#include "CbmTrdDigitizer.h"
#include "CbmMCTrack.h"
#include "CbmMatch.h"
#include "CbmTrdAddress.h"
#include "CbmTrdDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdGeoHandler.h"
#include "CbmTrdModuleSim.h"
#include "CbmTrdModuleSimR.h"
#include "CbmTrdModuleSimT.h"
#include "CbmTrdParAsic.h"
#include "CbmTrdParModDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdParModGain.h"
#include "CbmTrdParModGas.h"
#include "CbmTrdParModGeo.h"
#include "CbmTrdParSetAsic.h"
#include "CbmTrdParSetDigi.h"
#include "CbmTrdParSetGain.h"
#include "CbmTrdParSetGeo.h"
#include "CbmTrdPoint.h"
#include <FairEventHeader.h>
#include <FairRuntimeDb.h>
#include "CbmTrdCheckUtil.h"
#include "CbmTrdRawToDigiR.h"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::make_pair;
using std::map;
using std::max;
using namespace std;
Int_t CbmTrdDigitizer::fConfig = 0;
CbmTrdDigitizer::CbmTrdDigitizer(CbmTrdRadiator* radiator)
: CbmDigitize<CbmTrdDigi>("TrdDigitize")
, fLastEventTime(0)
, fpoints(0)
, nofBackwardTracks(0)
, fEfficiency(1.)
, fPoints(NULL)
, fTracks(NULL)
, fDigis(nullptr)
, fDigiMatches(nullptr)
, fAsicPar(NULL)
, fGasPar(NULL)
, fDigiPar(NULL)
, fGainPar(NULL)
, fGeoPar(NULL)
, fRadiator(radiator)
, fConverter(NULL)
// ,fConverter()
// ,fGeoHandler(new CbmTrdGeoHandler())
, fModuleMap()
, fDigiMap() {
if (fRadiator == NULL) fRadiator = new CbmTrdRadiator(kTRUE, "K++");
delete fDigis;
delete fDigiMatches;
for (map<Int_t, CbmTrdModuleSim*>::iterator imod = fModuleMap.begin();
imod != fModuleMap.end();
delete imod->second;
delete fConverter;
delete fQA;
void CbmTrdDigitizer::SetParContainers() {
fAsicPar = static_cast<CbmTrdParSetAsic*>(
fGasPar = static_cast<CbmTrdParSetGas*>(
fDigiPar = static_cast<CbmTrdParSetDigi*>(
fGainPar = static_cast<CbmTrdParSetGain*>(
fGeoPar = new CbmTrdParSetGeo(); //fGeoPar->Print();
FairRootManager* ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
if (!ioman) LOG(fatal) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Init: No FairRootManager";
fPoints = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("TrdPoint");
if (!fPoints) LOG(fatal) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Init(): No TrdPoint array!";
if (!fTracks) LOG(fatal) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Init(): No MCTrack array!";
fConverter = new CbmTrdRawToDigiR();
// Set time-based mode if appropriate
SetTimeBased(fEventMode ? kFALSE : kTRUE);
LOG(info) << "================ TRD Digitizer ===============";
LOG(info) << " Free streaming : " << (IsTimeBased() ? "yes" : "no");
LOG(info) << " Add Noise : " << (AddNoise() ? "yes" : "no");
LOG(info) << " Weighted distance : " << (UseWeightedDist() ? "yes" : "no");
return kSUCCESS;
// get event info (once per event, used for matching)
// reset private monitoring counters
// loop tracks in current event
Int_t nofPoints = fPoints->GetEntriesFast();
//fMCPointId = iPoint;
CbmTrdPoint* point = static_cast<CbmTrdPoint*>(fPoints->At(iPoint));
if (!point) continue;
const CbmMCTrack* track =
static_cast<const CbmMCTrack*>(fTracks->At(point->GetTrackID()));
if (!track) continue;
Double_t dz = point->GetZOut() - point->GetZIn();
if (dz < 0) {
LOG(debug2) << GetName() << "::Exec: MC-track points towards target!";
// get link to the module working class
map<Int_t, CbmTrdModuleSim*>::iterator imod =
if (imod == fModuleMap.end()) {
// Looking for gas node corresponding to current point in geo manager
Double_t meanX = (point->GetXOut() + point->GetXIn()) / 2.;
Double_t meanY = (point->GetYOut() + point->GetYIn()) / 2.;
Double_t meanZ = (point->GetZOut() + point->GetZIn()) / 2.;
gGeoManager->FindNode(meanX, meanY, meanZ);
if (!TString(gGeoManager->GetPath()).Contains("gas")) {
LOG(error) << GetName() << "::Exec: MC-track not in TRD! Node:"
<< TString(gGeoManager->GetPath()).Data()
<< " gGeoManager->MasterToLocal() failed!";
mod = AddModule(point->GetDetectorID());
mod->SetLinkId(fCurrentInput, fCurrentMCEntry, iPoint);
Double_t gamma = TMath::Sqrt(
1 + TMath::Power(track->GetP() / (3.e8 * track->GetMass()), 2));
point, fCurrentEventTime, TMath::Abs(track->GetPdgCode()) == 11);
// Fill data from internally used stl map into CbmDaqBuffer.
