->Run(0, nEvents); // process N Events
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Finish -------------------------------------------------------
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime();
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime();
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Macro finished succesfully." << endl;
cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << " s" << endl;
cout << endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract the maximal used memory an add is as Dart measurement
// This line is filtered by CTest and the value send to CDash
FairSystemInfo sysInfo;
Float_t maxMemory = sysInfo.GetMaxMemory();
cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"MaxMemory\" type=\"numeric/double\">";
cout << maxMemory;
cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << endl;
Float_t cpuUsage = ctime / rtime;
cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"CpuLoad\" type=\"numeric/double\">";
cout << cpuUsage;
cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << endl;
FairMonitor* tempMon = FairMonitor::GetMonitor();
cout << " Test passed" << endl;
cout << " All ok " << endl;
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