The most non ASCII characters were used in comments but some were also used for screen output. The most common non ASCII character was µ which was exchanged by mu or micro.
The most non ASCII characters were used in comments but some were also used for screen output. The most common non ASCII character was µ which was exchanged by mu or micro.
CbmDeviceBmonMonitor.h 9.88 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2022 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau [committer] */
* CbmDeviceBmonMonitor.h
* @since 2022-05-23
* @author P.-A. Loizeau
#include "CbmMqTMessage.h"
#include "CbmTsEventHeader.h"
#include "Timeslice.hpp"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "FairParGenericSet.h"
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class TList;
class CbmBmonUnpackConfig;
class TimesliceMetaData;
class CbmTrdSpadic;
class CbmDeviceBmonMonitor : public FairMQDevice {
virtual ~CbmDeviceBmonMonitor();
virtual void InitTask();
bool ConditionalRun();
bool HandleCommand(FairMQMessagePtr&, int);
/** @brief Set the Bmon Unpack Config @param config */
void SetUnpackConfig(std::shared_ptr<CbmBmonUnpackConfig> config) { fBmonConfig = config; }
/// Constants
static constexpr std::uint16_t fkFlesBmon = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(fles::Subsystem::BMON);
/// Control flags
Bool_t fbIgnoreOverlapMs = false; //! Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice
Bool_t fbComponentsAddedToList = kFALSE;
bool fbStartTimeSet = false;
/** @brief Flag if extended debug output is to be printed or not*/
bool fDoDebugPrints = false; //!
/** @brief Flag if performance profiling should be activated or not.*/
bool fDoPerfProf = false; //!
/** @brief Flag to Enable/disable a full time sorting. If off, time sorting happens per link/FLIM source */
bool fbOutputFullTimeSorting = false;
/// User settings parameters
std::string fsSetupName = "mcbm_beam_2021_07_surveyed";
uint32_t fuRunId = 1588;
/// ---> for selective unpacking
bool fbUnpBmon = true;
/// message queues
std::string fsChannelNameDataInput = "ts-request";
std::string fsChannelNameDataOutput = "unpts_0";
std::string fsChannelNameCommands = "commands";
std::string fsChannelNameHistosInput = "histogram-in";
/// Histograms management
uint32_t fuPublishFreqTs = 100;
double_t fdMinPublishTime = 0.5;
double_t fdMaxPublishTime = 5.0;
/// Parameters management
// TList* fParCList = nullptr;
Bool_t InitParameters(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FairParGenericSet>>>* reqparvec);
/// Statistics & first TS rejection
uint64_t fulNumMessages = 0;
uint64_t fulTsCounter = 0;
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point fLastPublishTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/** @brief Map to store a name for the unpackers and the processed amount of digis, key = fkFlesId*/
std::map<std::uint16_t, std::pair<std::string, size_t>> fNameMap = {}; //!
/** @brief Map to store the cpu and wall time, key = fkFlesId*/
std::map<std::uint16_t, std::pair<double, double>> fTimeMap = {}; //!
/** @brief Map to store the in and out data amount, key = fkFlesId*/
std::map<std::uint16_t, std::pair<double, double>> fDataSizeMap = {}; //!
/// Configuration of the unpackers. Provides the configured algorithm
std::shared_ptr<CbmBmonUnpackConfig> fBmonConfig = nullptr;
/// Pointer to the Timeslice header conatining start time and index
CbmTsEventHeader* fCbmTsEventHeader = nullptr;
/// Time offsets
std::vector<std::string> fvsSetTimeOffs = {};
/// TS MetaData storage: stable so should be moved somehow to parameters handling (not transmitted with each TS
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs = 0; //!
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs = 0; //!
