Eoin Clerkin authored
Decision to not use doxygen for licence headers. Removes doxygen formatting and file tag.
Eoin Clerkin authoredDecision to not use doxygen for licence headers. Removes doxygen formatting and file tag.
CbmMCPointSource.h 4.13 KiB
/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Florian Uhlig [committer] */
* CbmMCPointSource.h
* @since 2019-12-01
* @author F. Uhlig
#include "CbmMQChannels.h"
#include "FairMQDevice.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// include this header to serialize vectors
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
class CbmMCPoint;
class FairRootManager;
class TClonesArray;
class CbmMCPointSource : public FairMQDevice {
CbmMCPointSource() = default;
virtual ~CbmMCPointSource();
uint64_t fMaxEvents {0};
std::string fFileName {""};
std::vector<std::string> fInputFileList {}; ///< List of input files
uint64_t fFileCounter {};
uint64_t fEventNumber {0};
uint64_t fEventCounter {0};
uint64_t fMessageCounter {0};
int fMaxMemory {0};
virtual void InitTask();
virtual bool ConditionalRun();
bool SendData();
void CalcRuntime();
void ConnectChannelIfNeeded(int, std::string, std::string, FairRootManager*);
template<class T>
void PrintMCPoint(TClonesArray* arr)
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(i));
template<class T>
std::vector<T> Convert(TClonesArray* arr)
std::vector<T> vec;
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for (int i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(i));
return vec;
template<class T>
bool ConvertAndSend(TClonesArray* arr, int i)
std::vector<T> vec;
Int_t entries = arr->GetEntriesFast();
if (entries > 0) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(0));
LOG(info) << "Entries in TCA for data type " << point->GetName() << ": " << entries;
for (int iEntries = 0; iEntries < entries; ++iEntries) {
T* point = static_cast<T*>(arr->At(iEntries));
std::stringstream oss;
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(oss);
oa << vec;
std::string* strMsg = new std::string(oss.str());
FairMQMessagePtr msg(NewMessage(
const_cast<char*>(strMsg->c_str()), // data
strMsg->length(), // size
[](void* /*data*/, void* object) { delete static_cast<std::string*>(object); },
strMsg)); // object that manages the data
// TODO: Implement sending same data to more than one channel
// Need to create new message (copy message??)
if (fComponentsToSend.at(i) > 1) { LOG(info) << "Need to copy FairMessage"; }
// in case of error or transfer interruption,
// return false to go to IDLE state
// successfull transfer will return number of bytes
// transfered (can be 0 if sending an empty message).
LOG(info) << "Send data to channel " << fChannelsToSend.at(i).at(0);
if (Send(msg, fChannelsToSend.at(i).at(0)) < 0) {
LOG(error) << "Problem sending data";
return false;
return true;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fTime {};
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels = {"MvdPoint", "StsPoint", "RichPoint", "MuchPoint",
"Trdpoint", "TofPoint", "PsdPoint"};
std::vector<std::string> fAllowedChannels
= {"MvdPoint", "StsPoint", "RichPoint", "MuchPoint",
"Trdpoint", "TofPoint", "EcalPoint", "PsdPoint"};
CbmMQChannels fChan {fAllowedChannels};
std::vector<int> fComponentsToSend {};
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> fChannelsToSend {{}};
std::vector<TClonesArray*> fArrays {fAllowedChannels.size(), nullptr};