/* Copyright (C) 2007-2020 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Ivan Kisel, Sergey Gorbunov [committer], Maksym Zyzak, Valentina Akishina */
/// @file CaBranch.h
/// @author Sergey Gorbunov
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
#include "CaHit.h"
#include "CaVector.h"
namespace cbm::algo::ca
/// The class describes a combinatorial branch of the CA tracker
class Branch {
/// default constructor
Branch() { fHits.reserve(25); }
/// Setters and getters
void SetStation(int iStation) { fStation = iStation; }
void SetChi2(fscal chi2) { fChi2 = chi2; }
void SetId(int Id) { fId = Id; }
void SetAlive(bool isAlive) { fIsAlive = isAlive; }
void AddHit(ca::HitIndex_t hitIndex) { fHits.push_back(hitIndex); }
void ResetHits() { fHits.clear(); }
int NofHits() const { return fHits.size(); }
int Station() const { return fStation; }
fscal Chi2() const { return fChi2; }
int Id() const { return fId; }
bool IsAlive() const { return fIsAlive; }
const Vector<ca::HitIndex_t>& Hits() const { return fHits; }
Vector<ca::HitIndex_t>& RefHits() { return fHits; }
/// Methods
bool IsBetterThan(const Branch& b) const
if (NofHits() != b.NofHits()) return (NofHits() > b.NofHits());
if (Station() != b.Station()) return (Station() < b.Station());
return (Chi2() <= b.Chi2());
/// Data members
int fStation{0};
fscal fChi2{0.};
int fId{0};
bool fIsAlive{0};
Vector<ca::HitIndex_t> fHits{"Branch::fHits"};
} // namespace cbm::algo::ca