COMMIT FROM 23.12.2021
- cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1BaseStationInfo.h: > a prototype of user-friendly interface to L1Station and other geometry inputs to L1Algo (experimental) > added setters and getters for L1Station data fields > added calculation of hidden L1Station properties > added Print() method - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Parameters.h: > add new compile time constants: kMaxNFieldApproxCoefficients, kStationBits, kThreadBits, kTripletBits, kMaxNstations, kMaxNthreads, kMaxNtriplets > add new runtime "constants": fMaxDoubletsPerSinglet, fMaxTripletPerDoublets > add Print() method - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.h: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Algo.cxx: > add L1Parameters::Print() call from L1Algo::Init() > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1CATrackFinder.cxx: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1TrackFitter.cxx: > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/reco/L1/L1Algo/L1Field.h: > magic constant '21' changed to L1Parameters::kMaxNFieldApproxCoefficients (compile time) - cmbroot/reco/L1/CbmL1.h: > add a L1Paramters class field (currently ptr to address in the heap) to CbmL1 > add getter for the L1Parameters class field to CbmL1 - cbmroot/reco/L1/CbmL1.cxx: > add transfer of the L1Parameters data from CbmL1 to L1Algo > modifications according to the constants transfer to the L1Parameters class (example: fkMaxNthreads ==> L1Parameters::kMaxNthreads) - cbmroot/macro/run/run_reco.C: > add example of L1Algo runtime constants modification
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