// Calculate final event statistics
Int_t nDigis(0), nofElectrons(0), nofLatticeHits(0),
nofPointsAboveThreshold(0), n0, n1, n2;
for (map<Int_t, CbmTrdModuleSim*>::iterator imod = fModuleMap.begin();
imod != fModuleMap.end();
imod++) {
// in streaming mode flush buffers only up to a certain point in time wrt to current event time (allow for event pile-ups)
//printf("Processing data for module %d\n", imod->first);
if (IsTimeBased()) nDigis += imod->second->FlushBuffer(fCurrentEventTime);
// in event-by-event mode flush all buffers
if (!IsTimeBased()) imod->second->FlushBuffer();
imod->second->GetCounters(n0, n1, n2);
nofElectrons += n0;
nofLatticeHits += n1;
nofPointsAboveThreshold += n2;
std::map<Int_t, std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>* digis =
//printf(" Digits[%d] %d\n", imod->first, digis->size());
for (std::map<Int_t, pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>::iterator it =
it != digis->end();
it++) {
SendData(it->second.first, it->second.second);
} //# digis
fLastEventTime = fCurrentEventTime;
Double_t digisOverPoints =
(nofPoints > 0) ? Double_t(nDigis) / Double_t(nofPoints) : 0;
Double_t latticeHitsOverElectrons =
(nofElectrons > 0) ? (Double_t) nofLatticeHits / (Double_t) nofElectrons
: 0;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec Points: " << nofPoints;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec PointsAboveThreshold: "
<< nofPointsAboveThreshold;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec Digis: " << nDigis;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec digis/points: "
<< digisOverPoints;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec BackwardTracks: "
<< nofBackwardTracks;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec LatticeHits: "
<< nofLatticeHits;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec Electrons: " << nofElectrons;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec latticeHits/electrons:"
<< latticeHitsOverElectrons;
LOG(debug) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::Exec real time=" << timer.RealTime()
LOG(info) << "+ " << setw(15) << GetName() << ": Event " << setw(6) << right
<< fCurrentEvent << " at " << fixed << setprecision(3)
<< fCurrentEventTime << " ns, points: " << nofPoints
<< ", digis: " << nDigis << ". Exec time " << setprecision(6)
<< timer.RealTime() << " s.";
LOG(info) << GetName() << ": Processing analogue buffers";
Int_t nDigis(0);
for (map<Int_t, CbmTrdModuleSim*>::iterator imod = fModuleMap.begin();
imod != fModuleMap.end();
imod++) {
nDigis += imod->second->FlushBuffer();
std::map<Int_t, std::pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>* digis =
for (std::map<Int_t, pair<CbmTrdDigi*, CbmMatch*>>::iterator it =
it != digis->end();
it++) {
SendData(it->second.first, it->second.second);
LOG(info) << GetName() << ": " << nDigis
<< (nDigis == 1 ? " digi " : " digis ")
<< "created and sent to DAQ ";
void CbmTrdDigitizer::Finish() {
// flush buffers in streaming mode
LOG(info) << "=====================================";
LOG(info) << GetName() << ": Finish run";
LOG(info) << GetName() << ": Run summary ";
LOG(info) << "=====================================";
CbmTrdModuleSim* CbmTrdDigitizer::AddModule(Int_t detId) {
/** The geometry structure is treelike with cave as
* the top node. For the TRD there are keeping volume
* trd_vXXy_1 which is only container for the different layers.
