diff --git a/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa.C b/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa.C
index 7e9753cb124a23b268ad1a32510c883dcf8e0c14..b317ee552625cf9e97e6c114a1e0be30a5136721 100644
--- a/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa.C
+++ b/macro/run/run_unpack_tsa.C
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdUnpackMonitor> GetTrdMonitor(std::string treefilename);
 std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline = false);
-std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename);
+std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename, bool bDebugMode = false);
 void run_unpack_tsa(std::vector<std::string> infile = {"test.tsa"}, UInt_t runid = 0,
                     const char* setupName = "mcbm_beam_2021_03", std::int32_t nevents = -1, std::string outpath = "")
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void run_unpack_tsa(std::vector<std::string> infile = {"test.tsa"}, UInt_t runid
     /// Enable duplicates rejection, Ignores the ADC for duplicates check
     //stsconfig->SetDuplicatesRejection ( true, true );
     /// Enable Monitor plots
-    //stsconfig->SetMonitor(GetStsMonitor(outfilename));
+    //stsconfig->SetMonitor(GetStsMonitor(outfilename, true));
     stsconfig->SetSystemTimeOffset(-2221);  // [ns] value to be updated
   // -------------
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<CbmTrdSpadic> GetTrdSpadic(bool useAvgBaseline)
  * @brief Get the Sts Monitor. Extra function to keep default macro part more silent.
  * @return std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor>
-std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename)
+std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename, bool bDebugMode = false)
   // -----   Output filename and path   -------------------------------------
   std::string outpath  = "";
@@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename)
     filename = treefilename.substr(filenamepos++);
   if (outpath.empty()) outpath = gSystem->GetWorkingDirectory();
-  std::string mydir = "/qa";
-  outpath += mydir;
+  //std::string mydir = "/qa";
+  //outpath += mydir;
   auto currentdir = gSystem->GetWorkingDirectory();
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> GetStsMonitor(std::string treefilename)
   auto monitor = std::make_shared<CbmStsUnpackMonitor>();
-  //monitor->SetDebugMode(true);
+  monitor->SetDebugMode(bDebugMode);
   return monitor;
diff --git a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.cxx b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.cxx
index 9c5edfe70309cdeda4d4d07c0726058cb93e623c..1b030220c20dd61ee813969ced421645e5c51940 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.cxx
@@ -451,6 +451,8 @@ void CbmStsUnpackAlgo::processHitInfo(const stsxyter::Message& mess)
   // Compute the Full time stamp
   const uint64_t ulHitTime = getFullTimeStamp(usRawTs);
+  if (fMonitor) fMonitor->CountRawHit(uFebIdx, uChanInFeb);
   /// Store hit for output only if it is mapped to a module!!!
   if (0 != fviFebAddress[uFebIdx] && fdAdcCut < usRawAdc) {
     /// Store only if masking is disabled or if channeld is not masked
@@ -466,8 +468,10 @@ void CbmStsUnpackAlgo::processHitInfo(const stsxyter::Message& mess)
             && fulTsMsbIndexInTs[fuCurrDpbIdx] == fvvulLastTsMsbChan[uAsicIdx][usChan]) {
           /// FIXME: add plots to check what is done in this rejection
           LOG(debug) << "CbmStsUnpackAlgo::processHitInfo => "
-                     << Form("Rejecting duplicate on Asic %3d channel %3d, TS %3d, ADC %2d", uAsicIdx, usChan, usRawTs,
+                     << Form("Rejecting duplicate on Asic %3u channel %3u, TS %3u, ADC %2u", uAsicIdx, usChan, usRawTs,
+          if (fMonitor) fMonitor->FillDuplicateHitsAdc(uFebIdx, uChanInFeb, usRawAdc);
         }  // if same TS, (ADC,) TS MSB, TS MSB cycle, reject
         fvvusLastTsChan[uAsicIdx][usChan]         = usRawTs;
@@ -502,6 +506,8 @@ void CbmStsUnpackAlgo::processHitInfo(const stsxyter::Message& mess)
+      if (fMonitor) fMonitor->CountDigi(uFebIdx, uChanInFeb);
       /// Catch the pulser digis and either save them to their own output or drop them
       if (fvbFebPulser[uFebIdx]) {
         if (fOptOutAVec) {
@@ -685,6 +691,14 @@ bool CbmStsUnpackAlgo::unpack(const fles::Timeslice* ts, std::uint16_t icomp, UI
   auto msDescriptor = ts->descriptor(icomp, imslice);
+  /// If monitoring enable, fill here the "Per Timeslice" histograms with info from the previous TS
+  /// as only way to detect TS transitions due to the multiple calls in case of multiple components.
