Sergei Zharko authored
Together with it, all supporting classes from ca::tools and cbm::ca were removed as well.
Sergei Zharko authoredTogether with it, all supporting classes from ca::tools and cbm::ca were removed as well.
CaStationInitializer.h 7.56 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
/// \file CaStationInitializer.h
/// \brief An interface for the CA Station object initialization
/// \since 18.12.2021
/// \author S.Zharko <s.zharko@gsi.de>
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
#include "CaObjectInitController.h"
#include "CaSimd.h"
#include "CaStation.h"
#include <bitset>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
namespace cbm::algo::ca
enum class EDetectorID;
/// A base class which provides interface to L1Algo station geometry
class StationInitializer {
/// Enumeration for internal logic control
enum class EManagementFlag
kThicknessMapMoved, ///< if the thickness map was moved from the StationInitializer instance
using ManagementFlags_t = std::bitset<static_cast<int>(EManagementFlag::kEnd)>;
/// \enum EInitKey
/// \brief Enumeration of fields, which must be initialized so the object can pass the threshold
enum class EInitKey
// Basic fields initialization
kDetectorID, ///< detector ID
kStationID, ///< station ID
kTrackingStatus, ///< flag, if station is used in tracking or not
kXmax, ///< max size in X direction
kYmax, ///< max size in Y direction
// ca::Station initialization
kType, ///< station type
kTimeInfo, ///< if time info is used (flag)
kFieldStatus, ///< if station is placed in field (flag)
kZref, ///< reference z of the station
kZmin, ///< min z of the station
kZmax, ///< max z of the station
kFieldSlice, ///< ca::Station.ca::FieldSlice object initialization
kGeoLayerID, ///< index of geo layer in geometrical setup (including possibly inactive stations)
// The last item is equal to the number of bits in fInitFlags
using InitController_t = ca::ObjectInitController<static_cast<int>(EInitKey::kEnd), EInitKey>;
/// \brief Default constructor
StationInitializer() = default;
/// \brief Constructor from stationID and detectorID
StationInitializer(EDetectorID detetorID, int stationID) noexcept;
/// \brief Destructor
~StationInitializer() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Copy constructor
StationInitializer(const StationInitializer& other) = default;
/// \brief Less operator for StationInitializer object to sort stations in Z
bool operator<(const StationInitializer& right) const { return (GetZref() < right.GetZref()); }
/// \brief Gets detector ID
EDetectorID GetDetectorID() const { return fDetectorID; }
/// \brief Gets field status: 0 - station is outside the field, 1 - station is inside the field
int GetFieldStatus() const { return fStation.fieldStatus; }
/// \brief Gets a const reference to the ca::ObjectInitController object
const InitController_t& GetInitController() const { return fInitController; }
/// \brief Gets a reference to ca::Station info field of the L1BaseStation info
const Station<fvec>& GetStation() const;
/// \brief Gets station ID
int GetStationID() const { return fStationID; }
/// \brief Gets station type
int GetStationType() const { return fStation.type; }
/// \brief Gets tracking status: true - station is active for tracking, false - station exists, but not used in tracking
bool GetTrackingStatus() const { return fTrackingStatus; }
/// \brief Gets maximum distance between station center and its edge in x direction
double GetXmax() const { return fXmax; }
/// \brief Gets maximum distance between station center and its edge in y direction
double GetYmax() const { return fYmax; }
/// \brief Gets double precised z position of the station [cm]
double GetZref() const { return fZref; }
/// \brief Gets min z of the station [cm]
double GetZmin() const { return fZmin; }
/// \brief Gets max z of the station [cm]
double GetZmax() const { return fZmax; }
/// \brief Gets SIMD vectorized z position of the station [cm]
fvec GetZsimdVec() const { return fStation.fZ; }
/// \brief Resets fields to the default values
void Reset();
/// \brief Sets detector ID
void SetDetectorID(EDetectorID inID);
/// \brief Sets flag: true - station is placed in field, false - station is placed outside the field
void SetFieldStatus(int fieldStatus);
/// \brief Sets arrays of the approcimation
/// \param getField A user function, which gets a xyz array of position coordinates and fills B array
/// of magnetic field components in position
void SetFieldFunction(const std::function<void(const double (&xyz)[3], double (&B)[3])>& getFieldValue);
/// \brief Sets geometry ID (index of the layer in the geometrical setup)
void SetGeoLayerID(int geoLayerID);
/// \brief Sets station ID
[[deprecated("Please, use constructor to set station ID")]] void SetStationID(int inID);
/// \brief Sets type of station
void SetStationType(int inType); // TODO: this is a temporary solution (S.Zh.)
/// \brief Sets flag: 0 - time information is not provided by this detector type
/// 1 - time information is provided by the detector and can be used in tracking
void SetTimeInfo(int inTimeInfo);
/// \brief Sets tracking status: true - station is active for tracking, false - station exists, but not used in tracking
void SetTrackingStatus(bool flag);
/// \brief Sets maximum distance between station center and its edge in x direction
void SetXmax(double aSize);
/// \brief Sets maximum distance between station center and its edge in y direction
void SetYmax(double aSize);
/// \brief Sets reference z position of the station
void SetZref(double inZ);
/// \brief Sets min z of the station
void SetZmin(double inZ);
/// \brief Sets max z of the station
void SetZmax(double inZ);
/// \brief Swap method for easy implementation of move constructor and copy and move assignment operator
void Swap(StationInitializer& other) noexcept;
/// \brief String representation of class contents
/// \param indentLevel Number of indent characters in the output
std::string ToString(int verbosityLevel = 0, int indentLevel = 0) const;
EDetectorID fDetectorID{static_cast<EDetectorID>(0)}; ///< Detector ID
int fStationID{-1}; ///< Local ID of a station
bool fTrackingStatus{false}; ///< Tracking status: true - station is used for tracking
double fXmax{0}; ///< Maximum distance between station center and its edge in x direction
double fYmax{0}; ///< Maximum distance between station center and its edge in y direction
double fZref{0}; ///< reference z
double fZmin{0}; ///< min z
double fZmax{0}; ///< max z
Station<fvec> fStation{}; ///< ca::Station structure, describes a station in L1Algo
InitController_t fInitController{}; ///< Class fileds initialization flags
ManagementFlags_t fManagementFlags{}; ///< bitset flags to manage internal behaviour of the class
/// swap function for two StationInitializer objects, expected to be used instead of std::swap
inline void swap(StationInitializer& a, StationInitializer& b) noexcept { a.Swap(b); }
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca