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/* Copyright (C) 2016-2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
   Authors: Sergey Gorbunov, Sergei Zharko [committer] */

 * @file L1InitManager.cxx
 * @bried Input data management class for L1Algo
 * @since 19.01.2022

#include "L1InitManager.h"
#include <algorithm>

void L1InitManager::AddStation(const L1BaseStationInfo& inStation)
  // Check if other fields were defined already
  // Active detector IDs
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEactiveDetectorIDs]) {
      << "L1InitManager::AddStation: station initialization called before the active detectors set had been initialized";

  // Number of stations check
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsNumberCrosscheck]) {
      << "L1InitManager::AddStation: station initialization called before the numbers of stations for each detector "
      << "had been initialized";

  // Field function
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEfieldFunction]) {
      << "L1InitManager::AddStation: station initialization called before the magnetic field function was intialized";

  // Check activeness of this station type
  bool isDetectorActive = fActiveDetectorIDs.find(inStation.GetDetectorID()) != fActiveDetectorIDs.end();
  if (isDetectorActive) {
    // initialize magnetic field slice
    L1BaseStationInfo inStationCopy = L1BaseStationInfo(inStation); // make a copy of station so it can be initialized
    bool isStationInitialized = inStationCopy.IsInitialized();
    if (!isStationInitialized) {
      LOG(debug) << "L1InitManager::AddStation: station init flags (original)" << inStation.GetInitFlags();
      LOG(debug) << "L1InitManager::AddStation: station init flags (copy)    " << inStation.GetInitFlags();
        << "L1InitManager::AddStation: Trying to add incompletely initialized object with detectorID = "
        << static_cast<int>(inStationCopy.GetDetectorID()) << " and stationID = " << inStationCopy.GetStationID();
    // insert the station in a set
    auto insertionResult = fStationsInfo.insert(std::move(inStationCopy));
    if (!insertionResult.second) {
        << "L1InitManager::AddStation: attempt to insert a dublicating L1BaseStationInfo with StationID = "
        << inStation.GetStationID() << " and DetectorID = " << static_cast<int>(inStation.GetDetectorID()) << ":";
      LOG(error) << ">>> Already inserted L1BaseStationInfo object:";
      LOG(error) << ">>> A dublicating L1BaseStationInfo object:";
      assert((insertionResult.second)); // TODO: rewrite the assertion
    << "L1InitManager: adding a station with stationID = " << inStation.GetStationID() << " and detectorID = "
    << static_cast<int>(inStation.GetDetectorID()) << ". Is active: " << isDetectorActive;


void L1InitManager::Init() const
{ // To be implemented
  // Plans:
  //  1. Must make a final check of the inititalization and turn on a corresponding trigger in L1Algo class to accept
  //     the incoming data

void L1InitManager::PrintStations(int verbosityLevel) const
  if (verbosityLevel < 1) {
    for (auto& station : fStationsInfo) {
      LOG(info) << "----------- station: ";
      LOG(info) << "\ttype = " << station.GetStationType();  // TMP
      LOG(info) << "\tz = " << station.GetZdouble(); 
  else {
    for (auto& station : fStationsInfo) {

void L1InitManager::TransferL1StationArray(std::array<L1Station, L1Parameters::kMaxNstations>& destinationArray)
  /// First of all, we must check if L1Station was properly initialized
  // TODO: actually, false condition will never reached (must thing about it, may be remove assertions from 
  // CheckStationInfo and leave only warnings and flag)
  bool ifStationsInitialized = CheckStationsInfo();
  if (!ifStationsInitialized) {
    LOG(error) << "L1InitManager::TransferL1StationArray: attempt to pass unitialized L1Station array to L1Algo core";

  /// Check if destinationArraySize is enough for the transfer
  int  totalStationsNumber = this->GetStationsNumber();
  bool ifDestinationArraySizeOk = totalStationsNumber <= static_cast<int>(destinationArray.size());
  if (!ifDestinationArraySizeOk) {
      << "L1InitManager::TransferL1StationArray: destination array size (" << destinationArray.size()
      << ") is smaller then actual number of active tracking stations (" << totalStationsNumber << ")";

  auto destinationArrayIterator = destinationArray.begin();
  for (const auto& item: fStationsInfo) {
    *destinationArrayIterator = std::move(item.GetL1Station());
  LOG(info) << "L1InitManager: L1Station vector was successfully transfered to L1Algo core :)";


int L1InitManager::GetStationsNumber(L1DetectorID detectorID) const
  auto ifDetectorIdDesired = [&detectorID](const L1BaseStationInfo& station) {
    return station.GetDetectorID() == detectorID;
  return std::count_if(fStationsInfo.begin(), fStationsInfo.end(), ifDetectorIdDesired);


void L1InitManager::SetActiveDetectorIDs(const std::set<L1DetectorID>& detectorIDs)
  // TODO: To think about redifinition possibilities: should it be allowed or not?
  fActiveDetectorIDs = detectorIDs;
  fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEactiveDetectorIDs] = true;