+  /// Time set to tlast MS in previous TS. Last TS will be missed.
+  if (fMonitor && 0 == imslice && 0 < fMsStartTime && msDescriptor.idx == ts->start_time()
+      && fMsStartTime < msDescriptor.idx) {
+    fMonitor->FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos(static_cast<double_t>(fMsStartTime) / 1e9);
+  }
   //Current equipment ID, tells from which DPB the current MS is originating
   const uint32_t uCurrentEquipmentId = msDescriptor.eq_id;
   const uint8_t* msContent           = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ts->content(icomp, imslice));
diff --git a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.h b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.h
index 800eb454666088c3aae7cf311db0b78d60d002ff..bb882a56a3c732acadfbce47be0d7267d9df5208 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgo.h
@@ -166,9 +166,6 @@ protected:
   bool unpack(const fles::Timeslice* ts, std::uint16_t icomp, UInt_t imslice);
   // Monitoring
-  /** @brief Potential (online) monitor for the unpacking process */
-  std::shared_ptr<CbmStsUnpackMonitor> fMonitor = nullptr;
   /** @brief Current µSlice time */
   uint64_t fMsStartTime = 0;
diff --git a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy.cxx b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy.cxx
index 19bc9e5dade721b48a3a50d24f22dbbedf563781..097ceecedd6be1f840d0426002365c648d97ad11 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy.cxx
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ void CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy::ProcessHitInfo(const stsxyter::Message& mess)
         && fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle[fuCurrDpbIdx] == fvvusLastTsMsbCycleChan[uAsicIdx][usChan]) {
       /// FIXME: add plots to check what is done in this rejection
       LOG(debug) << "CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy::ProcessHitInfo => "
-                 << Form("Rejecting duplicate on Asic %3d channel %3d, TS %3d, MSB %d, Cycle %d, ADC %2d", uAsicIdx,
+                 << Form("Rejecting duplicate on Asic %3u channel %3u, TS %3u, MSB %lu, Cycle %u, ADC %2u", uAsicIdx,
                          usChan, usRawTs, fvulCurrentTsMsb[fuCurrDpbIdx], fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle[fuCurrDpbIdx], usRawAdc);
     }  // if SMX 2.0 DPB and same TS, ADC, TS MSB, TS MSB cycle!
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ void CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy::ProcessEpochInfo(const stsxyter::Message& /*mess*/)
 void CbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy::ProcessStatusInfo(const stsxyter::Message& mess, uint32_t uIdx)
   if (fMonitor && fMonitor->GetDebugMode()) {
-    std::cout << Form("DPB %2u TS %12u MS %12u mess %5u ", fuCurrDpbIdx, fTsIndex, fulCurrentMsIdx, uIdx);
+    std::cout << Form("DPB %2u TS %12lu MS %12lu mess %5u ", fuCurrDpbIdx, fTsIndex, fulCurrentMsIdx, uIdx);
     mess.PrintMess(std::cout, stsxyter::MessagePrintMask::msg_print_Human);
diff --git a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx
index 24b0cb526074b200a50502c9268b07b9897868aa..7a4b2d994f661fa17b3631a82add832c1e7b9f18 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx
+++ b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2021 Goethe-University, Frankfurt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Pascal Raisig [committer], Dominik Smith */
 #include "CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h"
 #include "CbmQaCanvas.h"
@@ -54,6 +58,16 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms(CbmMcbm2018StsPar* pUnpackPar)
   const UInt_t uNbAsicsPerFeb = pUnpackPar->GetNbAsicsPerFeb();
   const UInt_t uNbChanPerFeb  = pUnpackPar->GetNbChanPerFeb();
+  /// Initialize the per timeslice counters
+  fvuNbRawTsFeb.resize(uNbFebs);
+  fvvuNbRawTsChan.resize(uNbFebs);
+  fvuNbDigisTsFeb.resize(uNbFebs);
+  fvvuNbDigisTsChan.resize(uNbFebs);
+  for (uint32_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < uNbFebs; ++uFebIdx) {
+    fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx].resize(uNbChanPerFeb, 0);
+    fvvuNbDigisTsChan[uFebIdx].resize(uNbChanPerFeb, 0);
+  }
