- Jun 25, 2021
There is a known but yet not fixed issue with the latest FairSoft (ROOT) version and the Analystree package which breaks the test suite. Since we don't use the version anyway the test is remove from the pipeline till the issue is fixed.
Add new combinations of FairSoft/FairRoot to the Debian8 tests which are executed on the singularity runner Pass additional flags to CTest. Cleanup the script.
If defined run a configuration script before executing CTest. This is needed for example to define newer compiler or cmake versions.
Beside the existing debian10 test, now also debian8 is tested. Limit the number of used CPUs to 14 such that 4 concurrent jobs don't interfere with each other.
Store variables and job template separatly and put them together for the job. With only one job this doesn't make sense yet but if more jobs are added the definition of the new jobs become much more easy and the duplicated code is removed.
Move variables out of the script. If this works the script can be used by any of our runners.
Add a new computer with a singularity runner. Currently the image is fixed to debian10. If the runner correctly works the scheme can be expanded to other OS. This is currently a test if the runner is implemented correctly and properly picks up the work.
Cornelius Feier-Riesen authored
Develop combinatorial BG procedure and add corresponding histograms
Script which asks a series of questions which detectors to include to allow automatic generation of a user specified setup script. The scripts allows only default geometries as a feature. Additionally, allows the user to shift the downstream detectors to any desired location with correct placements prompts. The script doesn't not modify existing geometries but creates new geometries with the auto tag which are overwritten on each subsequent run. Although linking of parameter files has been included. This script was created for the management of geometries and should be treated with caution for use in simulation. The script creates new macros using the prenom "costum" from the run_transport, run_digi and run_reco digis.
- Jun 24, 2021
Administrator authored
Somehow /usr/loacl/lib isn'T any longer in the default link path such that libfreetype isn't found.
Work around an issue in boost. https://github.com/boostorg/property_tree/pull/50
Comment unused variables.
Comment unused parameters.
Comment unused variables and data members. Fix printf formating issue which is different between macosx and Linux.
- Jun 23, 2021
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Update mTrd asic parameters for mcbm2021 setup - Add a separate file for the drifttime map of the 1D TRD modules
- Jun 22, 2021
Work around an issue in boost. https://github.com/boostorg/property_tree/pull/50
Pierre-Alain Loizeau authored
- Add general git ignore filter for all_XXXX.par files in all mcbm macro folders until 2099 - Same for PDF files - Add gitignore for private ROOT settings in mcbm2021 folder - Remove existing private ROOT config in mcbm2021 folder
Nikolay Karpushkin authored
Nikolay Karpushkin authored
Nikolay Karpushkin authored
Nikolay Karpushkin authored
- Jun 21, 2021
Nikolay Karpushkin authored
Administrator authored
A static const class member in a cout statement results in an undefined symbol when linking an executable using the class. The solution is to do a static cast of the variable in the cout statement.
Administrator authored
In the latest flesnet version a fix was added to avoid crashes due to a missing include statement. The error occors only with teh gcc8 compiler on Debian 8 and 10.
- Jun 18, 2021
Administrator authored
Switch from FairSoft version jun19p2 to jun19p3. In the FairSoft release jun19p2 some download URLs have changed such that the installation did not work any longer.
Administrator authored
An external packages is only updated if there is a change in the commit hash of the external package. Unfortunately there was no change of the hash value in MR 323 but only a patch setp was added. The introduced patch is such not applied since no action is taken at all. This commit fixes the problem by changing the commit hash by one. The new commit only adds code which isn't compiled in our setup such is safe.
- Jun 17, 2021
It was advised by the FariMQ expert to switch from a push-pull approach to a Rep-Req one. This should improve the balance of TS delivery when they have non uniform size/processing time and reduce the buffering in the Sample - Add new sampler class CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq using the reply model - Add example of a consummer device using the request model - Add new monitor classes for T0 and TOF using the request model
- Properly resets the T0 mapped channel rate evolution plot - In TOF, mask the Error messages and SPI messages when Ignore Critical flag set
[FLES IPC] In Multi-part subscriber, move the init out of the constructor to follow FairMQ states design - Temporary patch to fles IPC external files - Corresponding modifications in CbmMQTsaMultiSampler - Corresponding modifications in CbmMcbm2018Source
- In CbmMqHistoServer, add a new method processing a multi-part message to combine Histo config, Canvas config and histo data - Attach this new method to the histo data input channel - Convert the T0 MQ monitor to this single channel usage - Convert the Tof MQ monitor to this single channel usage
- In both, add InitHistograms method - Call InitContainers and InitHistograms in Run and only on first message
- Jun 16, 2021
Administrator authored
The test will always fail since the used classes were removed from the code base.
- Jun 15, 2021
Omveer authored