* The trd layer is again only a container for all volumes of this layer.
* Loop over all nodes below the top node (cave). If one of
* the nodes contains a string trd it must be TRD detector.
* Now loop over the layers and
* then over all modules of the layer to extract in the end
* all active regions (gas) of the complete TRD. For each
* of the gas volumes get the information about size and
* position from the geomanager and the sizes of the sectors
* and pads from the definitions in CbmTrdPads. This info
* is then stored in a CbmTrdModule object for each of the TRD modules.
CbmTrdGeoHandler geoHandler;
Int_t moduleAddress = geoHandler.GetModuleAddress(path),
moduleType = geoHandler.GetModuleType(path),
orientation = geoHandler.GetModuleOrientation(path),
lyId = CbmTrdAddress::GetLayerId(detId);
if (moduleAddress != detId) {
LOG(error) << "CbmTrdDigitizer::AddModule: MC module ID " << detId
<< " does not match geometry definition " << moduleAddress
<< ". Module init failed!";
LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::AddModule(" << path << " "
<< (moduleType < 9 ? 'R' : 'T') << "] mod[" << moduleAddress
<< "] ly[" << lyId << "] det[" << detId << "]";
CbmTrdModuleSim* module(NULL);
if (moduleType >= 9) {
module = fModuleMap[moduleAddress] =
new CbmTrdModuleSimT(moduleAddress, lyId, orientation, UseFASP());
module = fModuleMap[moduleAddress] =
new CbmTrdModuleSimR(moduleAddress, lyId, orientation);
// try to load Geometry parameters for module
const CbmTrdParModGeo* pGeo(NULL);
if (!fGeoPar
|| !(pGeo = (const CbmTrdParModGeo*) fGeoPar->GetModulePar(detId))) {
LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::AddModule : No Geo params for module @ "
<< path << ". Using default.";
module->SetGeoPar(new CbmTrdParModGeo(Form("TRD_%d", detId), path));
// try to load read-out parameters for module
const CbmTrdParModDigi* pDigi(NULL);
if (!fDigiPar
|| !(pDigi = (const CbmTrdParModDigi*) fDigiPar->GetModulePar(detId))) {
LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::AddModule : No Read-Out params for module @ "
<< path << ". Using default.";
} else
// TODO check if this works also for ModuleR (moduleType < 9) modules
if (moduleType >= 9) {
// try to load ASIC parameters for module
CbmTrdParSetAsic* pAsic(NULL);
if (!fAsicPar
|| !(pAsic = (CbmTrdParSetAsic*) fAsicPar->GetModuleSet(detId))) {
LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::AddModule : No ASIC params for module @ "
<< path << ". Using default.";
->SetAsicPar(); // map ASIC channels to read-out channels - need ParModDigi already loaded
} else
// try to load Chamber parameters for module
const CbmTrdParModGas* pChmb(NULL);
if (!fGasPar
|| !(pChmb = (const CbmTrdParModGas*) fGasPar->GetModulePar(detId))) {
LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::AddModule : No Gas params for module @ "
<< path << ". Using default.";
} else
// try to load Gain parameters for module
const CbmTrdParModGain* pGain(NULL);
if (!fGainPar
|| !(pGain = (const CbmTrdParModGain*) fGainPar->GetModulePar(detId))) {
LOG(debug) << GetName() << "::AddModule : No Gain params for module @ "
<< path << ". Using default.";
} else
// Register this class to the module. For data transport through SendData().
return module;
void CbmTrdDigitizer::ResetCounters() {
/** Loop over modules and calls ResetCounters on each
for (std::map<Int_t, CbmTrdModuleSim*>::iterator imod = fModuleMap.begin();
imod != fModuleMap.end();
void CbmTrdDigitizer::ResetArrays() {
if (fDigis) fDigis->clear();
if (fDigiMatches) fDigiMatches->clear();