   /// Create general unpacking histograms
   fhDigisTimeInRun = new TH1I("hStsDigisTimeInRun", "Digis Nb vs Time in Run; Time in run [s]; Digis Nb []", 10, 0, 1);
@@ -99,6 +113,12 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms(CbmMcbm2018StsPar* pUnpackPar)
   fhStsStatusMessType = new TH2I(sHistName, title, uNbAsics, 0, uNbAsics, 16, 0., 16.);
   AddHistoToVector(fhStsStatusMessType, "");
+  /// Timeslice counter ratio Plots
+  sHistName           = "hRawHitRatioPerFeb";
+  title               = "Proportion of digis over raw hits in each FEB; FEB []; digis/raw [Prct]";
+  fhRawHitRatioPerFeb = new TProfile(sHistName, title, uNbFebs, -0.5, uNbFebs - 0.5);
+  AddHistoToVector(fhRawHitRatioPerFeb, "");
   UInt_t uAlignedLimit = fuLongHistoNbSeconds - (fuLongHistoNbSeconds % fuLongHistoBinSizeSec);
   fuLongHistoBinNb     = uAlignedLimit / fuLongHistoBinSizeSec;
@@ -107,6 +127,24 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms(CbmMcbm2018StsPar* pUnpackPar)
   /// FEB-8 plots
   /// All histos per FEB: with channels or ASIC as axis!!
   for (UInt_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < uNbFebs; ++uFebIdx) {
+    /// Timeslice counter ratio Plots
+    sHistName = Form("hRawChRatio_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title = Form("Proportion of raw hits in each channel of FEB %2d; Channel []; Share of FEB raw msg [Prct]", uFebIdx);
+    fvhRawChRatio.push_back(new TProfile(sHistName, title, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hHitChRatio_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title     = Form("Proportion of digis in each channel of FEB %2d; Channel []; Share of FEB digis [Prct]", uFebIdx);
+    fvhHitChRatio.push_back(new TProfile(sHistName, title, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hDupliChRatio_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title =
+      Form("Proportion of duplicates in each channel of FEB %2d; Channel []; Share of FEB duplicates [Prct]", uFebIdx);
+    fvhDupliChRatio.push_back(new TProfile(sHistName, title, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hRawHitRatioPerCh_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title = Form("Proportion of digis over raw hits in each channel of FEB %2d; Channel []; digis/raw [Prct]", uFebIdx);
+    fvhRawHitRatioPerCh.push_back(new TProfile(sHistName, title, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hRawDupliRatioPerCh_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title =
+      Form("Proportion of duplicates over raw hits in each channel of FEB %2d; Channel []; dupli/raw [Prct]", uFebIdx);
+    fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh.push_back(new TProfile(sHistName, title, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
     /// Channel counts
     sHistName = Form("hStsFebChanCntRaw_%03u", uFebIdx);
@@ -211,6 +249,11 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms(CbmMcbm2018StsPar* pUnpackPar)
     title     = Form("Hits per second in FEB #%03u; Time [min]; Hits []", uFebIdx);
     fvhStsFebHitRateEvoLong.push_back(new TH1D(sHistName, title, fuLongHistoBinNb, -0.5, uAlignedLimit - 0.5));
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhRawChRatio[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhHitChRatio[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhDupliChRatio[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhRawHitRatioPerCh[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
     AddHistoToVector(fvhStsFebChanCntRaw[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
     AddHistoToVector(fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
     AddHistoToVector(fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
@@ -340,7 +383,15 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::ResetHistograms()
+  fhRawHitRatioPerFeb->Reset();
+  for (UInt_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < fvhRawChRatio.size(); ++uFebIdx) {
+    fvhRawChRatio[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhHitChRatio[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhDupliChRatio[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhRawHitRatioPerCh[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+  }
