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new mcbm setup for High Rate Gold Runs of 18/06/22 to 20/06/2022 named as mcbm_beam_2022_06_18_gold

Vikas Singhal requested to merge v.singhal/cbmroot_geometry:master into master

Dear Eoin, Created a new mcbm setup for High Rate Gold Runs of 18/06/22 to 20/06/2022 named as mcbm_beam_2022_06_18_gold.

In case you committed a new setup file:

  • Ran the CBMROOT macro/geometry/check_media.C on the corresponding .geo.root file? (output by the transport macro)

We have copied the mcbm_beam_2022_06_16_gold setup and created a new named mcbm_beam_2022_06_18_gold setup in which only mMuCh geometry tag (much_v22j_mcbm) is used. In this v22j version the GEM Detectors are in acceptance.

All other subsystem are same and output of the check_media.C is same for mcbm_beam_2022_06_16_gold and mcbm_beam_2022_06_18_gold.


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