void L1InitManager::SetFieldFunction(const std::function<void(const double (&xyz)[3], double (&B)[3])>& fieldFunction)
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEfieldFunction]) {
    fFieldFunction = fieldFunction;
    fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEfieldFunction] = true;
  else {
    LOG(warn) << "L1InitManager::SetFieldFunction: attemt to reinitialize the field function. Ignored";

void L1InitManager::SetStationsNumberCrosscheck(L1DetectorID detectorID, int nStations)
  // NOTE: We add and check only those detectors which will be active (?)
  // For INACTIVE detectors the initialization code for it inside CbmL1/BmnL1 can (and must) be still in,
  // but it will be ignored inside L1InitManager.
  if (fActiveDetectorIDs.find(detectorID) != fActiveDetectorIDs.end()) { 
    fStationsNumberCrosscheck[detectorID] = nStations;
  // Check if all the station numbers for active detectors are initialized now:
  LOG(debug) << "SetStationsNumberCrosscheck called for detectorID = " << static_cast<int>(detectorID);
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsNumberCrosscheck]) {
    bool ifInitialized = true;
    for (auto item: fActiveDetectorIDs) {
      if (fStationsNumberCrosscheck.find(item) == fStationsNumberCrosscheck.end()) {
          << "L1InitManager::SetStationsNumberCrosscheck: uninitialized number of stations for detectorID = "
          << static_cast<int>(item);
        ifInitialized = false;
    fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsNumberCrosscheck] = ifInitialized;
  LOG(debug) << "InitResult: " << fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsNumberCrosscheck];

void L1InitManager::SetReferencePrimaryVertexPoints(double z0, double z1, double z2)
  if (fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEprimaryVertexField]) {
      << "L1InitManager::SetReferencePrimaryVertexPoints: attempt to redefine reference points for field calculation "
      << "near primary vertex. Ignore";

  // Check for field function
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEfieldFunction]) {
      << "L1InitManager::SetReferencePrimaryVertexPoints: attempt to set reference points for field calculation near "
      << "primary vertex before the magnetic field function intialization";

  constexpr int numberOfDimensions {3};
  constexpr int numberOfReferencePoints {3};

  std::array<double, numberOfReferencePoints> inputZ = { z0, z1, z2 }; // tmp array to store input assigned with index
  std::array<L1FieldValue, numberOfReferencePoints> B = {};
  std::array<fvec, numberOfReferencePoints> z = { z0, z1, z2 };
  for (int idx = 0; idx < numberOfReferencePoints; ++idx) {
    double point[numberOfDimensions] = {0., 0., inputZ[idx] };
    double field[numberOfDimensions] = {};
    fFieldFunction(point, field);
    B[idx].x = field[0];
    B[idx].y = field[1];
    B[idx].z = field[2];
  fPrimaryVertexFieldRegion.Set(B[0], z[0], B[1], z[1], B[2], z[2]);
  fPrimaryVertexFieldValue = B[0];

  fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEprimaryVertexField] = true;

bool L1InitManager::CheckStationsInfo()
  if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsInfo]) {
    bool ifInitPassed = true;

    if (!fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEifStationNumbersChecked]) {
      for (const auto& itemDetector: fActiveDetectorIDs) {
        int actualStationsNumber = GetStationsNumber(itemDetector);
        int expectedStationsNumber =;
        if (actualStationsNumber != expectedStationsNumber) {
            << "L1InitManager::CheckStationsInfo: Incorrect number of L1BaseStationInfo objects passed to the L1Manager "
            << "for L1DetectorID = " << static_cast<int>(itemDetector) << ": " << actualStationsNumber << " of " 
            << expectedStationsNumber << " expected";
          ifInitPassed = false;
      fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEifStationNumbersChecked] = ifInitPassed;
    if (!ifInitPassed) {
      LOG(error) << "L1InitManager::CheckStationsInfo: initialization failed";

    // Check for maximum allowed number of stations
    int totalStationsNumber = GetStationsNumber();
    if (totalStationsNumber > L1Parameters::kMaxNstations) {
        << "Actual total number of registered stations (" << totalStationsNumber << ") is larger then designed one ("
        << L1Parameters::kMaxNstations << "). Please, select another set of active tracking detectors";
      // TODO: We have to provide an instruction of how to increase the kMaxNstations number keeping the code consistent
      assert((totalStationsNumber <= L1Parameters::kMaxNstations));

    fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsInfo] = true;
  else {
    LOG(warn) << "L1InitManager: L1BaseStationInfo set has already been initialized";
  // NOTE: we return a flag here to reduce a number of calls outside the funcition. In other hands we keep this flag
  // to be consistent with other class fields initialization rules
  return fInitFlags[L1InitManager::kEstationsInfo];