   for (UInt_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < fvhStsFebChanCntRaw.size(); ++uFebIdx) {
@@ -397,6 +448,8 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateDebugHistograms(CbmMcbm2018StsPar* pUnpackPar)
   const UInt_t uNbAsics       = pUnpackPar->GetNrOfAsics();
   const UInt_t uNrOfDpbs      = pUnpackPar->GetNrOfDpbs();
   const UInt_t uNbChanPerAsic = pUnpackPar->GetNbChanPerAsic();
+  const UInt_t uNbFebs        = pUnpackPar->GetNrOfFebs();
+  const UInt_t uNbChanPerFeb  = pUnpackPar->GetNbChanPerFeb();
   TString sHistName {""};
   TString title {""};
@@ -457,6 +510,52 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateDebugHistograms(CbmMcbm2018StsPar* pUnpackPar)
   AddHistoToVector(fhStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb, "");
+  /// Timeslice counter ratio Plots
+  sHistName              = "hRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb";
+  title                  = "Proportion of digis over raw hits in each FEB; Time [s]; FEB []; digis/raw [Prct]";
+  fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb = new TProfile2D(sHistName, title, 600, -0.5, 599.5, uNbFebs, -0.5, uNbFebs - 0.5);
+  AddHistoToVector(fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb, "");
+  for (uint32_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < uNbFebs; ++uFebIdx) {
+    sHistName = Form("hChDupliAdc_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title     = Form("ADC in duplicate raw in each channel of FEB %2d; Channel []; ADC []", uFebIdx);
+    fvhChDupliAdc.push_back(new TH2I(sHistName, title, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5, 32, -0.5, 31.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hRawChRatioEvo_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title = Form("Proportion of raw hits in each channel of FEB %2d; Time [s]; Channel []; Share of FEB raw msg [Prct]",
+                 uFebIdx);
+    fvhRawChRatioEvo.push_back(
+      new TProfile2D(sHistName, title, 600, -0.5, 599.5, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hHitChRatioEvo_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title =
+      Form("Proportion of digis in each channel of FEB %2d; Time [s]; Channel []; Share of FEB digis [Prct]", uFebIdx);
+    fvhHitChRatioEvo.push_back(
+      new TProfile2D(sHistName, title, 600, -0.5, 599.5, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hDupliChRatioEvo_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title =
+      Form("Proportion of duplicates in each channel of FEB %2d; Time [s]; Channel []; Share of FEB duplicates [Prct]",
+           uFebIdx);
+    fvhDupliChRatioEvo.push_back(
+      new TProfile2D(sHistName, title, 600, -0.5, 599.5, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hRawHitRatioEvoPerCh_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title = Form("Proportion of digis over raw hits in each channel of FEB %2d; Time [s]; Channel []; digis/raw [Prct]",
+                 uFebIdx);
+    fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh.push_back(
+      new TProfile2D(sHistName, title, 600, -0.5, 599.5, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    sHistName = Form("hRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh_%03d", uFebIdx);
+    title =
+      Form("Proportion of duplicates over raw hits in each channel of FEB %2d; Time [s]; Channel []; dupli/raw [Prct]",
+           uFebIdx);
+    fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh.push_back(
+      new TProfile2D(sHistName, title, 600, -0.5, 599.5, uNbChanPerFeb, -0.5, uNbChanPerFeb - 0.5));
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhChDupliAdc[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhRawChRatioEvo[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhHitChRatioEvo[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhDupliChRatioEvo[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+    AddHistoToVector(fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh[uFebIdx], "perFeb");
+  }
   /// Asic plots
   /// All histos per Asic: with channels or ASIC as axis!!
