- Nov 19, 2021
- Oct 31, 2021
There was a circular dependency between Littrack and CbmRichReco. The problem only shows up when linking an executable. The dependency could be resolved by moving some of the rich code into the directory core/detectors/rich and splitting the littrack library into two parts. The first library (Littrack) contains everything beside the littrack QA classes and the second one (LittrackQA) contains only the QA code. Those files moved from reco/detectors/rich had no dependencies to reco or sim.
- Sep 08, 2021
Somehow (at least on some systems) the link order was such that the first directory was $SIMPATH/lib. This was even the case when the order was defined differently in the CMakeLists.txt. The problem isn't yet understood completely. This results in the problem that libVc.a was taken from $SIMPATH/lib were it is installed by ROOT/FairSoft. As long as the version provided with CbmRoot and the version provided by ROOT were the same the problem wasn't seen. When updating our internal Vc version this results in a creash when loading libryries due to a version mismatch between the library version and the header file version.
- Jun 03, 2020
Administrator authored
This version is an exact copy of the last revision of the trunk branch of the old SVN repository of CbmRoor at https://subversion.gsi.de/cbmsoft/cbmroot/trunk The old SVN repository will still be available for read access.