CbmTofClusterizersDef.h 2.46 KiB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- CbmTofClusterizersDef -----
// ----- Created 30/04/2015 by P.-A. Loizeau -----
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
* From CbmTofSimpleClusterizer.cxx, duplicates are commented out as
* this class from trunk is older than the TesBeamClusterizer from Tofgroup
//const Int_t DetMask = 4194303;
//const Int_t nbClWalkBinX=20;
//const Int_t nbClWalkBinY=41; // choose odd number to have central bin symmetric around 0
//const Double_t WalkNHmin=100; // minimal number of hits in bin for walk correction
//Double_t TOTMax=5.E4;
//Double_t TOTMin=2.E4;
//const Double_t TTotMean=2.E4;
//const Int_t nbClDelTofBinX=50;
//const Int_t nbClDelTofBinY=49;
//const Double_t DelTofMax=5000.;
//const Int_t nbCldXdYBinX=49;
//const Int_t nbCldXdYBinY=49;
//const Double_t dXdYMax=10.;
const Int_t iNTrg = 1;
//const Double_t Zref = 200.; // distance of projection plane to target
* From CbmTofTestBeamClusterizer.cxx
const Double_t dDoubleMax = 1.E300;
const Int_t DetMask = 0x003FFFFF; // geo v14a
const Int_t ModMask = 0x0000FFFF; // geo v14a
const Int_t DetMask = 0x001FFFFF; // geo v21a
const Int_t ModMask = 0x0000FFFF; // geo v21a
Int_t iNevtBuild=0; // Should be class member!
Int_t iMsgCnt=100; // Should be class member!
const Int_t nbClWalkBinX = 50; // was 100 (11.10.2018)
const Int_t nbClWalkBinY =
41; // choose odd number to have central bin symmetric around 0
const Double_t WalkNHmin =
10.; // minimal number of hits in bin for walk correction
const Int_t iNWalkSmooth = 1; // Smoothing level for walk histos
Double_t TOTMax=5.E4; // Should be class member!
Double_t TOTMin=0.; //2.E4; // Should be class member!
Double_t TTotMean=5.E3; //2.E4; // Should be class member!
Double_t dMaxTimeDist=0.; // Should be class member!
Double_t dMaxSpaceDist = 0.; // Should be class member!
const Int_t nbClDelTofBinX = 60;
const Int_t nbClDelTofBinY = 59;
//const Double_t DelTofMax=60000.;
const Int_t nbCldXdYBinX = 49;
const Int_t nbCldXdYBinY = 49;
const Double_t dXdYMax = 10.;
const Int_t iNSel = 2; //4;
const Double_t Zref = 200.; // distance of projection plane to target
const Double_t MaxNbEvent = 1500000;
//Double_t dEvent=0; // Should be class member!