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CbmMuchMatchTracks.cxx 5.61 KiB
#include "CbmMuchMatchTracks.h"

#include "CbmMuchCluster.h"
#include "CbmMuchDigiMatch.h"
#include "CbmMuchPixelHit.h"
#include "CbmMuchTrack.h"
#include "CbmTrackMatch.h"

#include "FairMCPoint.h"
#include "FairRootManager.h"

#include "TClonesArray.h"

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

  : FairTask("CbmMuchMatchTracks")
  , fTracks(NULL)
  , fPoints(NULL)
  , fPixelHits(NULL)
  , fMatches(NULL)
  , fPixelDigiMatches(NULL)
  , fClusters(NULL)
  , fNofHits(0)
  , fNofTrueHits(0)
  , fNofWrongHits(0)
  , fNofFakeHits(0)
  , fNEvents(0) {}

CbmMuchMatchTracks::~CbmMuchMatchTracks() {}

InitStatus CbmMuchMatchTracks::Init() {
  FairRootManager* ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
  if (ioman == NULL)
    Fatal("CbmMuchMatchTracks::Init", "RootManager not instantised!");

  fPixelHits = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MuchPixelHit");
  if (fPixelHits == NULL)
    Fatal("CbmMuchMatchTracks::Init", "No MuchPixelHit array!");

  fTracks = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MuchTrack");
  if (fTracks == NULL) Fatal("CbmMuchMatchTracks::Init", "No MuchTrack array!");

  fPoints = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MuchPoint");
  if (fPoints == NULL) Fatal("CbmMuchMatchTracks::Init", "No MuchPoint array!");

  fPixelDigiMatches = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MuchDigiMatch");
  if (fPixelDigiMatches == NULL)
    Fatal("CbmMuchMatchTracks::Init", "No MuchDigiMatch array!");

  fClusters = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MuchCluster");
  if (fClusters == NULL)
         "No cluster array -- simple hit to digi matching will be used");

  fMatches = new TClonesArray("CbmTrackMatch", 100);

  return kSUCCESS;

void CbmMuchMatchTracks::Exec(Option_t*) {

  Int_t nofTracks = fTracks->GetEntriesFast();
  for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nofTracks; iTrack++) {  // Loop over tracks
    // std::map stores MC track id to number of contributions of this MC track
    std::map<Int_t, Int_t> matchMap;

    CbmMuchTrack* pTrack = static_cast<CbmMuchTrack*>(fTracks->At(iTrack));
    if (pTrack == NULL) continue;

    Int_t nofHits = pTrack->GetNofHits();
    for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < nofHits; iHit++) {  // Loop over hits
      HitType hitType = pTrack->GetHitType(iHit);
      if (hitType == kMUCHPIXELHIT) {
        ExecPixel(matchMap, pTrack->GetHitIndex(iHit));
      } else {
        TObject::Fatal("CbmMuchMatchTracks::Exec", "Hit type not supported!");
    }  // Loop over hits

    Int_t nofTrue       = 0;
    Int_t bestMcTrackId = -1;
    Int_t nPoints       = 0;
    for (std::map<Int_t, Int_t>::iterator it = matchMap.begin();
         it != matchMap.end();
         it++) {
      if (it->first != -1 && it->second >= nofTrue) {
        bestMcTrackId = it->first;
        nofTrue       = it->second;
      nPoints += it->second;

    Int_t nofFake     = 0;
    Int_t nofWrong    = nofHits - nofTrue - nofFake;
    Int_t nofMcTracks = matchMap.size() - 1;

    new ((*fMatches)[iTrack])
      CbmTrackMatch(bestMcTrackId, nofTrue, nofWrong, nofFake, nofMcTracks);

    fNofHits += nofHits;
    fNofTrueHits += nofTrue;
    fNofWrongHits += nofWrong;
    fNofFakeHits += nofFake;

    if (fVerbose > 1)
      std::cout << "iTrack=" << iTrack << " mcTrack=" << bestMcTrackId
                << " nPoints=" << nPoints << " nofTrue=" << nofTrue
                << " nofWrong=" << nofWrong << " nofFake=" << nofFake
                << " nofMcTracks=" << nofMcTracks << std::endl;
  }  // Loop over tracks


void CbmMuchMatchTracks::Finish() {
  Double_t trueHits  = 100. * Double_t(fNofTrueHits) / Double_t(fNofHits);
  Double_t wrongHits = 100. * Double_t(fNofWrongHits) / Double_t(fNofHits);
  Double_t fakeHits  = 100. * Double_t(fNofFakeHits) / Double_t(fNofHits);
  std::cout << "=================================================" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "=====   " << GetName() << ": Run summary " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "True hits: " << trueHits << "%" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Wrong hits: " << wrongHits << "%" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Fake hits: " << fakeHits << "%" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "=================================================" << std::endl;

void CbmMuchMatchTracks::ExecPixel(std::map<Int_t, Int_t>& matchMap,
                                   Int_t index) {
  // std::set stores MC track indices contributed to a certain hit
  std::set<Int_t> mcIdHit;
  CbmMuchPixelHit* hit = static_cast<CbmMuchPixelHit*>(fPixelHits->At(index));
  if (hit == NULL) return;

  Int_t clusterId = hit->GetRefId();
  CbmMuchCluster* cluster =
  if (cluster == NULL) return;

  for (Int_t iDigi = 0; iDigi < cluster->GetNofDigis(); iDigi++) {
    Int_t digiId = cluster->GetDigi(iDigi);
    CbmMuchDigiMatch* digiMatch =
    if (digiMatch == NULL) continue;
    for (Int_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < digiMatch->GetNofLinks(); iPoint++) {
      Int_t pointIndex = digiMatch->GetLink(iPoint).GetIndex();
      if (pointIndex < 0) {  // Fake or background hit
      FairMCPoint* point = static_cast<FairMCPoint*>(fPoints->At(pointIndex));
      if (point == NULL) continue;
  }  // loop over digis

  for (std::set<Int_t>::iterator it = mcIdHit.begin(); it != mcIdHit.end();
       it++) {
