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Geometries from mCBM 2024 fork (Nickel runs)

Backports of cleaned up versions from the "mcbm forks". See also #3265

Stay as draft until decisions on overlaps resolved

In case you committed a new geometry:

  • Ran the scripts for materials and radiation length check on my new geometry file? (and read carefully the output of course)
    bash ci_scripts/ <path>/<file>.geo.root
  • Added also the corresponding creation macro?
  • Checked that the geometry does not contains unexpected overlaps, e.g. either at end of the creation macro or with the something similar to the mCBM macro
    => Done at setup level

In case you committed a new setup file:

  • Checked that all geometries listed are present in the repository?
  • Ran the CBMROOT macro/geometry/examine_materials.C to check the full setup for redefinitions
  • Checked that the setup for overlaps with macro/geometry/check_overlaps.C on the output file of the previous step
    • Overlap between mTOF and long beampipe, seems significant, to be resolved
    • Overlap between electronics boards in TRD2D, seems really small and candidate for expected overlap, to be resolved

Of interest to: @d.emschermann @i.deppner @n.herrmann @a.bercuci @p.kaehler @a.toia @c.pauly @c.sturm

Edited by Eoin Clerkin

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