/* Copyright (C) 2023 FIAS Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt / Main
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Felix Weiglhofer [committer] */
* @file Algorithms.h
* @brief This file contains compatibility wrappers for parallel stl algorithms.
* The parallel algorithms are only available if the compiler supports C++17. Some older
* compilers don't ship with the parallel algorithms, so this wrapper falls back to
* sequential algorithms in that case.
* Also gcc requires the TBB library to be installed to use the parallel algorithms.
* If TBB is not available, we also falls back to sequential algorithms.

Felix Weiglhofer
#include "BuildInfo.h"
#include <poolstl/algorithm>
#include <poolstl/execution>
#include <execution>
namespace cbm::algo
* @brief Get the global thread pool for parallel stl algorithms
* @details This function returns a reference to the global thread pool used by the parallel stl algorithms.
* At the beginning it's initialized with the number of available threads. Otherwise this function should only be
* used in conjunction with the parallel stl algorithms via poolstl.
task_thread_pool::task_thread_pool& GetGlobalSTLThreadPool();
* @brief Wrapper for std::sort
* Attempts to use the parallel version of std::sort if available. Falls back to the sequential version otherwise.
* Parallel version currently requires Linux, GCC compiler and libTBB.
template<typename It, typename Compare>
void Sort(It first, It last, Compare comp)
// Disable parallel sorting for the moment
// The underlying implementation in libTBB has a massive memory leak:
// Update 2024-05-02: Add poolstl as a replacement for libTBB
std::sort(std::execution::par_unseq, first, last, comp);
std::sort(poolstl::par.on(GetGlobalSTLThreadPool()), first, last, comp);
std::sort(first, last, comp);
} // namespace cbm::algo