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Commit 16eed7ad authored by David Emschermann's avatar David Emschermann Committed by Pierre-Alain Loizeau
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Add transport macro and adapt event display macros for CBM at SIS18, refs #2482

parent d4a156d1
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1 merge request!808Add CBM@SIS18 simulation macros from mCBM fork
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Andrey Lebedev, David Emschermann, Volker Friese, Mohammad Al-Turany [committer], Florian Uhlig */
void eventDisplay(TString dataset = "test")
void eventDisplay(TString dataset = "data/test")
TString inFile = dataset + ".tra.root";
TString parFile = dataset + ".par.root";
/* Copyright (C) 2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Volker Friese [committer] */
/** @file run_tra_file_sis18.C
** @author Volker Friese <>
** @since 3 November 2020
// clang-format off
// Includes needed for IDE
#if !defined(__CLING__)
#include "CbmTransport.h"
#include "FairSystemInfo.h"
#include "TStopwatch.h"
/** @brief Macro for transport simulation of events from file
** @author Volker Friese <>
** @since 3 November 2020
** @param input Name of input file
** @param nEvents Number of events to transport
** @param output Name of output data set
** @param setup Name of predefined geometry setup
** @param engine kGeant3 or kGeant4
** This macro performs the transport simulation of externally generated
** events from an input file. The macro demonstrates the minimal settings
** needed to perform the transport: input and output file names,
** geometry setup, number of events and the transport engine. These can be
** specified through the arguments. Also for the arguments, defaults are
** defined, such that the macro should execute from scratch with no arguments.
** First argument [input]: input file name. If left empty, a default input
** file (urqmd) distributed with cbmroot will be used. If the file name
** starts with "pluto", CbmPlutoGenerator will be used, otherwise
** the input is assumed to be in unigen format. Other file formats require
** intervention into the macro code.
** Second argument: [nEvents]: Number of events to be processed.
** Third argument [output]: specifies the names of the output files:
** - [output].tra.root: Output MC data (MCPoints and MCTracks)
** - [output].par.root: Parameter file with e.g. the geometry and field in
** - [output].geo.root: Used geometry in TGeoManager format
** If left empty, the term "test" will be used.
** Fourth argument [setup]: specifies the geometry setup to be used in the
** transport run. This has to be chosen from the available predefined
** setups (see the folder geometry/setup). By default, the setup
** sis100_electron will be used.
** Fifth argument [engine]: transport engine. The user can choose between
** GEANT3 (default) and GEANT4.
** Some other required definitions are coded in the macro body:
** the target properties and the beam profile. The event vertex will be
** sampled along the intersection of the beam trajectory with the target
** volume. A beam trajectory is sampled for each event from the specified
** beam profile. The beam angle is zero. Random rotation of the event
** plane around the z axis is activated.
** All other settings are the default ones in the steering class
** CbmTransport. For the options, consult the documentation of that class:
void SetTrack(CbmTransport*, Double_t, Int_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t);
void run_tra_file_sis18(const char* input = "", Int_t nEvents = 1, const char* output = "data/test",
const char* setup = "sis18_hadron", ECbmEngine engine = kGeant3, int randomSeed = 0,
Bool_t overwrite = kTRUE)
// --- Logger settings ----------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Environment --------------------------------------------------
TString myName = "run_tra_file_sis18"; // this macro's name for screen output
TString srcDir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR"); // top source directory
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Input file ---------------------------------------------------
// Use default input if not specified by the user
TString defaultInput = srcDir + "/input/urqmd.auau.10gev.centr.root";
TString inFile = (strcmp(input, "") == 0 ? defaultInput : TString(input));
std::cout << "-I- " << myName << ": Using input file " << inFile << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Output files -------------------------------------------------
TString dataset(output);
if (dataset.IsNull()) dataset = "test";
TString outFile = dataset + ".tra.root";
TString parFile = dataset + ".par.root";
TString geoFile = dataset + ".geo.root";
std::cout << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Target properties --------------------------------------------
// For flexibility, the target volume is not part of the predefined
// geometry setup. It thus has to be specified in this macro. By default,
// a Gold target of 250 micrometer thickness and 2.5 cm diameter is used.