   for (UInt_t uAsicIdx = 0; uAsicIdx < uNbAsics; ++uAsicIdx) {
@@ -512,6 +611,16 @@ Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::ResetDebugHistograms()
+  fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb->Reset();
+  for (UInt_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < fvhRawChRatioEvo.size(); ++uFebIdx) {
+    fvhChDupliAdc[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhRawChRatioEvo[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhHitChRatioEvo[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhDupliChRatioEvo[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+    fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh[uFebIdx]->Reset();
+  }
   for (UInt_t uAsicIdx = 0; uAsicIdx < fvhStsChanCntRaw.size(); ++uAsicIdx) {
@@ -597,6 +706,80 @@ void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos(const UInt_t& uFebIdx, cons
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos(double_t dTsStartTimeS)
+  if (0 == dFirstTsStartTime) dFirstTsStartTime = dTsStartTimeS;
+  double_t dTimeInRun     = dTsStartTimeS - dFirstTsStartTime;
+  double_t dRatio         = 0;
+  uint32_t uNbFebs        = fvuNbRawTsFeb.size();
+  uint32_t uNbChansPerFeb = (uNbFebs ? fvvuNbRawTsChan[0].size() : 0);
+  for (uint32_t uFebIdx = 0; uFebIdx < uNbFebs; ++uFebIdx) {
+    uint32_t uNbDupliFeb = fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx] - fvuNbDigisTsFeb[uFebIdx];
+    if (fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx]) {
+      dRatio = fvuNbDigisTsFeb[uFebIdx] * 100.0 / fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx];
+      fhRawHitRatioPerFeb->Fill(uFebIdx, dRatio);
+      if (fDebugMode) {  //
+        fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb->Fill(dTimeInRun, uFebIdx, dRatio);
+      }
+    }
+    for (uint32_t uChan = 0; uChan < uNbChansPerFeb; ++uChan) {
+      uint32_t uNbDupliChan = fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan] - fvvuNbDigisTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan];
+      if (fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx]) {
+        dRatio = fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan] * 100.0 / fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx];
+        fvhRawChRatio[uFebIdx]->Fill(uChan, dRatio);
+        if (fDebugMode) {  //
+          fvhRawChRatioEvo[uFebIdx]->Fill(dTimeInRun, uChan, dRatio);
+        }
+      }
+      if (fvuNbDigisTsFeb[uFebIdx]) {
+        dRatio = fvvuNbDigisTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan] * 100.0 / fvuNbDigisTsFeb[uFebIdx];
+        fvhHitChRatio[uFebIdx]->Fill(uChan, dRatio);
+        if (fDebugMode) {  //
+          fvhHitChRatioEvo[uFebIdx]->Fill(dTimeInRun, uChan, dRatio);
+        }
+      }
+      if (uNbDupliFeb) {
+        dRatio = uNbDupliChan * 100.0 / uNbDupliFeb;
+        fvhDupliChRatio[uFebIdx]->Fill(uChan, dRatio);
+        if (fDebugMode) {  //
+          fvhDupliChRatioEvo[uFebIdx]->Fill(dTimeInRun, uChan, dRatio);
+        }
+      }
+      if (fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan]) {
+        dRatio = fvvuNbDigisTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan] * 100.0 / fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan];
+        fvhRawHitRatioPerCh[uFebIdx]->Fill(uChan, dRatio);
+        if (fDebugMode) {  //
+          fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh[uFebIdx]->Fill(dTimeInRun, uChan, dRatio);
+        }
+        dRatio = uNbDupliChan * 100.0 / fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan];
+        fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh[uFebIdx]->Fill(uChan, dRatio);
+        if (fDebugMode) {  //
+          fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh[uFebIdx]->Fill(dTimeInRun, uChan, dRatio);
+        }
+      }
+      fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan]   = 0;
+      fvvuNbDigisTsChan[uFebIdx][uChan] = 0;
+    }
+    fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx]   = 0;
+    fvuNbDigisTsFeb[uFebIdx] = 0;
+  }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillDuplicateHitsAdc(const uint32_t& uFebIdx, const uint32_t& uChanInFeb,
+                                               const uint16_t& usAdc)
+  if (fDebugMode) {  //
+    fvhChDupliAdc[uFebIdx]->Fill(uChanInFeb, usAdc);
+  }
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::ResetDebugInfo()
diff --git a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h
index 579b7393bea6e51850188ec094c2cfd619307134..58ae412e3f5dee0968af38b9b036478c2c2c27c0 100644
--- a/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h
+++ b/reco/detectors/sts/unpack/CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----                                                                   -----
-// -----                  CbmStsUnpackMonitor                       -----
-// -----               Created 26.01.2019 by P.-A. Loizeau                 -----
