/* Copyright (C) 2024 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Authors: Igor Kulakov, Sergey Gorbunov, Andrey Lebedev, Sergei Zharko [committer] */
#pragma once // include this header only once per compilation unit
// NOTE: No dependency from CaCore is allowed
//#include "CaSimd.h"
//#include "CaUtils.h"
#include "AlgoFairloggerCompat.h"
#include "KfDefs.h"
#include "KfUtils.h"
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
//TODO: rewrite
namespace cbm::algo::kf
/// \class MaterialMap
/// \brief A map of station thickness in units of radiation length (X0) to the specific point in XY plane
class alignas(VcMemAlign) MaterialMap {
/// \brief Default constructor
MaterialMap() = default;
/// \brief Constructor from parameters
/// \param nBins Number of rows or columns
/// \param xyMax Size of station in x and y dimensions [cm]
/// \param zRef Reference z-coordinate of the material layer [cm]
/// \param zMin Lower boundary z-coordinate for the material layer [cm]
/// \param zMax Upper boundary z-coordinate for the material layer [cm]
MaterialMap(int nBins, float xyMax, float zRef, float zMin, float zMax);
/// \brief Copy constructor
MaterialMap(const MaterialMap& other) = default;
/// \brief Copy assignment operator
MaterialMap& operator=(const MaterialMap& other) = default;
/// \brief Move constructor
MaterialMap(MaterialMap&& other) noexcept;
/// \brief Move assignment operator
MaterialMap& operator=(MaterialMap&& other) noexcept;
/// \brief Destructor
~MaterialMap() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Adds material layer
/// \param other Other material layer
/// \param zTarg z-coordinate of the target
void Add(const MaterialMap& other, float zTarg = defs::Undef<float>);
/// \brief Gets number of bins (rows or columns) of the material table
int GetNbins() const { return fNbins; }
/// \brief Gets radius of the material table [cm]
/// \brief Gets reference Z of the material [cm]
/// \brief Gets minimal Z of the collected material [cm]
/// \brief Gets maximal Z of the collected material [cm]
/// \brief Gets material thickness in units of radiational length X0
/// \tparam I Type of the x and y (floating point)
/// \param x X coordinate of the point [cm]
/// \param y Y coordinate of the point [cm]
template<typename I>
I GetThicknessX0(const I& x, const I& y) const
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<I, fvec>) {
fvec res;
for (size_t i = 0; i < utils::simd::Size<I>(); ++i) {
res[i] = GetThicknessX0(x[i], y[i]);
return res;
else {
I xNew = (x < fXYmax && x >= -fXYmax) ? x : 0;
I yNew = (y < fXYmax && y >= -fXYmax) ? y : 0;
int i = static_cast<int>((xNew + fXYmax) * fFactor);
int j = static_cast<int>((yNew + fXYmax) * fFactor);
i = (i < fNbins && i >= 0) ? i : fNbins / 2;
j = (j < fNbins && j >= 0) ? j : fNbins / 2;
return fTable[i + j * fNbins];
Sergei Zharko
/// \brief Gets material thickness in units of radiational length X0
/// \tparam I Type of the x and y (floating point)
/// \param iX Bin number along x axis
/// \param iY Bin number along y axis
template<typename I>
I GetBinThicknessX0(int iX, int iY) const
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<I, fvec>) {
fvec res;
for (size_t i = 0; i < utils::simd::Size<I>(); ++i) {
res[i] = GetBinThicknessX0<fscal>(iX, iY);
return res;
else {
return fTable[iX + iY * fNbins];
/// \brief Function to test the instance for NaN
bool IsUndefined() const
return utils::IsUndefined(fNbins) || utils::IsUndefined(fXYmax * fFactor * fZref * fZmin * fZmax);
/// \brief Reduces number of bins by a given factor
/// \param factor Number of bins in a new bin
void Rebin(int factor);
/// \brief Sets value of material thickness in units of X0 for a given cell of the material table
/// \param iBinX Index of table column
/// \param iBinY Index of table row
/// \param thickness Thickness of the material in units of X0
/// \note Indices of rows and columns in the table runs from 0 to nBins-1 inclusively, where nBins is the number
/// both of rows and columns. One should be careful while reading and storing the table from ROOT-file,
/// because iBinX = 0 and iBinY = 0 in the TH1::SetBinContent method of usually defines the underflow bin.
void SetRadThickBin(int iBinX, int iBinY, float thickness) { fTable[iBinX + fNbins * iBinY] = thickness; }
/// \brief Swap method
void Swap(MaterialMap& other) noexcept;
/// \brief String representation of the object
/// \param indentLevel Indent level of the string output
/// \param verbose Verbosity level
std::string ToString(int indentLevel = 0, int verbose = 1) const;
/// \brief Comparison operator (material map ordering by fZref)
friend bool operator<(const MaterialMap& lhs, const MaterialMap& rhs) { return lhs.fZref < rhs.fZref; }
/// \brief Checks the object consistency
/// \throw std::logic_error If the object is in non-valid mode
void CheckConsistency() const;
/// \brief Get bin index for (x,y). Returns -1 when outside of the map
int GetBin(float x, float y) const;
int fNbins = defs::Undef<int>; ///< Number of rows (== N columns) in the material budget table
float fXYmax = defs::Undef<float>; ///< Size of the station in x and y dimensions [cm]
float fFactor = defs::Undef<float>; ///< Util. var. for the conversion of point coordinates to row/column id
float fZref = defs::Undef<float>; ///< Reference Z of the collected material [cm]
float fZmin = defs::Undef<float>; ///< Minimal Z of the collected material [cm]
float fZmax = defs::Undef<float>; ///< Minimal Z of the collected material [cm]
std::vector<float> fTable{}; ///< Material budget table
/// \brief Serialization function
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int)
ar& fNbins;
ar& fXYmax;
ar& fFactor;
ar& fZref;
ar& fZmin;
ar& fZmax;
ar& fTable;
} // namespace cbm::algo::kf