// The target shifts by 4 cm upstream by decision of the technical board
// in Apr 2020 which is 40 cm from center of magnet.
const char* targetMedium = "Gold";
Double_t targetThickness = 0.025; // in cm
Double_t targetDiameter = 2.5; // in cm
Double_t targetZpos = -12.5; // SIS18 setup with 5 layers of STS
// Double_t targetZpos = -44.0;
// The target position is at z=0 for the old coordinate system but is intended
// to be moved to -4cm in the DEC21 release. The global coordinate system will
// also shift from the old target position to the center of the magnet which
// is a net displacement of -40 cm. In terms of the new coordainte system
// the target is therefore to be at -44 cm. In order not to cause forgetting
// we will automate the shifting process for a short time, until the full move
// has been completed.
if (strstr(setup, "_APR21")) targetZpos = 0.0;
if (strstr(setup, "_DEC21")) targetZpos = -44.0;
std::cout << "Target is at " << targetZpos << "cm from origin" << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Beam properties ----------------------------------------------
// The beam particles themselves are not subject to the transport,
// but the properties of the beam determine where the main collision
// vertex is placed and how the event is rotated. The collision vertex
// is determined from the intersection of the beam through the target.
// The beam defined here is along the z axis and its distributions in
// (x,y) are Gaussian with mean values 0 and sigma 1 mm.
Double_t beamPosX = 0.;
Double_t beamPosY = 0.;
Double_t beamSigmaX = 0.1; // cm
Double_t beamSigmaY = 0.1; // cm
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Event plane rotation -----------------------------------------
// Some generators, e.g., UrQMD, generate the event plane always at
// zero angle, i.e., the impact parameter is in the x direction. In order
// get a realistic distribution, the event plane has to be randomly
// rotated around the z axis. This changes the momentum direction of
// all primary particles coherently.
Bool_t rotateEvents = kFALSE; // kTRUE;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Timer --------------------------------------------------------
TStopwatch timer;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Transport run ----------------------------------------------------
CbmTransport run;
// run.AddInput(new FairParticleGenerator(-13, 1, -72.0, +72.0, 72.0));
// ACC // geometrical acceptance
Double_t beamRotY = 0;
// ACC //
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY,-13, -72.0, +72.0, 72.0);
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY,-13, -72.0, 0.0, 72.0);
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY,-13, -72.0, -72.0, 72.0);
// ACC //
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY, 13, 0.0, +72.0, 72.0);
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY, 13, 0.0, 0.0, 72.0);
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY, 13, 0.0, -72.0, 72.0);
// ACC //
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY,-13, +72.0, +72.0, 72.0);
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY,-13, +72.0, 0.0, 72.0);
SetTrack(&run, beamRotY,-13, +72.0, -72.0, 72.0);
// comment the following line to remove target interaction
// if (inFile.Contains("pluto", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { run.AddInput(inFile, kPluto); }
// else
// run.AddInput(inFile, kUnigen);
run.SetOutFileName(outFile, overwrite);
run.SetTarget(targetMedium, targetThickness, targetDiameter, 0, 0, targetZpos);
run.SetBeamPosition(beamPosX, beamPosY, beamSigmaX, beamSigmaY);
if (rotateEvents) run.SetRandomEventPlane();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Finish -------------------------------------------------------
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime();
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime();
std::cout << "Macro finished successfully." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Real time " << rtime << " s, CPU time " << ctime << "s" << std::endl;
FairSystemInfo sysInfo;
Float_t maxMemory = sysInfo.GetMaxMemory();
std::cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"MaxMemory\" type=\"numeric/double\">";
std::cout << maxMemory;
std::cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << std::endl;
Float_t cpuUsage = ctime / rtime;
std::cout << "<DartMeasurement name=\"CpuLoad\" type=\"numeric/double\">";
std::cout << cpuUsage;
std::cout << "</DartMeasurement>" << std::endl;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // End of macro
void SetTrack(CbmTransport* run, Double_t beamRotY, Int_t pdgid, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
TVector3 v;
v.SetXYZ(x, y, z);
// v.RotateY(-beamRotY * acos(-1.) / 180.);
cout << "X " << v.X() << " Y " << v.Y() << " Z " << v.Z() << endl;
run->AddInput(new FairParticleGenerator(pdgid, 1, v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z())); // single electron along beam axis
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