-// -----                                                                   -----
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* Copyright (C) 2021 Goethe-University, Frankfurt
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+   Authors: Pierre-Alain Loizeau, Pascal Raisig [committer], Dominik Smith */
 #ifndef CbmStsUnpackMonitor_H
 #define CbmStsUnpackMonitor_H
@@ -14,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "TH1.h"
 #include "TH2.h"
 #include "TProfile.h"
+#include "TProfile2D.h"
 #include <cstdint>
@@ -211,6 +209,20 @@ public:
                                   const UInt_t& uChanInFeb, const Double_t& dTimeSinceStartSec,
                                   const bool& isHitMissedEvts);
+  void CountRawHit(uint32_t uFebIdx, uint32_t uChanInFeb)
+  {
+    fvuNbRawTsFeb[uFebIdx]++;
+    fvvuNbRawTsChan[uFebIdx][uChanInFeb]++;
+  }
+  void CountDigi(uint32_t uFebIdx, uint32_t uChanInFeb)
+  {
+    fvuNbDigisTsFeb[uFebIdx]++;
+    fvvuNbDigisTsChan[uFebIdx][uChanInFeb]++;
+  }
+  void FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos(double_t dTsStartTime);
+  void FillDuplicateHitsAdc(const uint32_t& uFebIdx, const uint32_t& uChanInFeb, const uint16_t& usAdc);
   /** @brief Activate the debug mode */
   bool GetDebugMode() { return fDebugMode; }
@@ -223,27 +235,41 @@ private:
   TString fHistoFileName = "HistosUnpackerSts.root";
   /// Rate evolution histos
+  double_t dFirstTsStartTime = 0;
   //Bool_t fbLongHistoEnable;
   UInt_t fuLongHistoNbSeconds  = 3600;
   UInt_t fuLongHistoBinSizeSec = 10;
-  UInt_t fuLongHistoBinNb;
+  UInt_t fuLongHistoBinNb      = 1;
+  /// Per timeslice counters to evaluate the eventual raw messages rejection per FEB
+  std::vector<uint32_t> fvuNbRawTsFeb   = {};
+  std::vector<uint32_t> fvuNbDigisTsFeb = {};
+  /// Per timeslice counters to evaluate the eventual raw messages rejection per [FEB, chan] pairs
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> fvvuNbRawTsChan   = {};
+  std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> fvvuNbDigisTsChan = {};
   /// Canvases
   std::vector<CbmQaCanvas*> fvcStsSumm;
   std::vector<CbmQaCanvas*> fvcStsSmxErr;
   ///General histograms
-  TH1* fhDigisTimeInRun        = nullptr;
-  TH1* fhVectorSize            = nullptr;
-  TH1* fhVectorCapacity        = nullptr;
-  TH1* fhMsCntEvo              = nullptr;
-  TH2* fhMsErrorsEvo           = nullptr;
-  TH2* fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo  = nullptr;
-  TH2* fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo = nullptr;
-  TH2* fhStsFebAsicHitCounts   = nullptr;
-  TH2* fhStsStatusMessType     = nullptr;
+  TH1* fhDigisTimeInRun         = nullptr;
+  TH1* fhVectorSize             = nullptr;
+  TH1* fhVectorCapacity         = nullptr;
+  TH1* fhMsCntEvo               = nullptr;
+  TH2* fhMsErrorsEvo            = nullptr;
+  TH2* fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo   = nullptr;
+  TH2* fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo  = nullptr;
+  TH2* fhStsFebAsicHitCounts    = nullptr;
+  TH2* fhStsStatusMessType      = nullptr;
+  TProfile* fhRawHitRatioPerFeb = nullptr;
   ///General "per Feb" histogram vectors
+  std::vector<TProfile*> fvhRawChRatio         = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile*> fvhHitChRatio         = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile*> fvhDupliChRatio       = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile*> fvhRawHitRatioPerCh   = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile*> fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh = {};
   std::vector<TH1*> fvhStsFebChanCntRaw;
   std::vector<TH2*> fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw;
   std::vector<TProfile*> fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf;
@@ -264,7 +290,7 @@ private:
   /** @brief Flag if debug mode is active or not */
   bool fDebugMode = false;
-  ///Debugging histograms
+  /// Debugging histograms
   TH1* fhStsMessType         = nullptr;
   TH2* fhStsMessTypePerDpb   = nullptr;
   TH2* fhStsMessTypePerElink = nullptr;
@@ -273,6 +299,14 @@ private:
   TH2* fhStsDpbRawTsMsbSx    = nullptr;
   TH2* fhStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb   = nullptr;
+  TProfile2D* fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb                = nullptr;
+  std::vector<TH2*> fvhChDupliAdc                   = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile2D*> fvhRawChRatioEvo         = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile2D*> fvhHitChRatioEvo         = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile2D*> fvhDupliChRatioEvo       = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile2D*> fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh   = {};
+  std::vector<TProfile2D*> fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh = {};
   static const UInt_t kiMaxNbFlibLinks = 32;
   TH1* fvhMsSize[kiMaxNbFlibLinks];
   TProfile* fvhMsSizeTime[kiMaxNbFlibLinks];