- Dec 18, 2021
There are four sts beampipe macros to include to use them along with the new sts geometries beampipe_v21a: Old beampipe, can only be used with sts geometry version: sts_v21[a]. beampipe_v21b: New beampipe. It has 40mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter (including cylindrical part) downstream side. This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry version: sts_v21[b, d, f, h]. beampipe_v21c: New beampipe. It has 55mm diameter upstream side and 104mm diameter(including cylindrical part) downstream side. This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry version: sts_v21[c]. beampipe_v21d: New beampipe. It has 40mm diameter upstream side and 104 diameter(including cylindrical part) downstream side. This beampipe can be used with the sts geometry having a target position at -44 cm. which means it can only be used with the sts geometry vesrion: sts_v21[e, g, i].
- Dec 17, 2021
Correct CbmDaq to provide the proper MC event list. Prevent tree access modes kRepeat and kRandom for the time being.
In TOF unpacker, make the 2021 epoch hack controlable and disable it by default + enable in unpack macro for old runs
- In sim/steer, add CbmSetupStorable class in CbmSetup to convert back and forth from memory Instance to streamable object - Add support for CbmSetup in MQ parameter server device, with CbmSetupStorable output upon request - Change CbmSetup usage in MQ Unpack device from Disk access to parameter server request - Add printout of the received tag in MQ unpack for each detector system
- Switch Sampler-Unpackers connection from Push-Pull to Rep-Req! lower sample memory usage and better load-balancing performances (first ready first served)! - Use single channel for all histograms exchanges (objects but also configs)... to be cross-checked as some warnings - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, fix logic for emission of missing TS list when first missing is index 1 - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, add case of missing TS 0 to same logic (starting processing after beginning of a run) - In CbmMQTsSamplerRepReq, fix the stop execution when reaching max TS nb condition
- Add CbmDeviceDigiEventSink class and DigiEventSink binary - In TsaMultiSampler, fix logic for emission of missing TS list when first missing is index 1 - Use vector ofCbmEvents instead of TClonesArray at output of BuildDigiEvents - Add missing features file for Unpack-Build-Sink chain - Add optional output of the full digi vectors in Event Sink => Tested with first file of run 1588, missing TS probably need better handling as too many empty fields
- Device using the central event builder algo in reco, with compatibility to output of the new unpack device - Macro using these two new devices and setting the parameter files for the mCBM July 2021 data (optimized for run 1588)
- Split the InitUnpacker method of the UnpackConfig template into - InitOutput - RegisterOutput (Framework bound, to be replaced by method in Task class CbmRecoUnpack) - SetAlgo - initParContainer, moved to the Task Class CbmRecoUnpack - InitAlgo - Move to the template version of these methods all blocks common to all derived config classes - Whenever necessary, overload these methods in the derived config classes (including the common parts, no base method call) - Bump Config classes version number - Adapt the Sts Unpack algo classes to initialize the monitor classes - Adapt the CbmRecoUnpack - Adapt the CbmUnpackDevice to use the standard Unpack Config classes (compiles with full functionality but untested)
Volker Friese authored
Expand CbmTaskMakeRecoEvent to all digi types in order to enable reconstruction and analysis from files taken with mCBM.
- Dec 16, 2021
Add all data classes needed by libAlgo to libOnlineData. Add all other referenced classses to libOnlineData. Remove ROOT dependencies from all these classes. Link libAlgo against libOnlineData.
- Move implementation of CbmMuchAddress::SetElementId to cpp file - Move Logger include from header to cpp - Add missing Logger include to CbmMuchSignal cxx file - Add missing Logger include to CbmAnaDimuonAnalysis cxx file (needed only for FS/FR jun19-v18.2) Induced by inclusion in DigiData of the other detectors on top of STS (needed only for FS/FR higher than FS/FR jun19-v18.2)
Add includes for new members of DigiData in algo and related task cmake files (to be stashed/fixup w/ change to DigiData)
- Add copy constructor to CbmEvent - Define DigiData types and add members for the other CBM detectors in CbmDigiData(!MUCH beamtime digi usage!) - Add vector of CbmEvents, all DigiData types, CbmDigiEvent and vector of CbmDigiEvent to LinkDef to get ROOT streamers (needed to write to ROOT file)
In CbmMcbm2018RichPar, add explicit assignment OP constructor + replace map with vector when possible - Introduce LoadInternalContainers method for setting all memberss derived from other members - replace fToTshiftMap map with vector as continuous array with always successive keys (faster access) - add the copy and assignment constructors - Add a Print method
and also change nofBins of hTofM2 histogram.
- Dec 14, 2021
Sergey Gorbunov authored
Administrator authored
Add description for macros and scripts which were missing.
- Dec 10, 2021
Sergey Gorbunov authored
TimeClusterTrigger: Fixed treatment of edge case where new digi has exactly the seperation 'deadTime' from last trigger.
Outputs the structure of a root geometry binaries which comparison by standard unix text based diff tools. Creates a GRAPHVIZ graph of the geometry structure. Short README gives some basic command examples. Applied clang format
- Dec 09, 2021
- Dec 08, 2021
With the latest change not all libraries were found any longer such that not all libraries were tested. The outcome of the test was such not reliable.
Build glue code for the new enumerator such that it can be properly used in the macro.
Add missing library dependencies and link directories. Remove obsolete library dependencies and include/link directories.
To resolve the circular dependency the KF library was split into 3 separate libraries. KF contains the base part, the new KFQA lib now contains everything which is related to quality assurance. The new lib KFParticleInterface is the interface needed to use the external KFParticle library. There wasn't any cleanup of the build system done yet.
The implementation of the function was in the source file. Since the function was also used in a qa class no code code be created at that place. This results in a missing symbol during linking. Put the template code properly in the header solves the problem.
Add patch needed to for NicaFemto which adds missing library dependencies. Add missing link directory and library dependency for fles logging library. Use Vc from FairSoft if available Only build the internal Vc version if none is found in FairSoft installation. This solves the problem with failing macros due to incosistent versions of Vc library and header files.