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PartitionedVector.h 6.26 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
   Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */

#include "Definitions.h"
#include "util/PODAllocator.h"

#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>

#include <gsl/span>
#include <vector>

namespace cbm::algo
  template<typename T>
  class PartitionedSpan;

   * @brief A vector that is partitioned into multiple subvectors.
   * @tparam T Type of the elements
   * @tparam Allocator Allocator for the underlying container
   * @note The underlying container is contiguous in memory.
  template<typename T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
  class PartitionedVector {

    using Container_t = std::vector<T, Allocator>;  //< Underlying container type

     * @brief Default constructor. Creates an empty vector.
    PartitionedVector() : fData(), fOffsets({0}), fAdresses() { EnsureDimensions(); }

     * @brief Constructor. Creates a vector with n partitions.
     * @param data Underlying data. Assusmes that the data is already partitioned and takes ownership of it.
     * @param sizes Sizes of each partitions
     * @param addresses Hardware addresses of each partition
     * @note Requires sizes.size() == addresses.size()
    PartitionedVector(Container_t&& data, gsl::span<const size_t> sizes, gsl::span<const u32> addresses)
      : fData(std::move(data))
      , fOffsets()
      , fAdresses(addresses.begin(), addresses.end())

     * @brief Copy constructor. Copy the data from other vector.
    template<typename OtherAllocator>
    PartitionedVector(const PartitionedVector<T, OtherAllocator>& other)
      : fData(other.Data().begin(), other.Data().end())
      , fOffsets(other.Offsets())
      , fAdresses(other.Addresses())
      // TODO: this check is overkill? We already know that the dimensions are correct,
      // since they were already checked in the other vector

    template<typename U>
    PartitionedVector(PartitionedSpan<U> other)
      : fData(other.Data().begin(), other.Data().end())
      , fOffsets(other.Offsets().begin(), other.Offsets().end())
      , fAdresses(other.Addresses().begin(), other.Addresses().end())

     * @brief Access data at partition i.
    gsl::span<T> operator[](size_t i)
      return UnsafePartitionSpan(i);

     * @brief Access data at partition i.
    gsl::span<const T> operator[](size_t i) const
      return UnsafePartitionSpan(i);

     * @brief Get the hardware address of partition i.
    u32 Address(size_t i) const
      return fAdresses[i];

     * @brief Get a pair of the data and the hardware address of partition i.
    std::pair<gsl::span<T>, u32> Partition(size_t i)
      return std::pair<gsl::span<T>, u32>(UnsafePartitionSpan(i), fAdresses[i]);

     * @brief Get a pair of the data and the hardware address of partition i.
    std::pair<gsl::span<const T>, u32> Partition(size_t i) const
      return std::pair<gsl::span<const T>, u32>(UnsafePartitionSpan(i), fAdresses[i]);

     * @brief Get the number of partitions.
    size_t NPartitions() const { return fAdresses.size(); }

     * @brief Get the size of partition i.
    size_t Size(size_t i) const
      return UnsafeSize(i);

     * @brief Get the total number of elements in the container across all partitions.
    size_t NElements() const { return fData.size(); }

     * @brief Return total size in bytes of the underlying data.
    size_t SizeBytes() const { return fData.size() * sizeof(T); }

     * @brief Get the underlying data.
    gsl::span<T> Data() { return fData; }

     * @brief Get the underlying data.
    gsl::span<const T> Data() const { return fData; }

     * @brief Get the addresses.
    const std::vector<u32>& Addresses() const { return fAdresses; }

     * @brief Get the underlying offsets.
    const std::vector<size_t>& Offsets() const { return fOffsets; }

    Container_t fData;             //< Data
    std::vector<size_t> fOffsets;  // < Offsets of the partitions in fData
    std::vector<u32> fAdresses;    //< Hardware addresses of the partitions

    void EnsureDimensions() const
      if (fOffsets.size() - 1 != fAdresses.size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("PartitionedVector: fOffsets.size() != fAdresses.size()");
      if (fOffsets.front() != 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error("PartitionedVector: fOffsets.front() != 0");
      if (fOffsets.back() != fData.size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("PartitionedVector: fOffsets.back() != fData.size()");

    void EnsureBounds(size_t i) const
      if (i >= fAdresses.size()) throw std::out_of_range("PartitionedVector: index out of bounds");

    void ComputeOffsets(gsl::span<const size_t> sizes)
      fOffsets.reserve(sizes.size() + 1);
      for (auto n : sizes) {
        fOffsets.push_back(fOffsets.back() + n);

    size_t UnsafeSize(size_t i) const { return fOffsets[i + 1] - fOffsets[i]; }

    gsl::span<T> UnsafePartitionSpan(size_t i) { return gsl::span<T>( + fOffsets[i], UnsafeSize(i)); }

    gsl::span<const T> UnsafePartitionSpan(size_t i) const
      return gsl::span<const T>( + fOffsets[i], UnsafeSize(i));
   private:  // serialization
    friend class boost::serialization::access;

    template<class Archive>
    void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned int /*version*/)
      ar& fData;
      ar& fOffsets;
      ar& fAdresses;

  template<typename T>
  using PartitionedPODVector = PartitionedVector<T, PODAllocator<T>>;

}  // namespace cbm::algo