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs = 0; //! Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsOverSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of the overlap MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs = -1.0; //! Total size of all MS in a TS, [nanoseconds]
TimesliceMetaData* fTsMetaData;
/// Array of histograms to send to the histogram server
TObjArray fArrayHisto = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( HistoName, FolderPath ) to send to the histogram server
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsHistosFolder = {};
/// Vector of string pairs with ( CanvasName, CanvasConfig ) to send to the histogram server
/// Format of Can config is "NbPadX(U);NbPadY(U);ConfigPad1(s);....;ConfigPadXY(s)"
/// Format of Pad config is "GrixX(b),GridY(b),LogX(b),LogY(b),LogZ(b),HistoName(s),DrawOptions(s)"
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> fvpsCanvasConfig = {};
/// Flag indicating whether the histograms and canvases configurations were already published
bool fbConfigSent = false;
Bool_t InitContainers();
bool InitHistograms();
Bool_t DoUnpack(const fles::Timeslice& ts, size_t component);
void Finish();
bool SendUnpData();
bool SendHistoConfAndData();
bool SendHistograms();
std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline);
/** @brief Sort a vector timewise vector type has to provide GetTime() */
template<typename TVecobj>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<TVecobj, std::nullptr_t>::value == true, void>::type
timesort(std::vector<TVecobj>* /*vec = nullptr*/)
<< "CbmDeviceBmonMonitor::timesort() got an object that has no member function GetTime(). Hence, we can and "
"will not timesort it!";
template<typename TVecobj>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&TVecobj::GetTime)>::value, void>::type
timesort(std::vector<TVecobj>* /*vec = nullptr*/)
LOG(debug) << "CbmDeviceBmonMonitor::timesort() " << TVecobj::Class_Name()
<< "is an object that has no member function GetTime(). Hence, we can and "
"will not timesort it!";
template<typename TVecobj>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_member_function_pointer<decltype(&TVecobj::GetTime)>::value, void>::type
timesort(std::vector<TVecobj>* vec = nullptr)
if (vec == nullptr) return;
std::sort(vec->begin(), vec->end(),
[](const TVecobj& a, const TVecobj& b) -> bool { return a.GetTime() < b.GetTime(); });
* @brief Template for the unpacking call of a given algorithm.
* @tparam TAlgo Algorithm to be called
* @tparam TOutput Output element types
* @tparam TOptoutputs Optional output element types
* @param ts Timeslice
* @param icomp Component number
* @param algo Algorithm to be used for this component
* @param outtargetvec Target vector for the output elements
* @param optoutputvecs Target vectors for optional outputs
* @return std::pair<ndigis, std::pair<cputime, walltime>>
template<class TConfig, class TOptOutA = std::nullptr_t, class TOptOutB = std::nullptr_t>
size_t unpack(const std::uint16_t subsysid, const fles::Timeslice* ts, std::uint16_t icomp, TConfig config,
std::vector<TOptOutA>* optouttargetvecA = nullptr, std::vector<TOptOutB>* optouttargetvecB = nullptr)
auto wallstarttime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::clock_t cpustarttime = std::clock();
auto algo = config->GetUnpacker();
std::vector<TOptOutA> optoutAvec = {};
std::vector<TOptOutB> optoutBvec = {};
if (optouttargetvecA) { algo->SetOptOutAVec(&optoutAvec); }
if (optouttargetvecB) { algo->SetOptOutBVec(&optoutBvec); }
// Set the start time of the current TS for this algorithm
// Run the actual unpacking
auto digivec = algo->Unpack(ts, icomp);
// Check if we want to write the output to somewhere (in pure online monitoring mode for example this can/would/should be skipped)
if (config->GetOutputVec()) {
// Lets do some time-sorting if we are not doing it later
if (!fbOutputFullTimeSorting) timesort(&digivec);
// Transfer the data from the timeslice vector to the target branch vector
// Digis/default output retrieved as offered by the algorithm
for (auto digi : digivec)
if (optouttargetvecA) {
// Lets do some timesorting
if (!fbOutputFullTimeSorting) timesort(&optoutAvec);
// Transfer the data from the timeslice vector to the target branch vector
for (auto optoutA : optoutAvec)
if (optouttargetvecB) {
// Second opt output is not time sorted to allow non GetTime data container.
// Lets do some timesorting
// Transfer the data from the timeslice vector to the target branch vector
for (auto optoutB : optoutBvec)
std::clock_t cpuendtime = std::clock();
auto wallendtime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Cpu time in [mus]
auto cputime = 1e6 * (cpuendtime - cpustarttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// Real time in [mus]
auto walltime = std::chrono::duration<double, std::micro>(wallendtime - wallstarttime).count();
// Check some numbers from this timeslice
size_t nDigis = digivec.size();
LOG(debug) << "Component " << icomp << " connected to config " << config->GetName() << " n-Digis " << nDigis
<< " processed in walltime(cputime) = " << walltime << "(" << cputime << cputime << ") micro s"
<< "this timeslice.";
if (fDoPerfProf) {
auto timeit = fTimeMap.find(subsysid);
timeit->second.first += cputime;
timeit->second.second += walltime;
auto datait = fDataSizeMap.find(subsysid);
datait->second.first += ts->size_component(icomp) / 1.0e6;
datait->second.second += nDigis * algo->GetOutputObjSize() / 1.0e6;
fNameMap.find(subsysid)->second.second += nDigis;
return nDigis;