/** @file MCBM DATA unpacking ** @author Florian Uhlig <f.uhlig@gsi.de> ** @date 20.06.2016 ** Modified by P.-A. Loizeau ** @date 30.01.2019 ** ROOT macro to read tsa files which have been produced with the new data transport ** Convert data into cbmroot format. ** Uses CbmMcbm2018Source as source task. */ #include "find_spills.C" /// FIXME: Disable clang formatting to keep easy parameters overview /* clang-format off */ Bool_t find_spills_kronos(UInt_t uRunIdx = 28, TString sOutDir = "data") { /// FIXME: Re-enable clang formatting after parameters initial values setting /* clang-format on */ UInt_t uRunId = 0; if (99999 != uRunIdx) { std::vector<UInt_t> vuListRunId = { 692, 698, 702, 704, 705, 706, 707, // 7 => 0 - 6 744, 750, 759, 760, 761, 762, 799, // 7 => 7 - 13 811, 812, 816, 817, 819, // 5 => 14 - 18 820, 821, 822, 824, 826, 827, 828, 829, // 8 => 19 - 26 830, 831, 836, // 3 => 27 - 29 841, 846, 849, // 3 => 30 - 32 850, 851, 852, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, // 9 => 33 - 41 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866 // 7 => 42 - 48 /* /// With runs < 1 min due to missmatch! 811, 812, 816, 817, 818, 819, // 6 => 14 - 19 820, 821, 822, 824, 826, 827, 828, 829, // 8 => 20 - 27 830, 831, 836, 839, // 4 => 28 - 31 840, 841, 842, 844, 845, 846, 848, 849, // 8 => 32 - 39 850, 851, 852, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, // 9 => 40 - 48 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866 // 7 => 49 - 55 */ }; if (vuListRunId.size() <= uRunIdx) { std::cout << "Run index is out of range, not doing anything" << std::endl; return kFALSE; } uRunId = vuListRunId[uRunIdx]; } // if( 99999 != uRunIdx ) if (uRunId < 692) return kFALSE; TString inFile = Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn02_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn04_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn05_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn06_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn08_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn10_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn11_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn12_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn13_*.tsa;", uRunId); inFile += Form("/lustre/cbm/users/ploizeau/mcbm2020/data/%3u_pn15_*.tsa", uRunId); return find_spills(inFile, uRunId, sOutDir); }